How much weight have you gained??


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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I was 10st 9lb before I got pregnant, quite slim for my 5"11 frame, so far in my pregnancy Ive gained about 2.5-3stone which terrifies te life out of me seeing as most people comment on my bump being small!! I was just wondering how much weight every1 else has gained??xxx
I'm 5'6" and normally size 10. Last time I stood on scales I thought I'd gained about 2 stone which also scares me as people keep saying I'm neat. Where has it gone? I'm still wearing size 10 maternity stuff and my face doesn't give away the fact that I'm pregnant either.
My face has gone a little chubbier but apart from that I thought I was carrying quite well lol! I expecte to have put on about a stone or something, not looking forward to losing it later!!! Haha xxx
I was 16st 7lbs pre pregnancy :shock: so quite overweight, went down to 15st in tri 1 and I'm now 15st 7lbs ish, so still under my pre pregnancy weight. But being so overweight to start with I have plenty of fat stores to feed LO up :) from some of the other threads I've since previously 2-3 stone is a normal weight gain for a slim average weight lady pre pregnancy. Xxx
i was 9 stone before and now im just creeping up on 11 stone. my face is deffo alot chubbier and my thighs are abit bigger. looking forward to being able to shape up in the future!
I'm hoping for dry summer so that I can put pram to good use and get out walking. Have friend who's personal trainer so wen time is right will b takin advantage of her knowledge. Can't wait to get back into shape although the current state of my body will b so worth the outcome at the end :)

I was around 9 stone before and now I'm just over 10. Ive ate loads aswell xxx
Im about 5ft, was just under 7st when i found out i was pregnant and when i weighed myself at the weekend i am now just nder 9st so 2 stone for me and its all bump luckily x
I'm about 5' 6" and around 10.6 before getting pregnant. I'm now about 11.8 and seem to have put weight on around my tummy and a little in my thighs. Everyone tells me I'm carrying small but so far the little man has measured fine. I have my next midwife appointment on 17th so it'll be interesting to see what my tummy is measuring then. I'm also looking forward to putting the baby in the pram and pounding the pavements xxx
I'm coming up to term and have put on 2stone 5 lb about right I think
Ive put on a 7kg which i think is just over a stone.
God knows how, all ive eaten is crap for 9 months!
I put on nearly 3 stone but lost a stone as soon as I gave birth so don't panic just yet. You are due at the best time for diet and exercise with salads and walks out on warm days so you'll lose most of it pretty quickly. Just make sure you keep a good varied diet especially if you are breast feeding, you'll need some reserves xxxxxxxxxx
I have put on nearly 2 stone so far. Hopefully won't go much over 2 and a half! I think I'm all bump x x
I'm 5.7 and weighted 148lbs pre pregnancy & I've put on 14lbs which is 1 stone.
None :) literally

I lost a stone when we found out I was pregnant, not sure how as I was easting more than I do normally!! and I have only put back on what I have lost minus a few pounds:)

:shock:I've been avoiding the scales since week 20 as I put on a stone in a week and got in a panic. Just got on the scales this morning and I've put on another 7 lbs. I don't think that's too bad - just want to try and stay roughly this weight if possible until baby arrives in 9 weeks.
It's seeing the numbers that freaks me out more than anything. I don't think I look much different but I get all panicky when I see the numbers on the scales.
Ahh, I have avoided the scales!
I found out I had put on about a stone at 20weeks and since then haven't touched the scales out of fear. I was lucky the last few times they just measured my belly rather than weighed me, but I have an appointment tomorrow where I doubt I will be so lucky.
I am deffo mostly bump but have eaten a lot - I eat my 5 fruit and veg and then prob 5 chocs too ;)
well according to the scales at the hospital today i have gained a stone so far and half of that is babys weight as he now weighs in at 5lb 14oz so the rest of it must be blood, placenta and all the other bits as i have a nice tiny neat bump :) xx
Ive gained 4lb at 30.1 weeks ..but im a big girl and couldnt afford to gain weight
my midwife told me id gained 2 stone ! that was by 28 weeks, im 32 weeks now, i knew i had gained weight but not that much ! :(

lots of people have told me you lose it quite quickly after birth - i hope thats true and there not saying it just to make me feel better ! i suffer from pcos too so its harder to loose weight but easier to gain weight !!!


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