My feeding experience.....just wanted to share!

Ide pack that between feeds and get GP to give you some cream (some are beeswax and honey based which are used for packing wounds if u want to keep it natural)

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I was thinking along the same lines.... sorbsan is good or you do have a lot of honey based gels or impregnanted gauze but my concern would be whether or not you can use this if baby feeds as ive heard that babies cant have honey (im sure gp, or actually more likely a practice nurse, would be able to advise).
Or maybe a very small piece of a hydrocolloid would help, such as duoderm, but again you'd have to get from GP. Other option would be something like sudocreme or metanium but you'd have to wash off before use.
Oooh I've got some sudocrem, I can try that now.
Thanks girls x
Pea pod thankyou for the positive experience! Im a new mum to be too and all ive heard is negitive stories. Its so nice to hear a positive one. I have a bf group at my local comunity centre and plan on using it as much as i can :) i so hope i can bf successfully :) xxx
Cos was going to suggest sudofed as it does have anti septic in

Also could you apy straight after a feed, then obviously it'd have a few good hours to get working before you had to feed on that boob- also could you leave it open to air at night (ie under pjs to try and start the healing? Not sure if you'd leak or not!!)
Ouch cosmic, that looks really sore!

I would as the other ladies have advised, put some sudocrem on it and let the air gt to it as much as possible. Obviously wash off the sudocreme bfore feeding little man.

Thanks Emily, I will do.
I cannot explain the searing pain when he sucks it, it makes me dread every feed :( xx
I had a damaged patch on my nipple when i first started, not as bad as yours though. He was latching incorrectly to start with (as they do! Lol!) so ended up bleeding and omg the pain when he latched! Felt like someone was stabbing my nipples with thousands of red hot pins!

That's exactly it! My whole body shakes with the pain. I did that damage about 3 weeks ago and it has gotten worse ever since x
Well said and great to hear a positive experience! I had a bad experience but managed to bf for 9 weeks but lo was too ill and loosing too much weight so had to call it a day! I now look back and wish I had been given more support and I wud ask for it with another! I know however I am doing what is best for my lo as I know everyone else is and feel that I gave him the best start and I now have a strapping healthy little boy!
Dyscochick - im glad it gives some reassurance, that was my aim. I think the nature of any forum means that it is often focused on advice to solve problems and support through difficult times so we do hear more of the worrying sides of parenthood but with this comes a wealth of advice and support so although you may hear more 'horror stories' you will often also see mummies and babies coming through them with a positive result.

Cos - i take my hat off to you for having such dedication to breast feeding through the pain. I feel a bit sore if my LO starts playing with my nipple and having a lazy latch but i have no idea how painful it must be to have genuinely sore nipples. All of my SIL's have had similar problems though and its heartbreaking when they say that every feed made them sob in pain. I have no doubt though that you will get through it all and continue to succeed in BF.XxX

Titch - my mum couldnt BF my eldest brothed but managed with the next 3 and as with all things baby related from pregnancy onwards, she always reminds me that each one is different so just because it didnt happen as you would have liked the first time, it doesnt mean that it cant happen with the next. Being relaxed will definitely help

This actually made me cry :cry: but in a good way, I've never heard of anyone who made it 2nd time round unless there was tongue tie. Thank you x
Cosmic I had something similar - a blister that developed into a hole and I used Avent nipple cream as well as lanisoh and it saved my life!
Really cooling and moisturising.
Also a frozen flannel was lovely! X
Ah, what a lovely post Peapod :) so glad all is going well for you and it's encouraging to hear your experience - I know what you mean about the arguing with your boob lol! I'm having a few issues, but trying to stick it out and hopefully things will pick up... Got to go now as LO is waking up and wants his booby! xxx
Bloody hell Cos, that looks sore. I never had a hole like that, but one time I did wake up with this massive weird blistery lump that covered at least half the end of my nipple and that hurt like fuck when she fed. I did just feed her anyway (got it checked at drop in centre but nothing to worry about) and though painful it went after a few days. Is it not possible to leave off feeding from that boob for a bit, say do two from good boob for one with shield from poorly boob to give it a bit of a rest? It's so tricky, you get so paranoid about affecting supply etc you don't know what to do for the best.
That's the thing cantstop, that's my boob with the best supply! :wall:
We did try a shield for one feed but lo hated it and it was just as painful for me so we abandoned.
I think I might have to visit the GP next week :( xx
You know though, the GP will probably be useless. When I saw the dr at drop in centre the dr and nurse practitioner were essentially stumped and while they had suggestions they were not based in knowledge and experience in the field, just top of their head - they said they'd never seen that before and hmm, just give it a rest for a while. Which I didn't want to do as was paranoid it would affect supply. Maybe I'm not giving them enough credit though or maybe my experience was particularly useless and yours will be better? Fingers crossed - you've got to try all you can as you can't keep on like this for the rest of your bf journey (without going insane!). It's sod's law it would be the good supply one though.

I've (since) read on here about how supply can virtually stop and then be built back up so technically if it got to the point where you were considering actually giving up you could try building up the supply in healthy but poorer supply boob and stopping doing anything but a few drops from poorly but good supply boob for a time until it healed then work on increasing the supply again - would be a lot of work but could be a last resort?
Great thread peapod! I've been bf for 9 days now and LO is doing so . She had a ow start because of delivery so she was really sleep and wouldn't latch, once she woke up a but she latched and off we went. So far I've had a positive experience and can't grumble, my baby loves to eat and sleep usually every 3 hours on average, but I know this can change. I'm not sure how long I will exclusively bf for We are happy for now and that's all that matters.

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