Baby Louie born 3rd June 2011

xx emma xx

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Sep 25, 2010
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I had a sweep on the thursday and came home very disappointed as it was successful but later on that night my waters broke, yipee, they were trickling though so was told to go into mat assessment following morning to check that it was my waters. During the night though the contractions started and were very close together, went into be checked at 6am on the Friday morning to be told I was only 1-2 cm dilated and she I showed her my pad from the waters and she said that doesn't look like enough to be waters in a patronising tone. So she checked anyway and yes as I already knew, my waters had gone! She sent me home and as soon as I got in the car the contractions were excruciating, got home and I just could not cope with the pain, Oh called and explained that they were lasting over one minute and I wasn't getting much time in between them. They obviously thought I was a wimp and said stay home but if struggling to cope come in.
I was in agony and had to go in to be checked, they thought I was overreacting as they left me an hour before checking me. I always said I would never make noise through contractions but omg I couldn't help it. Finally they checked me and I was 5cms. I went from 2cm to 5cm within no more than 2 hours.
So off to the labour suite I went, got given gas and air straight away and what a relief. As soon as I was told I was 5cm I calmed down as I knew I wasn't overreacting to the pain. He was back to back and knew I would have a painful labour so was given diamorphine until someone was available to give me an epidural. The diamorphine and gas and air was doing very little but when I got the epidural, oh the relief was amazing.
I was told that was to try pushing baby out but I may need to have a forceps delivery. I had about 4 different doctors hands up there trying to gauge what way babys head was facing. It was becoming a joke about how many peoples hands had been up there over the full labour.
At 6pm I pushed for an hour but his head just wouldn't turn and eventually I was taken to theatre and had mid cavity forceps delivery. Looking back I was terrified in theatre, I would not stop shaking and ive been left feeling quite traumatised over the whole experience.
They prolonged and prolonged my labour thinking that he would magically turn and just caused me more distress. My beautiful boy was born at 8.02pm, the worst bit was I didn't get to hold him for around half an hour after the birth.
Had to stay in the hospital for 3 nights. Because we have different bloods he started to get jaundiced and was put on phototherapy which he hated, lying in just his nappy with a mask under a uv light. It broke my heart.
We got home yesterday and I just love him to bits. Ive been very sore and ready but that's to be expected I suppose. Louie looked like he was getting jaundiced again so keeping him at window when I can with just his nappy on and he is on folic acid everyday. Hopefully that will all clear up soon.
Oh and he weighed just 6ib 13.
Sorry for such a long post and it's probably all scattery too. I'm getting major baby brain!
Thanks for all the support through my pregnancy, I know I've been a pain at times.
When I wrote sore and ready that should read sore and teary. Stupid iPad x
Congratulations on your baby boy, you did amazing btw. My son was back to back with his head flexed, I got him to within an inch out and then after 3 hours of pushing he had to have a ventouse attached coz he wasn't budging and after trying that for ages had to have an emergency c-section so I completely empathise with some of what you've been through, I still cry when I talk about his birth because it was so traumatic for both of us xxxxxxx :hugs:
I get quite annoyed looking back as they prolonged my labour so much when think I should have been given a c section. I don't know if I could go through it again. And I never thought would say that. Louie is so worth it though. :) x
Sounds like you did brilliantly Hun and what a lovely name xx
Congratulations on your bundle of joy, sorry to hear your labour experience with the healthcare professionals wasn't good. However don't let it put you off for the future. xx
I get quite annoyed looking back as they prolonged my labour so much when think I should have been given a c section. I don't know if I could go through it again. And I never thought would say that. Louie is so worth it though. :) x

I got told after that there is a problem with my pelvis and that's why I couldn't push him out, I'd been under consultant care throughout the 3rd tri and was annoyed this was never picked up and I said I could never do it again, esp knowing I have to have a c-section birth buuuuuuuuuuut 5 months later I could do it again lol

The end result is worth it defo, in time you forget how bad it was, you remember all of it but the severity of the pain etc fades, natures way my mum says lol
Congratulations! 3rd June is the best date- its my birthday too :lol: x
Congrats :)

Im sorry it has left you feeling like you are :hug: I had quite a similar experience with baby being back to back, pushing for hours (but without the pain relief :( ) and then trying forceps but resulting in a section. Try and mention it to the HVs and midwives a little, just to talk about it. Might help you feel slightly better about things. x
Congratulations xxx
Oscar was back to back and I can empathise with the pain!! There is nothing like it xx
You done so well Hun! congratulations: Tegan was also back to back But luckily i managed to push her out! xx
Congrats!! So pleased you are home now!! xxx
oh well done you - what a birth story... even just the words "mid cavity" sound scary to me - you did so well.. glad you are finally home all together x x
Oh I know. If they asked me if I wanted to know exactly what they did I would rather not know. Lol x
Well done Emma, bet you are so glad to be home with your little man now - you did fab & should be proud of yourself :) x

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