Only 3 days to go!

hope not!

I think I would still be nipping to the car in my night clothes busting for a pee, lol.
I just stupidly did a cheapie test and it was a bfn :(

I don't know why I did it. should have known better.
Ahh sorry you got bfn. I just done an opk for some stupid reason and it was negative :(
Lol what made you do an opk?!

I wish I hadn't test now as I'm almost certain I'm out now. My ticker says I'm 12dpo but I'm more than likely 11dpo as I got 2 +opks 1 at cd 16 and on cd17. So do I count dpo from cd 16 or 17? Either way the one step high sensitivity should have picked something up shouldn't it?
I assume cd18 would be 1dpo but I maybe wrong. I don't know what dpo I am as the same as you got 2 positives. As you got the bfn maybe it's because you didn't use fmu?

I had an opk laying about so thought why not, wish I hadn't now. I have a one step preg test to use in the morning if I dare.

What day is af due for you?
Well I'm usually a 30 day cycle girl so tomorrow I should be due af. But my opks have messed me up this cycle. I actually got 4 positive opks but I think the last 2 were just picking up remaining LH.

I'm hoping its a mixture of not being so far past ov and not using fmu.

I have heard some woman say opks can pick up pregnancy hormone, but other don't agree. I might leave it til Tuesday til testing now. X x
Good luck girls, my period is also due tue/wed! Had one positive a few days ago but rest negatives so won't be testing again until Wednesday morning unless AF arrives first... Xx
Morning, I gave in and tested it was bfn! I'm feeling abit down but I do now get to use my cbfm this month now so hopefully that will help. Good luck to the rest of you I will be checking up on you! Xx
Your still not out you poppy. There have been girls on here that got there bfp 4 days after testing negative! Let's hope you have a shy bean?!

I'm gonna go retest now, but I know what it'll say :(
I doubt I am that lucky I seem to always have a string of bad luck. Good luck for your test x
You're not out til you're out so don't lose hope :) xx
Well mine was a bfn, surprise surprise! Also checked cervix and (tmi) but I had some brown discharge, so looks like af is on here way :(
I don't feel sad or upset just angry. We did everything we could this cycle.

Still like you poppy I get to use my cbfm next cycle. But fingers crossed for you that its a shy bean x x x x
Sorry about your bfn. Will it be your first time with the cbfm? When do I start to use it when I get af spotting or full flow? X
Yep its my first time using it. Your first use should be when your on cd1, I class my first full day of flow as cd1 so that's when I'll be turning my monitor on. I also get a day of spotting but I disregard that.

Fingers crossed next month brings more luck, at least the monitor takes the guess work out! X x x
I am really looking forward to using it, we will have to keep each other updated with our results along the way! X
lol me too! its about the only thing that's stopped me from blowing my top this cycle. have you had yours turned on yet? still waiting for my spotting to start but while I wait I'll read the instructions again!

I'll definately let you know how I get on. have you started spotting yet? you might not need the monitor :)
No I have not even taken it out the wrapper, wishful thinking lol. I'm going to open it and read it all tonight. I have the battery's ready! Not started any spotting yet i will prob come straight on tomorrow morning. Least I have a monitor buddy with a similar cycle . Yay x
I usually have a 28-30 day being day 30 but I still don't have any sign of af coming. Usually get a monthly spot and I haven't got that yet either! So looks like this cycle might turn into 32+ cycle. Unless I start spotting tonight. My af never just flows I always get a bit me spotting before and after....she likes to prolong her visit!

Yay monitor buddies!! And ya never know might even end up bump buddies the end of next cycle! X x

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