My Birth Plan


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Sorry, this is a bit long. Does this sound okay? Can anyone see anything I may have missed?

· My name is Kathryn, however, I am known as Katy.
· I am allergic to penicillin.
· My birth partners will be (partner) and (mother).
· I am expecting a baby boy.

· I would like to give birth in the MLU if there is a room available.
· I am happy to have a student midwife or doctor present, but would prefer no groups. I also do not want students to carry out any physical actions such as taking blood samples or inserting drips as I do not have good veins and dislike needles.
· During labour I would prefer to be mobile for as long as possible so would prefer not to have continuous monitoring unless deemed necessary.
· I would like to use gas and air for pain relief during my labour.
· I would prefer not to have an epidural at all. However if my labour is prolonged and I am tiring then I may reconsider.
· I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless it is looking likely I will suffer a bad (2nd or 3rd degree) tear.
· I would like my partner to remain present if I need an assisted delivery or C- Section.
· I would like to be allowed to choose my position for birth depending on how I feel at the time.
· I would prefer my partner not to be encouraged to look at baby’s head crowning etc unless he chooses to.

· My partner would like to cut the cord.
· I am happy to have the injection to speed up the 3rd stage of labour. I do not wish to see my placenta if at all possible.
· I am intending to breastfeed and would like skin to skin contact as soon as possible after birth to encourage this.
· If my baby needs to be taken away for medical treatment I would like my partner to accompany him.
· I am happy for my baby to receive Vitamin K by injection.

(Sorry, it seems really long. It fits on one page though.) xx
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that sounds really good hun looks like it is all listed :) x
I hadn't made a birth plan because I had no idea where to start, but this sounds really good Katy :yay:
Looks good hunny, i can't think of anything to add, nice one xx
Thanks everyone. I found a template on the internet that was really good xx
Thats brilliant, thanks for sharing it - I enjoyed reading that and will probably write a similar one :)

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