Have Finally written my birth plan

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I left it far too long, but as it hasnt been mentioned on the forum for a while I thought I would post mine as I have just spent bloody ages on it, lol! x

Birthing Partner:
· My husband, Richard

Home tel: *** Mob: ****
· Emergency back up if Richard cannot be got hold of: My mother,
Tel: *******
Important Other Information:
· I would like my birthing partner, Richard, to stay with me throughout. I am slightly phobic of hospitals and my greatest birth fear is that I will give birth and then Richard will be sent home leaving me there alone, please please whatever my medical circumstances, do not ask him to leave me there, I would rather go home.

· I would also ask that the baby is never taken out of our sight. If the baby needs to be taken to another room for any reason then I would like Richard to accompany him if I am unable.

Birth Position:
· I am not sure, I am quite interested in a water birth, but I want the birth to be as straight forward as possible and will be adaptable to what ever is necessary. So I assume on a bed? I am generally most comfortable lying on my side.

· Please can I be given a birthing ball in the room.

· If possible can the hospital provide a TENS machine

· I would like to avoid a caesarean if at all possible

Pain Relief:
· I am happy to try to cope on gas and air, and then have an epidural at the appropriate time. I would prefer to avoid pethedine.
· Can I use a birthing pool for pain relief but not for giving birth in?

Assisted Delivery:
· I would prefer to avoid an episiotomy
· I would prefer Ventouse and to avoid forceps if at all possible

After the birth:
· We would like Richard to cut the cord (after it has stopped pulsing)
· I would like the baby placed immediately on my chest
· Could someone record the exact time of birth
· The baby can be given the Vitamin K by injection
· I would prefer to deliver the placenta naturally, but don’t mind it being sped up if easier

· I am planning to breast feed only, and any help getting that started would be appreciated

Other Information:
· I am not comfortable with student/trainee doctors or midwives being present, I would prefer to keep other people to a minimum.

[FONT=&quot]If any members of my family phone asking if I am there I would prefer they were not informed.[/FONT]
Not really, but the midwife says the head has engaged, so I figured it might be early?
Lucky you! I'm seeing mine tomorrow but I'm convinced he's not, he's so high up!! His bum keeps pushing against my boobs.

Well done you - I really need to do mine but I seem to find an excuse to do anything else but sit down and write it!
My thinking was that it might help anyone who still needs to do theirs, though of course we do all have very different priorities regarding labour so maybe it wont!
Its always great to read someone elses. Gives you some different ideas. I'd not really thought about having an alternative is DH's isnt available, or abou them taking bubs out of the room. xxx
Thank you so much for posting this because I didn't have a clue what you might have to put in them. I have a much better idea now.
Thanks for this star :hug: I have no idea where to start. I'm seeing mw tomorrow so hoping she'll mention it as so far no one has said anything.

[FONT="]If any members of my family phone asking if I am there I would prefer they were not informed.[/FONT]

I'm going to pinch that bit!!!

I'm only planning on telling a few people, defo not my mother as she would camp outside the labour ward and I don't want her any where near me!!

When my sister had an emergency c section 21 years ago she was told no visitors............but she still turned up!!! :roll:
That's a lovely birth plan :) was going to mine tonight just so it's done....I put the christmas tree up instead...oops!
[FONT="]If any members of my family phone asking if I am there I would prefer they were not informed.[/FONT]

I'm going to pinch that bit!!!

I'm only planning on telling a few people, defo not my mother as she would camp outside the labour ward and I don't want her any where near me!!

When my sister had an emergency c section 21 years ago she was told no visitors............but she still turned up!!! :roll:

My mum is exactly the same! That's why its in there. I have told her that I dont want her there but she pretty much ignored me and said she wouldnt come into the room but wanted to wait outside, as if there isnt enough pressure! So we plan not to tell her until its over, but she's taken to ringing me every day at the moment with really irrelevant questions/blatent excuses, and when I tried not answering my phone she left increasingly hysterical messages asking if i was in labour! Groan!
My birth plan reads thus.....

To pop him out like a human canon ball and be home in 20 minutes traffic permitting :D
That's a lovely birth plan :) was going to mine tonight just so it's done....I put the christmas tree up instead...oops!

You have your tree up already???

yeah, the OH will tell you himself that he is a humbug, so while the OH is away with work, me and the daughter gets the tree out lol only 18 sleeps till the big red man comes!!
Mine feels really long compared to yours :\ maybe i need to condense!! a few points in there i didn't think of though, and i will add the bit about family members ringing up! xx

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