Birth Plan!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Heres mine.. Whats yours? Have I missed anything?

Labour and Birth:
- Want to have a pool delivery at RIE Edinburgh
- Want freedom to move/walk freely if I come in and am not dilated enough for the pool
- Would like use of a birthing ball
- Jenny Benfield assigned birthing partner
- Would like to labour/birth with entonox
- Prefer intermittent monitoring
- Do not wish to be offered Pethidine/Diamorphine/Epidural, If I am not coping I will discuss these with my birth partner at the time.
- Would prefer to tear than have an episiotomy
- If assisted delivery is required, Would prefer to try ventouse before forceps
- Would like the chance to empty my own bladder before a catheter is considered
- If ventouse/forceps/c-section, do not want partner with me.
After the birth:
- Immediate skin to skin with the baby
- Prefer for the cord to be left until it stops pulsing before being cut
- Would like to stay in the pool with baby as long as possible
- Would prefer natural delivery of the placenta
- Planning to breastfeed, Would prefer to keep baby skin to skin until first feed
- If a latch cannot be achieved, I wish to express for my baby
- Please do not give baby a bottle, A syringe or spoon instead
- Please do not give baby a dummy
Important Notes:
- Due to pelvic problems during the pregnancy, its important to me that I be allowed to move freely, and that I am not put into a position that could strain my pelvis further.
Sounds like you've covered everything.
I havent bothered to make a birth plan cos i probs wouldnt stick to it anyway lol, once im in the hospital and things are happening any birth plan would probs go out the window so im just gonna take it as it comes and decide there and then what i want.
Ive never been a very organised person but if you know exactly what you want and big NO NO's! then its good to have them written down so you dont forget anything!
Hope it all goes to plan for you
I kinda agree, once im in labour i may just say f**k that! But it does mean that there is a speed bump between me and medical staff, so they cant run around and do stuff without talking to me about it or something (Yeah I dont trust medical staff LOL) Also means my mum has a rough idea of what im aiming for so she doesnt think "Oh my god what is going on" Lol
Sounds fine! The only thing they will ask you is about giving baby vitamin k x x
Sounds good mine is vwry similar just want it to all happen
Great birth plan Momma Kat, you sound so organised! My OH and mum know what sort of birth I want so I'll leave it up to them, if I get too much of an idea in my head of my 'perfect' birth and it then doesn't happen I think I might get a bit disheartened, so tbh I'm not giving it that much thought!

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