:-( my baby is gone


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2013
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This is a bit of a long story but I will try and summarise as much as possible. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago and I had a scan in the epu last week. At my scan the lady couldn't find a heartbeat so she said its highly likely I had a silent miscarriage but to come back next week and they will recheck as baby may just be too small. I was told to prepare for the worst as at 7 weeks they should see a heartbeat. This was the worst week as I didn't know what was happening and I was prepared to hear bad news. I went back in for a scan yesterday and was extremely happy to find out my baby had a heartbeat and was looking healthy, I was given some scan pictures and sent home. Then This morning I woke up in agony and was bleeding heavily, I've had pain on and off all day, the bleeding isn't half as bad as it was but still bleeding. I've not had a mc before so I have no idea how long the pain or bleeding will last, I don't know what I'm meant to be passing **TMI WARNING** I passed what looked like a deflated sack but there was no baby inside? I wanted to bury my baby for some kind of closure but it's not there. I was 8 weeks and 2 days yesterday when my baby was ok so it should be about an inch long does this mean I have more to come? Sorry for all the questions I'm just finding this really hard and I have no idea what to expect. I have lost so much blood surely if I lose too much I'll pass out or something? If anyone can offer any advice or experiences I'll be extremely grateful.

Thank you for reading

I'm so sorry for what your going through and don't have any personal experience. That said I would go to a and e or your epu and get checked over, esp if your loosing alot of blood. Xxx
I'm so sorry, have you someone with you to look after you, I would ring A&E or the EPU and explain your situation as I'm sure they'd take you in for a scan. Take care
Im sorry for your loss! I would definetly go and get checked out just incase! Xxx
So sorry you've lost your little baby.
When I had my mc I lost lots of tissue and clots over 2 or 3 days so it wasn't a one day thing for me. Deffo ring epu and see if they can see you xx
Hi hun I'm sorry for wot your goin through. I ad surgery to remove a MMC on 19 feb and 10 days later bleedin stopped and test negative. I'm not sure how long you will bleed for but please ring a + e and speak with them sending you hugs at this sad time xx
Thank you for your kind worlds and advice, I phoned the hospital and spoke to a nurse at the epu this afternoon and she is calling me back with an appointment date for next week so I can have a scan to ensure mc has completed x x
Oh god I'm sorry I know how worried you must be. With my 2nd miscarriage I passed lots of clots and had lots of bleeding and baby was ok for a few weeks. I had several scans and heartbeat was still there. Eventually about 9 weeks the sack started to come away but the wee baby fought from 5 and a half weeks with bleeding. It might still be ok xxx
I have a scan tomorrow and I really hope and prey a miracle has happened and baby will still be there. I'm still bleeding and still have discomfort at times, I've only passed one clot so I'm hoping that's a good thing? Since the heavy bleeding on Saturday I have only had slimy blood (quite a bit when I wipe) sorry if tmi. I maybe holding on to false hope but until I see the baby I don't believe it's gone. I tried to find baby's Hb with my doppler yesterday, I thought I may have found the placenta but I'm unsure, I'll try again today. I'm still taking my pregnancare too, just in case. I am still getting evening sickness but in a way I feel empty I just keep crying and I don't want to eat. All I've eaten in the last 2 days was a snickers on Sunday and a piece of galaxy caramel yesterday. I'm not intentionally starving myself but the thought of eating makes me feel physically sick. I don't know how long these feelings will last. I hope that maybe tomorrow when I've had my scan I may have closure or reassurance, either way I hope it helps because right now I don't know how to feel. Sorry to offload no one I know has been through this and I have no one to talk to, my partner doesn't understand he just keeps saying he's worried about me and I need to accept that baby is gone. I can't!! Thank you again for your kind words and comments x x
You will be in my thoughts tomorrow, it's natural to feel physically sick when your body is under severe physical and emotional stress, if possible drink flat 7up to keep your energy up. The waiting is the worst part as you don't know how to feel, but either way it is better to know what is happening and get the correct medical care. Take care of yourself, you have been through alot already and have been strong, lean on those closest to you x

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