my appointment as been moved forward


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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my next appointment at the gyno is thurs well was, got a letter this morning sayin its changed to tues. 3days notice!!! thanks alot nhs :wall2:
me n hubby have gone to all the appointments together but it looks like im gonna have to go alone for this one.
i get so nervous in the waitin room, last time they were runnin an hour n 15 mins behind i only coped cause hubby was with me.
if there running this far behind again, dont think ill cope on my own.
just think its daft giving 3days notice to change an appoinment, sorry rant over xx
That is a bit cheeky of them, what if you both couldn't have made it! Can you take some fav music to listen too to zone out as it were in the waiting area, (only one ear in tho, or you might not hear your name being called), hope they run on time for you and it's a useful appointment
should get my appointment for my HSG, was meant to last time but hubby had to do another sperm sample. ye good idea hun ill take my headphones, wen im with hubby he as to tell me to stop shaking my leg. imainge on my own :shock:
im nervous jus thinking abt it. really hope hubbys spermies are moving now
i went to mine on my own hun, took all my courage to go but i got there. you will be fine xxxx
should get my appointment for my HSG, was meant to last time but hubby had to do another sperm sample. ye good idea hun ill take my headphones, wen im with hubby he as to tell me to stop shaking my leg. imainge on my own :shock:
im nervous jus thinking abt it. really hope hubbys spermies are moving now

Ahh so that is a real shame OH can't be there to hear his Sperm results first hand, you might want to take a few notes , when we got ours 2 weeks ago, as soon as she told us them, they went in one ear and out the other, apart from they were good!! Ask for a copy of them for oh too to digest at home, even if good, least they could do. I must chase our copy up, they were posting it to me.

Ive been to all but one of mine on my own, and oh is only coming on 1 more till I'm finished with this cycle of ivf. Once youv'e done this one on your own, yourll feel quite empowered by it.

I know yourll do just fine X
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his last sperm sample he only had 4% movement so im prayin there is big improvement.
all my tests have come bck fine.
do u think they'll let me hav a copy?
its just cause im just to hubby bein there, but if he cant, he cant.
i'll just hav to hav my headphones :)
ohhh n hubby shoulda been on 2 till 10 but he as to do 6 till 2 this wek again so its kinda is works fault tooe

Hubbys spermies r upto 65%!!!
Big difference hey :)
Ill be gettin a letter within the next 6weeks for hsg, she explained wat happens.
My god it sounds scary!!!!
I hav a good feelin abt this month im due in any day now n dont feel lik af is due so hopefully it'll stay away xx

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Ahh great news on the spermies :) I've not had an hsg but I'm sure you'll be fine and the thought is worse. Sounds like things are moving on for you which is good xx
Thanks hun. We made some changes to hubbys habits n wallahhh its shot up to 65% :) xx

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Hey Ab! Really chuffed that your appointment went well, lets hope you won't need that HSG! Bet your hubby is happy with the sperm results!! xxx
Well now his sperms r workin, theres now reason not to right? I was due on today, cycles are between 28 n 32 days. So if witch stays away im gonna test sun ish maybe after that even xx
Thanks girls :) xx

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Fx she stays away for you hun.

Michelle. x
Ah I hope she stays clear x
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