Mw appt went bad so sad beeing taken to hosp :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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They want to rush me in for a growth scan today! :,( I'm so upset!!

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Every time I have a mw appt my bump size is gettin smaller :(

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What are you measuring hun? Perhaps its because your bump has dropped?
Hi hon,
I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry-this is similar to what is happening to me in terms of bubs being slightly smaller in relation to the 'norm' each time I go. Remember you thought you'd dropped- that's probably the reason you are measuring smaller.

Good luck. xx
Also, remember me saying I think our bumps look identical and we are only a few days apart. Try not to worry- at least the scan will set your mind at ease. xx
omg hun! you got a text buddy? hope it goes ok! its probs just cos you've dropped :hug:
good luck hun fingers crossed it just your bump dropping xxxx
Good luck x hope all is ok x
They said baby is head down but not engaged so I can't see as it has dropped as such but they dis say it was in a much better position x

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that's good that s/he's in a better position! any idea when you'll get your scan?
Awww must be worrying but i seem to remember just about everyone who's told thy have a small for dates bump seems to have massive babies... x
hopefully a scan will just put everyones mind at rest! I'm sure all will be fine but I know how worrying it is! My midwife always said I was measuring big and I had 3 growth scans - even after all the scans, right at the end she was still saying I was going to have a big baby, but came out at a very average 7lb 11oz! I wouldn't worry too much hun :)
all the best lovely try not to worry to much keep us posted x
Scan at 13.30 today I had this with zander and he was born 8lbs 3oz but the bump wasn't growing fast is all and I had gastric flu but this time round it's shrinking :(

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Aw hun, im sure everything is okay! Let us know how u get on, best of luck!! X x
Aww Hun let us know what they say, hope youre ok, try not to worry :hug:

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