Mum's with 2 (or more) how the Hell did you manage to go back to work??

I think that sounds more plausible, I get from B's side he probably wants to be out providing. But unfortunately needs must.

Glad you are working your way around things.

Your situation sounds quite similar to the position my sister was in. She was office based job, but with a fantastic company and knew she would never have the same opertunity should she have left.

I agree with the others. Get quotes from different childminders and nurseries. My sister actually found it more cost effective to have a nanny. She paid them a daily rate. And not per child. She has 3 children though.

My sister acruded holidays while on mat leave like your doing. But she actually used them 1 or 2 days a week when she went back so she was still getting a full time wage.

Her husband is a self employed joiner with 3 staff to pay, even when times are quiet they have outgoings. But he couldn't commit to staying at home with the kids.
Not really anything particularly positive to suggest - I'm pregnant with my second and once they come along there will be absolutely no point in me working because almost my entire salary will go on childcare. My partner doesn't make an awfu l lot but basically we've just worked out that we can just about get by with his salary to pay our bills but things will be very tight. We have no one that can look after them in the family. I'm considering trying to find something that will bring in a bit of money working from home - for example child minding or setting up my own small online business. Its really tough and as someone already said it seems so unfair that the government don't seem to realise that childcare is prohibitively expensive once you have more than one child x
I think everything depends. I can be a sahm as hubby earns enough for us all. However I will return to work when our youngest is about 14 months as I wouldnt want to give up a well paid job and career just for the sake of a few months of working for nothing when in the long run it is more beneficial for us to have two good wages. But thats just me xx
I think everything depends. I can be a sahm as hubby earns enough for us all. However I will return to work when our youngest is about 14 months as I wouldnt want to give up a well paid job and career just for the sake of a few months of working for nothing when in the long run it is more beneficial for us to have two good wages. But thats just me xx

I get that mentality and had it myself for a while. I went back to work full time after my first baby and sacrificed the time I could spend with my son for the sake of my career. Just to be rewarded with being told my job was a luxury the organisation couldn't afford.

I work for the police and realistically there are going to be public sector cuts for a long time to come. The part time job I've moved into is also more front line than what I did previously and as a result more secure in the long run. It's not what I want to be doing, but I'm still in the same organisation, making use of my skills and getting paid a decent wage, all while being able to be at home for my kids.

My mum was a stay at home mum too and I've always considered that's to be the norm and ideal.
when my first daughter was a year old I became a childminder and worked from home. I wouldn't have been able to have my second daughter (also have a son) if we (me and hubby work together) wasn't childminders.

I advise getting in touch with your local childminders.....whereas most nurseries will charge you for days you don't use - you may find a flexible childminder who will take into account the times when your oh isn't working and can care for the kids himself. I know I would offer this to parents and I do.
Iwant3, all the childminders where I live charge for 47 of 52 weeks as standard. No flexibility and no option for 'pay as you need' or anything like thay. Of course I understand the logic of this - but I think you are brilliant for offering such flexibility to your parents.

I'm shitting a brick and putting off trying to work out what the costs are going to be when baby 2 comes along in March. Luckily we don't have any childcare costs since January when my daughter got the 15 hours free, she joined a school nursery and is in every day until lunch when my MIL picks her up and alternates afternoons looking after her with my Aunt and will start full time school next September. It's been such a relief to us after paying out £1000 per month on her childcare previous to this... one of us worked literally for nothing each month!
When baby 2 comes along, I'll be taking 3 months off on full pay, then returning to work. (I get a 7 week payment bonus once I'm back at work after 6 months so this is going to help quite a bit) I am yet to figure out figures for going full/part time to work out which will be most cost effective and I'm scared at the thought.
My sister has just moved back to our home area after living abroad for 14 years and she's a trained childminder and has offered to give up her current job and work for me as my child minder, but I need to work out if I can afford to take her on full time or part time.

I get so worked up and upset by it all to be honest. I have family member (luckily not close anymore as they do my head in) who haven't worked a day in their lives and happily bringing up 3/4 + kids each and get everything for free/paid for, get discounts left right and centre and basically are paid to pop out more kids yet I've worked every day since I turned 13 to make an honest living and here I am 20 years later and worrying about affording our second child! The country is crazy!!

PP xXx
The free hours are a god send - I couldnt have 2 babies and send them both to nursery privately :shock:

It's looking increasingly likely that OH is going to do another stint as a SAHD and I'm going back full time.

We just need to get from February to September and reassess.


I think I'll be leaving my current job and joining the family business with my dad and hubby once I finish my maternity leave.

I just can't see it working with Cam's (will be by then) school run, getting bug to my mum however many days per week, picking Cam and bug up again. My work isn't the most family friendly- weekend work, working bank holidays and Christmas.

Child care cost isn't a worry as such as my family helps out but it's just the practicalities of it all and getting a better work and home life balance.

You can do it Nat your good with your money.

Can B not do homers at least or something at night. Not ideal as i imagine youll be knackered but its something?


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