moving baby to own room


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Just wondered what age you all put your babies into their own bedrooms? Don't think it will be a problem as far as Finn's concerned... it's me that's the problem, I love having him in his bed next to ours! Got to harden up I guess!!!
Guildlines say 6 months but I never had Jess in our room and with Joe I have no choice till we move in Jan.

I must admit though, I like having Joe in the room as he is a quiet sleeper now but at the start he was a grunter and the pram was out in the hall.

I think if you can do it then you should think about it sooner rather than later :( :hug: for your own sake.
Hmmm... I guess so, he's 5 months today so will plan to do it at 6 months.
sorry, its not regarding the question you asked but I just wanted to say in that pic in your Avatar you look like that girl Jo from Spooks he he he
I don't watch it so not sure if that's a compliment or not!!!
bex said:
I don't watch it so not sure if that's a compliment or not!!!

lol its a compliment

I suppose if you put you both together you wouldnt look like each other just that Avatar remind me of what I remember she looks like lol

thanks. I can kind of see what you mean!!
Jamie was in his own room from the start but either me or my Dh were in with him for the first 5 weeks and 6 days (remember it well!!) when I decided to try him in there on his own, we weren't getting any sleep being in with him as he would make so many noises!

He was fine :D
i moved Ellis at 3 months and cried the first night but now i just feels normal xxxx
ive moved all mine into there own room from 6 months
Isabella has been in her own room for about 3 weeks now, she is totally fine in her room.

I do understand about you worrying I was exactly the same, let us know when he does move
Totally understand where you're coming from. It was us that were the worriers and Isaac settled OK in his own room.

If I could have I would have kept him in our room until the recommended 6 months but he outgrew his moses basket at about 4.5 months, so we moved him into his cot about a month ago in his own room.

He settled like a dream, no problems at all. We have the monitors on but I hear a lot through the bedroom wall anyway.
Oh dear, Arianna was in her own room from 7wks!! ANd it is the best thing I ever did - she sleeps right through - I think her Daddy's snoring used to wake her up :rotfl: - seriously!!

I get up a few times a night to check on her and she is always soundo!

S. xx

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