

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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I started feeling obvious movement about a week or two ago, before that I felt flutters etc but was never sure if it was baby! On Saturday I felt as if he moved loads, yet yesterday I only felt him twice and lastnight in the bath and in bed I lay still but still didn't feel anything? Today so far there's been nothing either :(

Is it normal to feel some days and not others? I thought I should be feeling him all the time now.

Don't know if feeling him so much on Saturday could have been something to do with going to the cinema, he seemed to move about like mad there hehe :) maybe because of the loud music/noises!

Just really wondering how often is normal to feel baby? When should you start to worry?

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I asked this question at my 20 week scan and was told that you shouldn't monitor the movements until 28 weeks as before then your baby still has lots of room to move around and get into positions where you can't feel them moving.
I was constantly worried if I didn't feel him all day, but really it's only been the past week and a half that I've begun to feel proper strong kicks every day.
The other thing I read was that babys have days where they are very active and then other days where they are lazy and you don't feel them much at all, especially at your gestation.
I wouldn't worry too much hun, but if you are worried ring your midwife and see if she can see you to put your mind at rest. xx
My little man had a very quiet day last week and I was worried because he usally goes mad everytime I sit still for a minute. This day he didn't and I couldn't work out whether I had felt him at all. Then the next day and every other day since he's back to his usual wriggly self! They can have days when they hardly move so I wouldn't worry too much unless you defo don't feel any movement at all for a looooong time! x
I asked this question at my 20 week scan and was told that you shouldn't monitor the movements until 28 weeks as before then your baby still has lots of room to move around and get into positions where you can't feel them moving.
I was constantly worried if I didn't feel him all day, but really it's only been the past week and a half that I've begun to feel proper strong kicks every day.
The other thing I read was that babys have days where they are very active and then other days where they are lazy and you don't feel them much at all, especially at your gestation.
I wouldn't worry too much hun, but if you are worried ring your midwife and see if she can see you to put your mind at rest. xx

Thanks Roo :)

That was really helpful, I didn't realise that we shouldn't monitor movements until 28 weeks, I thought it was as soon as you were properly feeling baby. Silly me!

I suppose that makes sense though, since baby still has lots of room he could be lying a completely different way from the other day. Or maybe like you said, just having a lazy day like me :lol: I won't ring midwife, was just wondering what was normal really, but you've put my mind at ease :)

i started to feel my little man all the time from about 22 weeks. was just when i layed still now he is on the move all the time and i feel him everyday.

to the point where he distracts me at work when serving customers. lol.

don't worry hun it won't be long. xxx
My little man had a very quiet day last week and I was worried because he usally goes mad everytime I sit still for a minute. This day he didn't and I couldn't work out whether I had felt him at all. Then the next day and every other day since he's back to his usual wriggly self! They can have days when they hardly move so I wouldn't worry too much unless you defo don't feel any movement at all for a looooong time! x

Thanks :flower:

It's weird, we worry we haven't felt baby yet, then when we do start feeling movement we start worrying when their not moving lol! I don't think I will be content until he's here hehe x
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i started to feel my little man all the time from about 22 weeks. was just when i layed still now he is on the move all the time and i feel him everyday.

to the point where he distracts me at work when serving customers. lol.

don't worry hun it won't be long. xxx

I can just imagine you standing serving customers and a leg or elbow suddenlypoking your tummy out :lol:

it is very bad. he kicked me in the ribs pretty hard the other day and made me jump.

the customer found it funny which was good cos i know some people can get funny about it. xxx
I didn't really feel anything until 23 weeks, had a lot of movement at 24 weeks, then barely anything but occasional movements for four weeks! I went to hospital in a panic after having a few baths and monitoring and feeling nothing, but as soon as the midwife got the probe on my tummy baby kicked it! Thus showing it's normal and fine to not feel baby sometimes. The midwife said if I was at all worried to just go along and they'll have a listen so you could always do that if you wanted reassuring :)
Hello, mm movement! I am feeling baby move now and even my partner can feel movement when he rests his hands on my tummy sometimes. I think some days you might feel more than others. I am not expecting tons of movement for another three weeks at least as baby is still quite small inside... though I have a fairly growing bump now!!

It is wonderful to feel though eh xx
Yeah it's great Merfairy :) I felt him again today quite a bit so think he was having a lazy day yesterday lol!

im 25 weeks tomorrow, all day yesterday i had no movement and i was quite worried. late in the evening there was some movement which was reassuring. i think this must be normal..
Bubs went wild when I was at the cinema too! lol.
She was quiet for past 2 days but on the move again today, apparantly they can move behind the placenta where u cant feel it x

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