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Most Horrible Weekend EVER!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Well dont really know where to start... i think my OH is going to leave me!!! :(

He has been acting very cold and moody with me the past week and despite every effort me trying damn hard to get his attention it hasnt worked.

He says that he doesnt know what he wants anymore?? well to me you either know if you want to be with someone or not..he has given me some pathetic reasons why he feels the way he does... i understand im not perfect but nor has he, the amount of times ive let him get away with so much and still carried on with our relationship and he knows it, and now the only time the promblem seems to lie with me and he contemplating on leaving me!!! seriously i just feel so hurt and angry!! and now it seems i have to feel this way and hang around till he MAKES he mind up!! its not fair on me or brooke....

i just dont know what to do and i dont have anyone to talk to... my mum is my bestfriend and we tell each other everything.. but because of the way he has treated me in the past and ive told her, she seems to dislike him more and more, she does get on with him and they have a laugh as hed has been in the family for 9 years so he is abit like part of the furniture, i just dont want to tell her this time incase it tips her over the edge and rings him and then mt OH walks...

Dont get me wrong i dont want someone to be with me because they feel they have to but the whole situation is just pathetic!

sorry for long post! xx
Oh hun, so sorry to read this :hugs:

I really hope he sorts himself out & realises what an idiot he's being

So sorry to hear this hun, what a horrible situation for you and you LO. He needs to sort his head out, hes being very selfish and unfair to you. Hope you can sort it out xx
hun i am so sorry to hear what your going through it must be horrible! The only bit of advice i can give is that if he isnt treating you the way you want and need to be treated right now then its better to walk away before you become so set in your ways that he ends up treating you even worst. Perhaps its just the shock of the baby and he needs time to adjust. But if he is being this horrible constantly then you just dont need it.

See how things go + make a decision based on you and your children xxx

my ex said he wasnt sure what he wanted i made him leave right there and then and it turned out he was cheating!!
:hug: I'm so sorry. He's being completely unfair though - he at least needs to talk to you and tell you exactly how he's feeling :hug:
hun i am so sorry to hear what your going through it must be horrible! The only bit of advice i can give is that if he isnt treating you the way you want and need to be treated right now then its better to walk away before you become so set in your ways that he ends up treating you even worst. Perhaps its just the shock of the baby and he needs time to adjust. But if he is being this horrible constantly then you just dont need it.

See how things go + make a decision based on you and your children xxx

Thanks hun! i know i shouldnt put up with it, have been told many times that i should just leave... we have been together 5years and most of that time has been happy and great! he is 25 and is still young for his age, but he should still know right from wrong!!

it was my OH that suggested another baby and told me to go and have my implant out, so i dont understand why he would be scared about baby as he was the one to make the 1st move and suggest it..

im not scared of being on my own but just when you love someone its alot harder to make that decision!! xx

thanks ladies, to be fair we have been through this before but normally its me telling him that he is in the wrong and not the other way round!! i suppose we will see what happens..

Oh Hun!! :-( I have heard that line before too. But its so much more important that you find out what is behind all this, as you said, you have Brooke and the new baby to think of. I'm sorry he is putting you thru this crap! He needs to man up about it xxx

my ex said he wasnt sure what he wanted i made him leave right there and then and it turned out he was cheating!!

:shock: :shock:... to me you know weather you want to be with someone or not.. there is no inbertween!!! :)

my ex said he wasnt sure what he wanted i made him leave right there and then and it turned out he was cheating!!

:shock: :shock:... to me you know weather you want to be with someone or not.. there is no inbertween!!! :)

yeah thats why i told him to leave it was about 10 30 at night to and we was in bed i did ask him to go now if he was unsure and i said if you go through that door be sure its the right choice as you will not be coming back and that was that im now happily married to my prince :)
Thanks Ladies... i know that im not in the wrong (apart from these stupid reason he is given me) but its not worth ending a relationship over!! if he does decide to leave, then i can asure you it is defientely his loss.. not mine!! not many people would do what i do for him and put up with!!! xx

my ex said he wasnt sure what he wanted i made him leave right there and then and it turned out he was cheating!!

:shock: :shock:... to me you know weather you want to be with someone or not.. there is no inbertween!!! :)

yeah thats why i told him to leave it was about 10 30 at night to and we was in bed i did ask him to go now if he was unsure and i said if you go through that door be sure its the right choice as you will not be coming back and that was that im now happily married to my prince :)

Glad it all worked out for you in the end! :)

my ex said he wasnt sure what he wanted i made him leave right there and then and it turned out he was cheating!!

:shock: :shock:... to me you know weather you want to be with someone or not.. there is no inbertween!!! :)

yeah thats why i told him to leave it was about 10 30 at night to and we was in bed i did ask him to go now if he was unsure and i said if you go through that door be sure its the right choice as you will not be coming back and that was that im now happily married to my prince :)

Glad it all worked out for you in the end! :)

hope all goes ok with you whatever happens xx
awww that is horrible to put you through that, if it's a crap reason he has given you then it sounds like maybe there something else is going on in his head that he doesn't want to tell you about? Its very hard to leave someone you love even though you know it's not working out and everyone else says just leave him. saying something and doing something are very different. I hope it all works out for you in the end :).
Oh no hun :-( big hugs. I hope that things work out the way that you want them to. X
Kelly I could have written this myself 3 years ago, all with the exception of the pregnancy but when this happened to me we already had a one year old.

My OH seemed to be quite open about it. he went to Switzerland for 5 days to see a male friend and came back basically saying he didn't know what he wanted anymore. I was completely oblivious to this so told him to get the f**k out. (not sure how I would have been if pregnant, granted) He met a girl out there who he had a lot of 'chemistry' with! He said he didn't sleep with her and he swears it but who knows. Long story short, he stayed in his own place for a year while having regular contact with our son. That part I couldn't fault him on. It took a few months away from us (cos admittedly we slept together on and off after this) to realise what he'd lost and I was actually at the stage where I could have taken him or left him. Took a long time for me to stop feelin like a dickhead that's been walked all over but we got past it and are now stronger than ever expecting our second.

I totally identify with the mum scenario as my mum is my best friend and was deeply hurt and let down by him that he'd hurt me and didn't have a word to say to him for a very long time but she had to trust my decision to get back with him and now they're ridiculously close! She over the moon we're getting married next year!

Sorry for the long post but the situation was so similar to mine but you really shouldn't wait around for him to decide if you're wanted or not. It's not fair. Easier said than done when there's a pregnancy but you're nobodies fool.

Hope this is just a blip for you and you get to move on from it xxxxxxx
Awww hun :( what an awful thing to have to go through while pregnant too. I do think it maybe because he is scared you are now pregnant? even though you both wanted it to happen...it still gets a bit scary at times. Sit down and have a chat with him and tell him how you feel. I am sure things will work out xxx
My partner did this to me 3 years agao. I had 2 kids, perfectly happy. He said he wants a baby (the 2 boys where from a prev relationship). He talks me round, I stop with the pill and get pregnant. We find out its twins, 8 weeks later "I don't know what I want.... and all that shit!", I tell him to f*ck off then (pregnant yes, dickhead no!), turns out he was cheating!!! Don't put up with it hunnie, you deserve better xx
My partner did this to me 3 years agao. I had 2 kids, perfectly happy. He said he wants a baby (the 2 boys where from a prev relationship). He talks me round, I stop with the pill and get pregnant. We find out its twins, 8 weeks later "I don't know what I want.... and all that shit!", I tell him to f*ck off then (pregnant yes, dickhead no!), turns out he was cheating!!! Don't put up with it hunnie, you deserve better xx

Men make me f**king sick sometimes. It seemed to have worked out well for me but it permanently opened my eyes. Love him with all my heart but no relationship is indestructible! Hope Kelly's man mans up and quick x
thanks girls... :) you lot are great!!

i will talk to him and ask him if there is any other reason that he is not telling me!! but i always get upset so i will just try and compose myself!! bloody hormones :)

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