Moses basket, crib or both?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Looking at our options, hubby thinks crib in with us and a Moses basket for down stairs....what's you plans??x
Looking at our options, hubby thinks crib in with us and a Moses basket for down stairs....what's you plans??x

I'm in agreement with you hubby as this is what we're doing :)
Me too. Pretty swinging crib in with us and downstairs my pram is big enough to uses during the day. (mamas And papas ultima-comes with a stand so it's ideal. Xx
Personally me & my oh are just getting Moses basket as we can move it around if need to.
Although cribs are so cute :)
I'm same as Naomi, we have just got a Moses basket, downstairs during day and in room at night, baby can even have a nap in pram or bouncy chair downstairs. Then we're going to move cot into our room, get baby used to being in cot, then put cot into its own room when I can handle it not being in with us :) xxx
getting both moses basket to use downstairs x
We will be having a cot in our bedroom. Hubby doesn't think we need a moses basket. I would like one though.

Aw it's hard! Been reading pros and cons and the main thing is that they can only last 3 months in a moses basket but it's recommend they are in with u for 6 months, cribs can last the 6 months but are more expensive! Our cot bed is already up in nursery and way to big to have in with us! Decisions decisions!!! X
Will use carry cot from iCandy pram for downstairs on a stand and will have cot for the nursery. Thinking of getting co-sleeping (drop side type) crib for our room.
Yea the co sleeping look fab, can't find one under £270 tho, that's a lot for 3/6 months!!!!x
We haven't bothered with a moses basket at all. We have a swinging crib for our room, a cot bed for her nursery, a bouncy chair and pram for living room, so baby won't be short of places to sleep lol x

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I assume a crib is a cot? I feel like I'm being stupid...
But we ordered a cot for the nursery for when the baby eventually uses it and have a moses basket with a stand for our bedroom and downstairs so we can move that about.
Ok we have a big Moses basket downstairs, with a mattress as big as a crib so will last long time.
We have a cot in the nursery, a crib in the bedroom and we will use the pram part for the study/office room....
Last time I just had a moses basket which we moved around as needed or used the pram . I found it easiest to put the basket into a full sized cot at night time so baby was able to use the same moblies and night lights etc and at 4 months I just removed the basket and baby settled really easily into the cot .As this worked so well last time I intend to do the same again. I've never had a crib they're very pretty but not as long term as a cot therefore I think rather expensive not as practrical. xx
Ive got a moses basket for in our room and will use pram and bouncy chair for downstairs. I will be putting baby in her own room from 3/4 months so to get her into a routine asap xxx
We only have a 1 bed flat so until we move the bubba will just have a moses basket. If we decide not to move until later then we will buy a crib and it will go in our room in place of the basket. Not ideal but we have to make the best of what we have :oooo:
i also have a one bed flat and my LO sleeps in her pram top in her cotbed at night and loves being under her playgym or in her bouncy chair in the day xxx
We've got a cotbed in the nursery and a swinging crib in our room. The cribs lovely but I wouldnt have bought it myself as a moses basket would do but MIL paid so Im more than happy. Im not sure what to use downstairs yet, possibly just the pram?
We have a moses basket to use for daytime when we are in lounge and a cot in our bedroom to use in the evenings. x
We managed to get a solid wood swinging crib from a friend for £25 so we just need to get a matress. I may have gone for a drop sided co-sleeper crib if not. We are going to use a bouncer for the first month or so during day time naps and see weather we need something else.

We also have a cot in the nursery x
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