Morning sickness.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hiya ladies, was just wanting to ask a question to those who already have children who experienced morning sickness throughout their pregnancies. I've been having bad morning sickness and I'm now 18 weeks pregnant, it's not as bad as it was but It's still quite bad, I have to spray air freshener into rooms wherever I go and been a student at college (that doesn't smell pleasant) I just walk around heaving. I was just wondering whether after you give birth do you still experience morning sickness or does it disappear straight away? I was thinking that women who experience morning sickness in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (before 12 weeks) that is because of hormones increasing and causing mayhem with your body, but what about after pregnancy and you have your little one, when your hormones are settling back down to normal; will you experience morning sickness again due to the different balance of hormones? It's been bugging me, however wouldn't make no difference to me, I'm still throwing up occasionally and heaving as I get about. All my friends has just took it as normal now and don't even ask if I'm okay, it's just like everyday life haha. Hope all you pregnant women are having good pregnancies. Can't wait till my chunky monkey is here, his/she is expecting to be around 8-9 pound, what's your expected weight for the new arrival ? :)
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Hi didn't want to read and run! I didn't have morning sickness. I have never even thought about morning sickness after the baby...could happen i suppose? Don't think it does often though but could be wrong. My baby is just under 3 pound now! xxx
Im sure it goes after baby comes. I do remember not having an appetite after having my daughter and getting that nausea feeling from tiredness, but that was only the first few days. Think I was more uncomfortable in other ways like feeling like a donkey kicked me between the legs and my boobs might burst from too much milk!!
thanks for your replies. Lovely, I think i'll have a cry baby lol :) nvm <3 this is my 1st but ive been told he/she is expected to be around 8-9 pound :/ So i think i will be feeling the donkey pain too lol! x
I think it goes straight away, I've had bad sickness and a few friends who had it for whole 9 months have reassured me by saying theirs disappeared straight away as soon as the baby is born. We'll have to wait and see I guess!!
yh it def goes as its just the increase in hormones making u feel sick, some women dont get it at all some all the way through and some for just parts, even if u get it till the end it will stop once baby is here. dont worry too much about what they think of weight.

i went for a scan at 32 weeks and was told it would be 8-9lbs she was only 7lbs 4 lol. ppl ive spoken to have all said their bigger kids were actually easier to get out than the smaller ones

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