morning sickness stopped - is this normal ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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hi, I have had dreadful m/s and nausea for the last week.... morning, noon and night... thought this would go until week 12 or so,

then suddenly got up this am and fetl heaps better, still not 100% but definately so much better....

now I am worrying that there may be something wrong...

can anyone help, can m/s and nauseas start and stop ???
I'm having the same thing so I'm hoping everything's fine. Feel better now there's 2 of us!
It is totally normal! Quite likely it will come back again but fingers crossed it wont :D
I woke up feeling great today, no sickness at all or nausea.........I have gone from one extreme to another with eating too, I was having to eat to stop feeling nausea's but now I struggle to eat much before I am full up.

I am feeling very bloated again tonight, so I am sure it is all normal. Going from my last pregnancy I had symptoms come & go, so try not to worry.
thanks girls, you have put my mind at rest....

very hard with first pregnancy isn't it... have nothing to compare it with and everything is so new and either totally thrilling or painfully scary....

theres always sometging to worry about isn't there girls!! :wall:

i have also lost my appetite and have nausea on and off, im so so tired :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
My sickness is back with a vengence :puke: Can't even eat my breakfast this morning which is unheard of. I've also got a strange 'full' feeling like I could only have a couple of mouthfuls and not manage anymore. Must be my insides begining to be displaced :| Nice.
I spoke too soon .......... morning sickness back with a vengence yesterday and today...

Oh happy days :)
Oh poor girls :( I thought you might get it back, its a bugger isn't it? You start to feel normal and then its hell again, bl'**dy hormones :evil:
:hug: :hug: :hug: thinking of you all. mine is bearable at the moment.

i get that full feeling with it and completely lose my appetite even a sip of water makes me urge!! :puke: :puke:

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