Morning sickness, or sickness bug?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2014
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Hi ladies I'm 6 +5 and at the beginning of the week started getting my waves of nausea which came and went throughout the day, seemed to improve after nibbling some biscuits.

But the last 24 hrs I have had the queasiest tummy, felt so so sick. Haven't been sick yet and (apologies TMI bowel movements are flitting between constipation or the runs). Can't bare the thought of anything except plain foods, am keeping crackers down and they are easing it temporarily.

How do you know the difference between if it's a tummy bug or if it's morning sickness?

I have to go out tonight but am unsure whether to trust my body enough to get there and last the evening. It's not something I can get out of as its prepping for an event on Sunday.

If it is just normal I think I could manage and have some emergency biscuits to hand. But if it isn't then I'm not sure I want to risk a gut explosion an hour away from my own home!

Did anyone else get this / feel like this?

I'm thinking if it was a bug I would have been sick by now and crackers wouldn't make a difference.

Any ideas?

Yea I got like that early on. It's to do with hormones x
I think it could be either though does sound like morning sickness if it calms with food. Everyone reacts differently so really hard to tell. I know you've said not possible to miss, but IF it turned out to be a bug, you are at risk of passing it on to others at the meeting.... Just a thought!
The 24h stomach bug is usually gone after a day maybe two... And you can literally not even hold down water.. Can happen with pregnancy too although with the bug you'll soon notice as its so contagious someone in your household like your other half will get a bout of it too within the next week...
Morning sickness can be all day sickness and un controlling if it does persist...

(I seem to have an annual stomach bug going round every winter season since my little one was born and I vomited all the way through pregnancy, that's my reference ;) )

Well I managed to get out and not be sick, took some crackers with me and nibbled one in the car before I went in and took plenty of water.

I'm still not convinced it's morning sickness, the quivers and noises coming from my tummy make me think bug, but then as you've pointed out if it was a proper bug I wouldn't be able to control it...

My OH hasn't caught anything. A friend at work said he's had a tummy bug he caught from his kids but it was a 24hr of keeping nothing down then feeling fine, I haven't had that.

Just got to hope the gurgles and feeling on the edge of being sick can disappear between 11 and 6 tomorrow!

(Brooksy - it's okay several people there have some of the awful viral infections and colds that have gone round recently, fortunately I'm already over the worst of those this year so don't need to worry about getting them, we're a sharing bunch! ;) )

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