Moon Cup

Think I may look into this after I've managed to scare the witch away for 9 months :lol:
No no, doesn't spill out. You have to just press the bottom in a tiny bit to release the suction but it stays upright and then you just pour it out. No mess at all :)
It has very cleverly placed holes which allow the suction to be released as you pull it out, its a very well designed little gadget :) I will be getting one myself, unless i fall preggers this month :)
Ok girls, you've convinced me...can you buy them in store or does it have to be online? OH has a habit of opening my mail and I know he'd be mortified if he opened one of them up lol,he gets so embarrassed as soon as you mention the p word hehehe!
I dont think that many shops stock them but you could try your local health food shop x
I think boots might stock them, but only the big stores. But like Fi said, local health food shops might :)
Might have a mooch round town later then :)
After reading this I think I'll be getting one of these too to try as Ive always had heavy and sore periods - might be different since having a baby but will be trying it all the same!
Mine are exactly the same, if not a bit lighter after having Paige. The first 2 were brutal but went back to being bang on time each month and only lasting a few days. I think if they were bad before though, they're probably going to be the same unfortunatly but moon cups are really worth a try because they can ease alot of it and make them shorter.
I only had two periods after Jasper and got pregnant again lol

so i dunno if they would have returned to normal, i assume they would have ;)
Your so going to have to change this threads name because it still makes me sing the moon sand song lol
I think I gave up with mine, it worked fine for a while, then I was just constantly leaking, or it felt odd and uncomfortable and I couldn't get it to sit properly so I just gave up and went back to tampons.
Reading this thread has cheered me up, talk of fannies, foofs and sandpit lids has really cheered me up.
haha, Id forgotten about the sandpit lid :rofl:

I found I went through a phase of leaking but since cutting the end off completly and pulling it further to the front (if that makes sense) I found it to be a better fit. It was a thread like this on another site that made me think it was the positioning so I had a play around.
Hmmm. I'd say I might try it but I don't know where the hell mine went and I dread to think what unhygenic state it's gotten into after being lost to the pit of nowhere for so long. Ew. Can you grip it properly if you cut the end off entirely though? I always used the end to pull it out.
I cut the end off straight away and just gripped the bottom of the 'cup'

I think they would be much better designed if they had a 'ball' type thing on the end, i found the stem fucking uncomfy and rather pointless!
Some of them have balls at the end! They're not the official moon cup but same design. You can get the ones with balls in different colours and patterns too. Just to liven things up lol. I think moon cup need to jump on the band wagon.
yes i know the ones with balls on, and sparkly purple ones!! Cant remember the brand name or where ot get them from though! They were cheaper than Mooncups too!

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