mmr injection

Oooo, you've just reminded me it need to ring GP about it. Take some chocolate buttons for you too :-) it will be over in a few mins.
I am Totally pro vaccinations!!! BUT my son had a bad reaction to his, it was really scary at the time. But now that it's all over I'm glad he's had it :-)
Can't areas enough the importance of vaccinations.

The diseases it protects against can kill children- and it not only ensures that your child is protected, but it also means those people who cannot be vaccinated are less likely to be exposed to the viruses xx

Could agree more!! Measles is on the increase and it kills!!! Mumps can make boys infertile. Decision made as far as I'm concerned!

This is equally spreading uninformed information.

Measles doesn't kill that easily like vaccines don't kill that easily but both do happen.

Mumps doesn't make automatically make boys infertile either.

It wasn't introduced into the UK until 1988. How many infertile boys do you know?

My gran even said she knows a lad who had it as a teen who in fact is now infertile however plenty of boys used to get the mumps and she said I very much doubt they all ended up infertile. We wouldn't be as populated as we are today.

I can't see where I said 'mumps makes all boys infertile' so could you point it out clearly for me please?

If you re-read what I said it was that mumps 'can' make boys infertile and seeing as you said your gran knows an infertile male after contracting mumps I think my point is made! The 'possibility' of my two Son's becoming infertile should they have caught mumps from me not vaccinating them against it was enough of a scare!

Please don't assume I mean 'will' when I clearly said 'can'!

Very glad your LO is ok after his jabs Hun :)
Before the measles vaccine was widely given millions of children died from it each year. That is pretty scary if you ask me. I believe there is still almost half a million children a year die from it, mostly in countries where the vaccine isn't widely given.

The links to autism have been proven false.....but there can be side effects of course! Some people have had very serious allergic reactions which has even killed. But for me personally....the pros still outweigh the cons.

There are a small amount of people who are not suitable to have the vaccine and some people will not be immune in spite of vaccine. To stop diseases like measles becoming a huge problem again its important that the vast majority have it. This also helps protect those who are unable to be protected by having the vaccine.

Read scientific studies and research. Don't read peoples opinions.
That's absolute nonsense.

And as I said it's teens, older boys! Not young boys! You really think the MMR or any other vaccine don't wane off over time?

You're talking as if both your kids would be destined to become sterile from having mumps at a young age. I think that is misinformed and complying with something having little knowledge as why you're complying because of some irrelevant fear. What if the vaccine wanes off or it never created a correct immune response to begin with if your child is unlucky to be in that <30-15% that doesn't create an immune response.

The disney measles out break, do you mis read or just not read at all when it's traced back to fully vaccinated individuals.. Adults, teenagers whom had their immunity waned.

I never said it causes autism, I am very well aware autism is genetic thank you very much. Nor do I listen to celebrities on either side of the stance. My reasons behind vaccines is because the fear used to get pregnant women vaccinated without there being any safety studies ever done on pregnant women neither on babies in clinic studies as this is unethical. Neither does the GP take possible adverse effects into consideration and brushes it off to be all hormone related when he simply "never heard of it" . The introduction of more vaccines and the need for more than 1 or 2 vaccines for it to be "effective" made me question the entire schedule we have today.

Oh and just watch the donna reed show or something else for example when measles was taken the micky out and it wasn't this "big" deal we're speaking off today.. And if you're going to say something has killed millions of people provide some bloody evidence.

estimated 1-2 people would die per 10.000 based on actual cases between this period of time.

Here's some actual UK data..

Millions of deaths you were saying before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1980? Are you sure you want to make them claims again before you come and tell others not to read other people's opinion. To start with your own..
For anyone who is interested in data about measles deaths:
WHO says before 1980 measles caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths globally each year.
In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally.

It is worth noting that the majority of deaths are among malnourished children or those with immune deficency like in the case of AIDS. Apparently simply giving a vitamin A supplement reduces deaths by 50%.
I'm wary of giving loads of stuff all at once, but all the childhood vacs seem to be like that (e.g. diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, rotovirus etc. all given in one big go). Both mine had the MMR as I think it's important to vaccinate against these illnesses. There will always be a risk of side effects (luckily mine were both ok) and also a risk of it not working (my sister had the measles a year after having the measles vaccine - which was then a single vaccine - and it affected her hearing; she was basically lip-reading for much of her childhood (it has gradually improved over time)).
For anyone who is interested in data about measles deaths:
WHO says before 1980 measles caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths globally each year.
In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally.

It is worth noting that the majority of deaths are among malnourished children or those with immune deficency like in the case of AIDS. Apparently simply giving a vitamin A supplement reduces deaths by 50%.

Globally isn't the same as locally and if you happen to be in the uk that number wasn't in the millions and it hasn't been anywhere near the thousands in the UK for decades even prior to vaccine era.

Look at those two GOV links I've provided you with that is actual UK statistics that they are obliged to keep and report even when someone does not die they often have a duty to report the illness for the national statistics to keep track.

That there is clearly more people dying of measles in countries in Africa where there are plenty malnourised kids, think poor parts of azia and south america too.. Even in Russia TB is a big killer, like it still is in those other parts of the world too.. Like measles is too, which keep the death rates GLOBALLY quite high and will remain quite high until living conditions change to what we more or less have in western developed countries.

But should we fear and see these illnesses equally as bad as if we are the ones living in third world conditions? And shouldn't we start focusing on our over 15+ group that seems to have been the group where a measles death has been recorded in 2011, 2012 and 2013 and also in prior years and other countries which can confirm 15+ to be the ones contracting measles.

which kind of confirms all of the articles and studies that have been published about waned immunity at a later age and becoming at risk again to contract and transmit these diseases. And by that I don't mean child bearing age mothers' who are advised or get one before or after having baby.
For anyone who is interested in data about measles deaths:
WHO says before 1980 measles caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths globally each year.
In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally.

It is worth noting that the majority of deaths are among malnourished children or those with immune deficency like in the case of AIDS. Apparently simply giving a vitamin A supplement reduces deaths by 50%.

Globally isn't the same as locally and if you happen to be in the uk that number wasn't in the millions and it hasn't been anywhere near the thousands in the UK for decades even prior to vaccine era.

Look at those two GOV links I've provided you with that is actual UK statistics that they are obliged to keep and report even when someone does not die they often have a duty to report the illness for the national statistics to keep track.

That there is clearly more people dying of measles in countries in Africa where there are plenty malnourised kids, think poor parts of azia and south america too.. Even in Russia TB is a big killer, like it still is in those other parts of the world too.. Like measles is too, which keep the death rates GLOBALLY quite high and will remain quite high until living conditions change to what we more or less have in western developed countries.

But should we fear and see these illnesses equally as bad as if we are the ones living in third world conditions? And shouldn't we start focusing on our over 15+ group that seems to have been the group where a measles death has been recorded in 2011, 2012 and 2013 and also in prior years and other countries which can confirm 15+ to be the ones contracting measles.

which kind of confirms all of the articles and studies that have been published about waned immunity at a later age and becoming at risk again to contract and transmit these diseases. And by that I don't mean child bearing age mothers' who are advised or get one before or after having baby.

Clearly your opinion is the only one that can count? I can't see where clairebear put that all boys will be infertile and all who catch measles. She clearly states a fact that these can be severe side effects and she would prefer her children to be vaccinated! I have to agree! The pros of the vaccine far outweigh the cons and I am glad I had my little girl vaccinated! I can rest knowing I have done all I can to keep her healthy and safe when it comes to these nasty diseases!
It's not my opinion that counts, I'm trying to make sense that it makes more sense to look at statistics in the area that you live and not go off on global data that makes something look far worse than it is in our modern society.

I do think when you give a vaccine that has a one in a million chance of doing serious harm and other side effects that could have lasting effects or serious effects that are around one in 300 than over a space of time even one in a million will occur more frequent, then it's used in multiple countries imo increasing that risk and might be far more common as we want to believe especially because it's not lasting and it has to be given repetitive times.

And if it's known that death rates go up with vit-a deficiency why are we freaking out so bad and calling this a killer disease while as I've said before the statistics with a death a year in the age group 15+. There have been no more than 10.000 cases a year after 1995 long after the vaccine was introduced.

But I think if you are calling yourself a pro-vaccine person whatever, then make sure you have all your boosters and shots you may have missed out on before they were scheduled. Like Meningitis was only given to limited target groups back 15+ years ago. Don't ignore the facts that vaccine induced immunity wanes and you need to keep on top on them boosters to stay protected. *That's also for yourself, your child(ren) and the herd.
Last edited:
I have all my boosters and also had the meningitis jab whilst at school! My parents are very pro vaccine also!

Yes statistically I'm probably more likely to die by being hit by a bus than I am measles but it is a comfort knowing that we (family) have that little bit of protection from the mmr (and all other boosters/jabs too)
In the end it's about personal choice. There will always be arguments/debates about whether to vaccinate or not. I think we have to remember that diseases have been eradicated due to vaccination, e.g. smallpox, and that it can be a really important way of controlling illness. Additionally, this whole "immunity wanes as you get older" isn't particularly important - a lot of diseases that babies are vaccinated against are far, far more severe if caught when you're very little, like whooping cough.
Just section hopping here to give a different view, I have had the MMR (several times) and the separate vaccines (several times) but due to my body being a genetic minefield the vaccine won't take and as a result I don't have any immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella. I have had Mumps, it was horrendous, I was seriously ill and ended up in intensive care. Now I got it due to several people who were not vaccinated that contracted it at university and as a result I nearly died (I had some unfortunate complications which are very rare, but still) Also when there was a Measles outbreak locally I had to be extremely cautious, and I cannot travel anywhere with Measles........ So I am so very grateful to everybody who has their child vaccinated as every person who is vaccinated protects me a little bit more, so thank you. Just thought you may find it interesting to read a very different viewpoint. :)
Just section hopping here to give a different view, I have had the MMR (several times) and the separate vaccines (several times) but due to my body being a genetic minefield the vaccine won't take and as a result I don't have any immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella. I have had Mumps, it was horrendous, I was seriously ill and ended up in intensive care. Now I got it due to several people who were not vaccinated that contracted it at university and as a result I nearly died (I had some unfortunate complications which are very rare, but still) Also when there was a Measles outbreak locally I had to be extremely cautious, and I cannot travel anywhere with Measles........ So I am so very grateful to everybody who has their child vaccinated as every person who is vaccinated protects me a little bit more, so thank you. Just thought you may find it interesting to read a very different viewpoint. :)

That must be very difficult for you Hun. Im glad you shared your story with us! I think it's speaks volumes about how important vaccinations are xx
This man is responsible for the current use of beta blockers in heart surgery is in trouble because of scientific conduct.

Other studies are now claiming that it in fact may be harmful and if they can prove that they are right and this particular professor will be responsible for quite a big scandal in the medical industry.Also because he's suspected to have an incestuous relationship with a pharmaceutical company.

Which to me raises questions on top of my personal experience with not being taken seriously with concerns of side effects with myself whether there has been more fraud in the medical industry when it comes to scientific studies.
And that too.

But here's the information on waned immunity which concerns me the most

"So we can never be without a vaccine against it, a safer vaccine," says Dr. Poland. "Currently, upwards of 30 percent of the population can't get the current vaccine because they have any of a variety of medical conditions that would allow the live vaccine virus to propagate in their body and cause illness or death."

It's the idea that you might have no risk at all for a disease, and if we knew that, why bother to spend $300 to immunize against it?" Dr. Poland explains. "For instance, it costs about $400 for the human papillomavirus vaccine. There are people who respond after one dose. If we know that, and can improve the genetic drivers of that, we can eliminate the unnecessary cost of giving those people another dose. Another good example is hepatitis B. There are people genetically encoded to never respond to the vaccine. We can use that information to create a better, personalized vaccine."

Dr. Poland is a highly respected pro-vaccine doctor.

Dr. Doug Jenkinson knows his facts about whooping cough as he studied this in his years of practice.

And again it's these bloody adults.

Enough to highlight the importance of adult immunization if we want to take infant/children's schedule seriously?

Personally I haven't come to a conclusion whether to vaccinate or not. But I am a firm believer that if you want to protect the little ones by vaccinating them you need to keep up to date with vaccines yourself. I do respect people who do. I however don't respect people who don't.

For example my partner who seems to be very pro-vaccine and doesn't want to hear any of my concerns or what I perceive to be a conflicting advice between several countries and their schedule and how their schedules are layed out different. It's only been recent where he has opened up and accepted some fair points I have made. He then made the shocking revelation to me that he didn't even know what we are actually vaccinating for, being scared of dying from measles (while realistically the risks of dying from meningitis is higher than for example measles so to use measles as a fear tactic doesn't really convince me of running to the docs to get all three or four they think they're going to give at the same time).

He has called me a ****** on the subject several times and despite the facts being laid out that if he wants to protect his own child and himself and the rest of the herd he would need to go in. It's been 30+ years since he had whooping cough so he'd need a booster looking at the information available, he too would need a MMR booster and he would likely be in the group to have missed out on the MEN C meaning he would need to top up on that one too. His initial response was I do not need to get them jabs because I am an adult and I can make that decision for myself!

He seriously said that which infuriates me, so I give him the evidence which is anything but anti-vaccine but more like from his side the absolute pro-vaccine people who are giving this advice, who are urging more adults to get their vaccines up to date and keep track. He then said, Ok I'll go and ask the doctor what vaccines our lb needs and which one I need. I said to him to go and get himself stocked up on 3 or 4 at the same time and if you are fine, you can take our child... But he hasn't made an effort since.

And you know actions speak louder than words. Well that's the classic example of knowing where someone's priority's lay.

I've done 21 one pages so far with collecting information like this and highlighting parts and raising questions where I have them and I'm going to have to make it a bit easier to over look and then I'm going to give it to him in the hope he'll stop calling me a ****** on the subject and is willing to look at the information together rather and make a decision what and where to vaccinate against what (before the start of nursery) than separate and have some sort of wannabe debate between two non-professionals who can't come up to a conclusion for the sake of their own child.

To be honest I'm on the side and I'm very much wanting to be on the side where I want to accept vaccines in my own proportion where I feel that is really necessary but will also find efficient enough to "take the risk of vaccinating" while on the other hand "I'm taking the risk not to vaccinate but then again I've done that for 18 months now" but it's really hard it is made out to seem there is only two sides either in favour or against and because I'm a skeptic I'm pushed in the anti-corner.
But both sides don't attract me 100% the most ridiculous things I have read from vaccine refusers/skeptics is that soon the vaccines will contain a chip you can't even see so basically everyone will be microchipped through vaccination and to top that allegation of JESUS told us about it back whenever he had done..
Now I'm not just a vaccine skeptic, I'm also very skeptical about religion and it's facts about it we claim we know today whilst factual history is something totally different. But anyway that literally made my jaw drop to the floor. Since I have unfollowed anything that spuws nonsense like that and despite it filters out a lot of information previously read which isn't necessarily untrue, I want to go over again and if it hasn't got any credible sources to government statistics their conclusions are based on I doubt the validity of the entire story. Although that's more on the website and article writers who are actively anti-vaccine people.

It's genuinely hard to be in the grey area because it's easy for people to mistake you for a total anti-vaxxer which I am certainly not. I don't believe it can cause autism and I don't support people who reject all modern medicine like anti-biotics and believe high doses of vitamins (upon own risk without a trained professional) or using this colloidal silver I keep seeing people recommend each other. I can't support that either and the last thing I want to do is experiment with this things without a trained professional I rather get me anti-biotics from the GP. But then I don't mindlessly use everything the doctor precribed me, there's a list of things I never picked up after being prescribed and there has been stuff I've picked up and then binned after reading through the patient leaflet.
Wow we have a lot of doctors and scientists here....
This man is responsible for the current use of beta blockers in heart surgery is in trouble because of scientific conduct.

Other studies are now claiming that it in fact may be harmful and if they can prove that they are right and this particular professor will be responsible for quite a big scandal in the medical industry.Also because he's suspected to have an incestuous relationship with a pharmaceutical company.

Which to me raises questions on top of my personal experience with not being taken seriously with concerns of side effects with myself whether there has been more fraud in the medical industry when it comes to scientific studies.
And that too.

But here's the information on waned immunity which concerns me the most

"So we can never be without a vaccine against it, a safer vaccine," says Dr. Poland. "Currently, upwards of 30 percent of the population can't get the current vaccine because they have any of a variety of medical conditions that would allow the live vaccine virus to propagate in their body and cause illness or death."

It's the idea that you might have no risk at all for a disease, and if we knew that, why bother to spend $300 to immunize against it?" Dr. Poland explains. "For instance, it costs about $400 for the human papillomavirus vaccine. There are people who respond after one dose. If we know that, and can improve the genetic drivers of that, we can eliminate the unnecessary cost of giving those people another dose. Another good example is hepatitis B. There are people genetically encoded to never respond to the vaccine. We can use that information to create a better, personalized vaccine."

Dr. Poland is a highly respected pro-vaccine doctor.

Dr. Doug Jenkinson knows his facts about whooping cough as he studied this in his years of practice.

And again it's these bloody adults.

Enough to highlight the importance of adult immunization if we want to take infant/children's schedule seriously?

Personally I haven't come to a conclusion whether to vaccinate or not. But I am a firm believer that if you want to protect the little ones by vaccinating them you need to keep up to date with vaccines yourself. I do respect people who do. I however don't respect people who don't.

For example my partner who seems to be very pro-vaccine and doesn't want to hear any of my concerns or what I perceive to be a conflicting advice between several countries and their schedule and how their schedules are layed out different. It's only been recent where he has opened up and accepted some fair points I have made. He then made the shocking revelation to me that he didn't even know what we are actually vaccinating for, being scared of dying from measles (while realistically the risks of dying from meningitis is higher than for example measles so to use measles as a fear tactic doesn't really convince me of running to the docs to get all three or four they think they're going to give at the same time).

He has called me a ****** on the subject several times and despite the facts being laid out that if he wants to protect his own child and himself and the rest of the herd he would need to go in. It's been 30+ years since he had whooping cough so he'd need a booster looking at the information available, he too would need a MMR booster and he would likely be in the group to have missed out on the MEN C meaning he would need to top up on that one too. His initial response was I do not need to get them jabs because I am an adult and I can make that decision for myself!

He seriously said that which infuriates me, so I give him the evidence which is anything but anti-vaccine but more like from his side the absolute pro-vaccine people who are giving this advice, who are urging more adults to get their vaccines up to date and keep track. He then said, Ok I'll go and ask the doctor what vaccines our lb needs and which one I need. I said to him to go and get himself stocked up on 3 or 4 at the same time and if you are fine, you can take our child... But he hasn't made an effort since.

And you know actions speak louder than words. Well that's the classic example of knowing where someone's priority's lay.

I've done 21 one pages so far with collecting information like this and highlighting parts and raising questions where I have them and I'm going to have to make it a bit easier to over look and then I'm going to give it to him in the hope he'll stop calling me a ****** on the subject and is willing to look at the information together rather and make a decision what and where to vaccinate against what (before the start of nursery) than separate and have some sort of wannabe debate between two non-professionals who can't come up to a conclusion for the sake of their own child.

To be honest I'm on the side and I'm very much wanting to be on the side where I want to accept vaccines in my own proportion where I feel that is really necessary but will also find efficient enough to "take the risk of vaccinating" while on the other hand "I'm taking the risk not to vaccinate but then again I've done that for 18 months now" but it's really hard it is made out to seem there is only two sides either in favour or against and because I'm a skeptic I'm pushed in the anti-corner.
But both sides don't attract me 100% the most ridiculous things I have read from vaccine refusers/skeptics is that soon the vaccines will contain a chip you can't even see so basically everyone will be microchipped through vaccination and to top that allegation of JESUS told us about it back whenever he had done..
Now I'm not just a vaccine skeptic, I'm also very skeptical about religion and it's facts about it we claim we know today whilst factual history is something totally different. But anyway that literally made my jaw drop to the floor. Since I have unfollowed anything that spuws nonsense like that and despite it filters out a lot of information previously read which isn't necessarily untrue, I want to go over again and if it hasn't got any credible sources to government statistics their conclusions are based on I doubt the validity of the entire story. Although that's more on the website and article writers who are actively anti-vaccine people.

It's genuinely hard to be in the grey area because it's easy for people to mistake you for a total anti-vaxxer which I am certainly not. I don't believe it can cause autism and I don't support people who reject all modern medicine like anti-biotics and believe high doses of vitamins (upon own risk without a trained professional) or using this colloidal silver I keep seeing people recommend each other. I can't support that either and the last thing I want to do is experiment with this things without a trained professional I rather get me anti-biotics from the GP. But then I don't mindlessly use everything the doctor precribed me, there's a list of things I never picked up after being prescribed and there has been stuff I've picked up and then binned after reading through the patient leaflet.

Also concerning is the fact he thinks it's in any way acceptable to use the word '******'......
This man is responsible for the current use of beta blockers in heart surgery is in trouble because of scientific conduct.

Other studies are now claiming that it in fact may be harmful and if they can prove that they are right and this particular professor will be responsible for quite a big scandal in the medical industry.Also because he's suspected to have an incestuous relationship with a pharmaceutical company.

Which to me raises questions on top of my personal experience with not being taken seriously with concerns of side effects with myself whether there has been more fraud in the medical industry when it comes to scientific studies.
And that too.

But here's the information on waned immunity which concerns me the most

"So we can never be without a vaccine against it, a safer vaccine," says Dr. Poland. "Currently, upwards of 30 percent of the population can't get the current vaccine because they have any of a variety of medical conditions that would allow the live vaccine virus to propagate in their body and cause illness or death."

It's the idea that you might have no risk at all for a disease, and if we knew that, why bother to spend $300 to immunize against it?" Dr. Poland explains. "For instance, it costs about $400 for the human papillomavirus vaccine. There are people who respond after one dose. If we know that, and can improve the genetic drivers of that, we can eliminate the unnecessary cost of giving those people another dose. Another good example is hepatitis B. There are people genetically encoded to never respond to the vaccine. We can use that information to create a better, personalized vaccine."

Dr. Poland is a highly respected pro-vaccine doctor.

Dr. Doug Jenkinson knows his facts about whooping cough as he studied this in his years of practice.

And again it's these bloody adults.

Enough to highlight the importance of adult immunization if we want to take infant/children's schedule seriously?

Personally I haven't come to a conclusion whether to vaccinate or not. But I am a firm believer that if you want to protect the little ones by vaccinating them you need to keep up to date with vaccines yourself. I do respect people who do. I however don't respect people who don't.

For example my partner who seems to be very pro-vaccine and doesn't want to hear any of my concerns or what I perceive to be a conflicting advice between several countries and their schedule and how their schedules are layed out different. It's only been recent where he has opened up and accepted some fair points I have made. He then made the shocking revelation to me that he didn't even know what we are actually vaccinating for, being scared of dying from measles (while realistically the risks of dying from meningitis is higher than for example measles so to use measles as a fear tactic doesn't really convince me of running to the docs to get all three or four they think they're going to give at the same time).

He has called me a ****** on the subject several times and despite the facts being laid out that if he wants to protect his own child and himself and the rest of the herd he would need to go in. It's been 30+ years since he had whooping cough so he'd need a booster looking at the information available, he too would need a MMR booster and he would likely be in the group to have missed out on the MEN C meaning he would need to top up on that one too. His initial response was I do not need to get them jabs because I am an adult and I can make that decision for myself!

He seriously said that which infuriates me, so I give him the evidence which is anything but anti-vaccine but more like from his side the absolute pro-vaccine people who are giving this advice, who are urging more adults to get their vaccines up to date and keep track. He then said, Ok I'll go and ask the doctor what vaccines our lb needs and which one I need. I said to him to go and get himself stocked up on 3 or 4 at the same time and if you are fine, you can take our child... But he hasn't made an effort since.

And you know actions speak louder than words. Well that's the classic example of knowing where someone's priority's lay.

I've done 21 one pages so far with collecting information like this and highlighting parts and raising questions where I have them and I'm going to have to make it a bit easier to over look and then I'm going to give it to him in the hope he'll stop calling me a ****** on the subject and is willing to look at the information together rather and make a decision what and where to vaccinate against what (before the start of nursery) than separate and have some sort of wannabe debate between two non-professionals who can't come up to a conclusion for the sake of their own child.

To be honest I'm on the side and I'm very much wanting to be on the side where I want to accept vaccines in my own proportion where I feel that is really necessary but will also find efficient enough to "take the risk of vaccinating" while on the other hand "I'm taking the risk not to vaccinate but then again I've done that for 18 months now" but it's really hard it is made out to seem there is only two sides either in favour or against and because I'm a skeptic I'm pushed in the anti-corner.
But both sides don't attract me 100% the most ridiculous things I have read from vaccine refusers/skeptics is that soon the vaccines will contain a chip you can't even see so basically everyone will be microchipped through vaccination and to top that allegation of JESUS told us about it back whenever he had done..
Now I'm not just a vaccine skeptic, I'm also very skeptical about religion and it's facts about it we claim we know today whilst factual history is something totally different. But anyway that literally made my jaw drop to the floor. Since I have unfollowed anything that spuws nonsense like that and despite it filters out a lot of information previously read which isn't necessarily untrue, I want to go over again and if it hasn't got any credible sources to government statistics their conclusions are based on I doubt the validity of the entire story. Although that's more on the website and article writers who are actively anti-vaccine people.

It's genuinely hard to be in the grey area because it's easy for people to mistake you for a total anti-vaxxer which I am certainly not. I don't believe it can cause autism and I don't support people who reject all modern medicine like anti-biotics and believe high doses of vitamins (upon own risk without a trained professional) or using this colloidal silver I keep seeing people recommend each other. I can't support that either and the last thing I want to do is experiment with this things without a trained professional I rather get me anti-biotics from the GP. But then I don't mindlessly use everything the doctor precribed me, there's a list of things I never picked up after being prescribed and there has been stuff I've picked up and then binned after reading through the patient leaflet.

To be honest I don't have time to sit and read all these links you keep posting! I think you are trying to force your opinion onto everybody! Are you a qualified doctor who is entitled to give this sort of advice? No? So until then whatever vaccines my genuine real life practicing go gives me regarding vaccines I will take!
I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone, I'm providing information with facts that vaccines wane and the importance of boosters. That you accept that, that's fine but there are other's who don't which I feel should read through that to understand the importance of promoting adult vaccination too in order to get rid of in this topic the measles.

That I have my doubts and am willing to express those, I'm not forcing anyone to doubt the safety of vaccines or to stop using them. I just do think those in favour of pro-vaccinating infants and children should also maintain that importance factor amongst adults. So therefore I provide links that highlights this importance.

Saying there's a lot of doctors and scientists proves a lot of ignorance, it doesn't take someone without a specific scientist degree or a doctors degree to have the ability to read through a lot of information. But that's a different argument I am not going to have.

And for the record it was my OH that used those words to me not the other way around. That's enough said because I can't be bothered any further on the subject when I'm being judged anyway.

Good luck with it all.
Anyone can write an article for or against. If its not medically proven its rubbish imo.

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