Missing my anti natal class today. Can someone fill me in please??


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Sorry im ment to be at my anti natal class today 11-5 but woke this morning with a really achey body, and banging headache. Went to sleep last night with the bad headache and can't shift it. Think I sniffed to much clary sage oil last night!! My midwife came and visited me last week about pain relief in labour-she was here all of 5 minutes!! This was Incase I didn't make the app today beings its days before DD! But now that I haven't gone into labour but just don't feel well could somebody please fill me in on things you talk about or get told about??
Thanks! X
Ours covered when to ring the hospital, signs of labour, pain relief and breastfeeding, that was about it really. It was very good but nothing you can't find out from here or a good pg book tbh xxxxxxxx
What sort of things do you want to know? Anything specific? Or was it a class covering everything? X
When do u call hospital? What should you do of waters trickle out? Or even gush? Midwife told me the pain relief was pethedine gas n air n epidural. She didn't talk about abything else? Where you given leaflets about anything ? X
The mw said that if the plug comes away they don't need to know unless you are getting contractions. If water leakage is suspected to ring them and they'll check it out, if they go fully then ring them. Our hospital will only leave us 48 hours after loss of waters with no contractions. She said that when we start getting contractions to ring them and they'll tell us when to go in or to ring again. She also said that if waters go to monitor our temperature to make sure there's no infection. Also if waters are discoloured cos of poo etc then we'd be in straight away for a c-section. I think that's about it tbh, if I'm not sure on anything I'll just be ringing them anyway and they can tell me what to do
the hospital policy by me is if waters go ring straight away and go in to be checked to make sure everything is ok, if no contractions go home and monitor temp and thet will advise when to go in!! you dont go in with plug loss like bb said unless accompannied with contractions

if contractions have started call them when they are at least every 2-3 mins apart lasting around a minute or more and not being able to talk through them, unless you have been advised otherwise (like me im a VBAC so have to go in sooner for monitoring)

just go with ur motherly instincts, i did 2nd time as i didnt have a clue what to expect after being induced first time around and all went to plan!!

they dnt really mention much about pain relief til ur in hospital as they like to make sure ur in estabished labour before offering any sort of pain relief :)

do you need to make another appt to see mw if nothing happens, for a sweep or booking in for induction etc :)

Good Luck when it all happens xxxx
I have an app at 40w4d for a sweep! So next Wednesday! Fingers crossed I won't b needing it!

Thanks for your replies xxx

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