Miscarried at 6 weeks.


Jul 17, 2015
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Hey girls, I am new to this site! I have quite a lengthy story so definitely grab a cup of tea before reading :)

I found out I was pregnant a month ago, very early but I took a pregnancy test as I had a 'feeling' and I was 2 weeks pregnant. My partner and I was very happy, shocked but happy! I seen my Doctor and got told to wait until I am around 8 weeks to see midwife. As weeks went on.. me being me, very impatient, wanted a definite due date and to see my little baby! I paid for a private scan and got my due date and seen my little baby at 6 weeks. My heart filled with love as soon as I seen heartbeat flickering on screen.

Two days after that private scan, I began to get some cramping. I googled it, and reassured myself it was just my uterus stretching and things preparing to house my little baby so I didn't panic. Late yesterday evening I was cramping rather bad, worse than I would if on period. I went to the loo and noticed I was spotting pink blood. I rang 111 for advice and they told me to go to my local hospital. I seen the Dr and he said everything is fine. Obs are fine. Belly felt fine. Everything fine. So I went back home and went to bed.

During the night, I kept waking up from the cramp, proving how painful it was. I went to the toilet and I was bleeding heavy. Heavier than I would if on period. My heart sank. I knew I had lost the baby. I rang 111 again and the sent me straight to A&E. Again, Dr said everything is 'fine'. Advised me to ring maternity centre in morning to get a scan. So I went home and woke up in time to ring the early pregnancy assessment centre. They said they couldn't see to scan me until Wednesday. I was disgusted. I told them I want to know if I have a dead baby inside of me!

Anyways they refused to squeeze me in, so I rang the lady who done my private scan and she scanned me at half two today. When she scanned me Tuesday, she found baby straight away and heartbeat. This time she couldn't. So she tried a internal scan. She found the sac and the baby inside of it. But no heartbeat. She said she is 80% sure the baby has died. She said she will scan me again Tuesday to double check. But she said being as she found heartbeat so quick last time, she is certain I have miscarried.

Regardless how far gone I am/was, I am heartbroken.
I know it cant be helped. I know its not something I done. Its the way of life.

Although I cant help but think its something to do with my medication I was on prior to finding out I was pregnant. I was taking 40mg of Citalopram. When doctors found out I was pregnant, they stopped the antidepressants and told me to see how I got on without them.

Needless to say I have been bad. I started withdrawing from them badly. I was struggling with vertigo and had to have two weeks off work. I couldn't drive and was stuck in home with my head spinning all day every day.

Am I right to think that possibly stopping this medication could have something to do with me loosing baby? Because of the stress my body was under from withdrawing? :-(

I am now sat in home alone, cramping, and looking at the scan pictures of my baby. Why me!

So sorry to read about your mc Yasmin! I have just suffered my second mc and it is absolutely heartbreaking no matter how early on in the pregnancy you are!!! Most of the time there is no definite reason as to why mc occur but you mustn't blame yourself!

Right now you need to allow yourself to grieve and feel sad and look after yourself. Speak to your partner about how you are both feeling, it will help! x
So sorry for your loss. It's very unlikely it was anything to do with your medication, sadly it's something like 1 in 4 pregnancies that end in an early mc so please don't blame yourself.

Hope you start to get the support you need from your hospital, you shouldn't have to be paying for private scans.

Big hugs xx

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