Miscarriage at 7 weeks


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Mar 2, 2019
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So I came off the pill at the end of December, found out I was pregnant in Feb and from about 4 weeks I had bleeding. Had 2 scans which showed areas of bleeding but the baby had a heartbeat and was given a 50 50 chance of mc. A few days ago the bleeding got worse and had a "gush" of blood and every time i went to the toilet i could feel clots and blood (sorry tmi). Had a routine scan this morning which showed a complete miscarriage. I am heartbroken as I allowed myself to get my hopes up that everything would have been okay as there are so many success stories from people who experienced bleeding. The bleeding has gone away now and I am hoping to start ttc soon. Although I am obviously scared to death that this will happen again. How have other people coped with this? I'm glad that I managed to pass everything and don't have to take any medication so trying to look at it positively. I am also 28 with no health issues so no obvious reasons for the mc other than just bad luck. My husband has been amazing but would be good to talk to others who have had a similar experience as me. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. X
I feel your pain. I have had three miscarriages, and potentially a fourth to be confirmed today. It never gets easier and for me has increased my anxiety levels and pessimism each time it happens again. It's incredibly challenging and strips away the innocence and joy from conceiving. That being said, I am hopeful that one day I will feel all the more joy once it finally does work out. The only way forward is forward, and we just have to be stronger than our bad luck.
That's so sad, good for you for being so strong throughout this. People have been giving me words of advice all day which is lovely but I feel like it's better to speak to people who can relate. My heart has been breaking all day, I feel so teary and just want this day to be over. What are your next steps, have you had any blood tests etc? I'm hoping this is just a one off but obviously as you know it can happen more than once. I love your positivity I'm sure you will get your baby sooner or later and I'm sure this will all be worth it. It's just the uncertainty, I hate not having control over situations. Thanks for replying btw
So I came off the pill at the end of December, found out I was pregnant in Feb and from about 4 weeks I had bleeding. Had 2 scans which showed areas of bleeding but the baby had a heartbeat and was given a 50 50 chance of mc. A few days ago the bleeding got worse and had a "gush" of blood and every time i went to the toilet i could feel clots and blood (sorry tmi). Had a routine scan this morning which showed a complete miscarriage. I am heartbroken as I allowed myself to get my hopes up that everything would have been okay as there are so many success stories from people who experienced bleeding. The bleeding has gone away now and I am hoping to start ttc soon. Although I am obviously scared to death that this will happen again. How have other people coped with this? I'm glad that I managed to pass everything and don't have to take any medication so trying to look at it positively. I am also 28 with no health issues so no obvious reasons for the mc other than just bad luck. My husband has been amazing but would be good to talk to others who have had a similar experience as me. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. X

Hey, just wanted to say I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Your experience is similar to what I went through last June..I can completely relate to how you're feeling and would have appreciated someone to talk to at the time who had also been through it so hope you don't mind the long post.

I got pregnant after 6 months of ttc when I was also 28 last year. One eve I saw the tiniest amount of pinkish blood after going to the loo and although it was so small I had to double check I instantly feared the worst. After reading a lot online I convinced myself as it was such a tiny amount things were probably ok (as you say there are lots of success stories from people who experienced bleeding). There was no more blood the next morning, I hadn't had any cramps or other symptoms and I even hesitated calling my GP as I was so sure things were ok. I was referred to the EPU for a scan first thing which unfortunately meant my OH couldn't get there in time. After what felt like an age in silence I was told they couldn't find a heartbeat and that the baby had stopped growing around 7 weeks.

I was in complete shock and don't remember most the conversation with the sonographer that followed. Having to walk out alone through the maternity ward past pregnant women and people carrying their babies was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. My OH left work immediately and we had an afternoon of crying and cuddling on the sofa before returning to the hospital to complete the forms regarding having a D&C which took place the following morning. The feeling of emptiness was overwhelming and I don't know what I would have done in the weeks and months that following if it hadn't been for the support of my wonderful OH. He was always so positive and tried so hard to make me smile and see that things would work out eventually. I would say being open and honest with each other about how you are both feeling is so important. It has definitely made us stronger and closer as a couple.

We decided we both wanted to start ttc again as soon as possible after the bleeding had stopped and I fell pregnant again 12 weeks later. I thought seeing those two lines again would be a moment of pure joy but if I'm honest I felt numb. There were no happy tears, mainly fear and 'what if's. It's taken a long time to truly believe this pregnancy is going to work out after what happened last time. I felt guilty like we were forgetting about the baby we lost and so scared we would also lose this one. During the first 12 weeks I would constantly check for blood every time I went to the toilet and the anxiety was exhausting. I'm now 28 weeks and honestly never thought I'd get to this stage. I'll never forget our first baby and still have moments of sadness wondering what they would have been like, but am also finally looking forward to our future and believing we will get to meet our little boy in June. There is hope after a miscarriage and its amazing how many women have been through it and gone on to have healthy pregnancies. The odds are in your favour and like you said you're young and fit which obviously helps. Hopefully we are just the '1 in 4' that has to go through this before we get our rainbow babies. Give yourself time to grieve but also try and be positive about what the future holds. If you ever need anyone to talk to let me know :) x
Hey, just wanted to say I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Your experience is similar to what I went through last June..I can completely relate to how you're feeling and would have appreciated someone to talk to at the time who had also been through it so hope you don't mind the long post.

I got pregnant after 6 months of ttc when I was also 28 last year. One eve I saw the tiniest amount of pinkish blood after going to the loo and although it was so small I had to double check I instantly feared the worst. After reading a lot online I convinced myself as it was such a tiny amount things were probably ok (as you say there are lots of success stories from people who experienced bleeding). There was no more blood the next morning, I hadn't had any cramps or other symptoms and I even hesitated calling my GP as I was so sure things were ok. I was referred to the EPU for a scan first thing which unfortunately meant my OH couldn't get there in time. After what felt like an age in silence I was told they couldn't find a heartbeat and that the baby had stopped growing around 7 weeks.

I was in complete shock and don't remember most the conversation with the sonographer that followed. Having to walk out alone through the maternity ward past pregnant women and people carrying their babies was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. My OH left work immediately and we had an afternoon of crying and cuddling on the sofa before returning to the hospital to complete the forms regarding having a D&C which took place the following morning. The feeling of emptiness was overwhelming and I don't know what I would have done in the weeks and months that following if it hadn't been for the support of my wonderful OH. He was always so positive and tried so hard to make me smile and see that things would work out eventually. I would say being open and honest with each other about how you are both feeling is so important. It has definitely made us stronger and closer as a couple.

We decided we both wanted to start ttc again as soon as possible after the bleeding had stopped and I fell pregnant again 12 weeks later. I thought seeing those two lines again would be a moment of pure joy but if I'm honest I felt numb. There were no happy tears, mainly fear and 'what if's. It's taken a long time to truly believe this pregnancy is going to work out after what happened last time. I felt guilty like we were forgetting about the baby we lost and so scared we would also lose this one. During the first 12 weeks I would constantly check for blood every time I went to the toilet and the anxiety was exhausting. I'm now 28 weeks and honestly never thought I'd get to this stage. I'll never forget our first baby and still have moments of sadness wondering what they would have been like, but am also finally looking forward to our future and believing we will get to meet our little boy in June. There is hope after a miscarriage and its amazing how many women have been through it and gone on to have healthy pregnancies. The odds are in your favour and like you said you're young and fit which obviously helps. Hopefully we are just the '1 in 4' that has to go through this before we get our rainbow babies. Give yourself time to grieve but also try and be positive about what the future holds. If you ever need anyone to talk to let me know :) x

How refreshing reading your story, I am so so happy yours ended with a successful pregnancy thats amazing! I definitely feel like it is something people need to talk about more, I felt so low right after it happened but after talking to other people who have been in this situation it has made me look at things a bit more positively. Its amazing and heartbreaking learning how common it is. I still catch myself thinking Aw I would have been however many weeks pregnant right now and feel myself dipping, but I try and turn it around like yeah I would have been but NEXT time I will appreciate it so much more when i have a healthy pregnancy. I'm also trying to stop myself from saying "if" and replacing it with "when". It really is the hardest thing I've ever been through but hearing stories like yours really gives me hope. Thank you for sharing it and good luck with everything :)
If you feel fine and your doctor says it is OK to start ttc but mostly it is about how you feel if your ready to start again you can do so as soon as your first period after mc I had the same experience the bleeding lasted 3 weeks and hurt like hell and I was young and so lucky that my husband was supportive. The only advice I would give is to prepare yourself mentally cause it can take a while to get there after that, it is sad. For me it has been almost a year of ttc so just be hopeful even thou it might take a while althou I heard of women getting pregnant right away so fingers crossed. I don't know if that helpful or not. x

Thank you so much for your reply!!! It really is the worst thing ever to go through but I'm happy to say that I'm now 13 weeks pregnant and so far all is good!! So there is hope after all. Just keep trying and try your best to stay positive about everything I know it is really hard but I tried to change my way of thinking and it made me feel better. Good luck and dont give up!! Xx
Thank you so much for your reply!!! It really is the worst thing ever to go through but I'm happy to say that I'm now 13 weeks pregnant and so far all is good!! So there is hope after all. Just keep trying and try your best to stay positive about everything I know it is really hard but I tried to change my way of thinking and it made me feel better. Good luck and dont give up!! Xx
Congratulations! Sorry I didn't see the date of the first post I replied to, now I feel silly☺️

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