Mil rant!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I've not been on here for a while now - partly because I dont feel pregnant at all plus I'm so impatient that I've been avoiding baby stuff until 20 weeks ha! But I really need to destress and I have no where to vent my anger right now so here goes!

Firstly Greg & I are getting married - at 22 years old we must be the first of our place that are actually only interested in being husband and wife - no big fancy day etc! Which is good, saves us the pennies! So now baba is on the way we decided to do it before he/she arrives so we are all Montgomery's :) We haven't even got engaged - just going to go to our local registry office with some of the family and have a meal after. No party (because I'm the drinker in our relationship so waiting till April!! Ha).

Anyway the problem now is - G's family is chuffed, so is mines. BUT G's mum and bro moved to Oz a couple of years ago. G just told them about the wedding and his mum is raging because she hasn't been invited! I mean she cant afford to come over for her first grandchild yet now she is threating to not come over next christmas and she called G a lot of bad shit (pardon my french) in the message to him. She is a disgrace!! I mean its not like we are having a massive do and we dont want her there - but to be so horrible to G has made me upset! The wedding is like 3 weeks away so shes hardly gonna jump on a bloomin plane to be there. Such a witch!! His brother has now emailed and sent him a load of shite as well. I mean how to make a bad situation worse! Doesnt help that she doesn't actually like me anyway so that'll be bugging her that she cant talk him out of it. She hasn't even attempted to email or phone me since we found out we were expecting! Bitch!

She has stressed me to the max with this, I cant email her direct because then she'll just say that I'm controlling Greg (thats why she doesnt like me!! Aye ok!). Then to top it all off G's gran has fallen out with his uncle so I have to chose who will be there and who wont. How about they all away and fuck off because I'm sick of that family before I have even married into it! You would think that surely they would stop and think - wait a minute, they love each other, they have a baby on the way and it's their big day so quit the bloody drama!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!! At the end of the day we have been together 4 years, baby was planned and we have lived together for 2 and a half years. I think we know what we are doing.

Sorry for the essay - and sorry for it being in the wrong place on the forum. If you have got this far I salute you! Lol xx
Yikes! Not nice situation. Just remember that your wedding is the day for you and your oh. Dont let anyone ruin it. Screw them. You are marrying Greg, not his family. I hope you feel less stressed soon Hun.xx
Yup agree with Lula.. It's yours and OH's wedding, nobody elses! Don't let them spoil it! X
I agree with what the others have said the day is about you and your OH so don't let others ruin it! I hope you've managed to destress a bit x x x
Totally agree, can chose your friends but not your family and that includes your in laws lol. You are both doing the right thing. Hope you are feeling less stressed now xx
I've spoke it over with G and he just said its her problem so ignore her. So glad he doesnt side with her all the time - I wouldnt be able to cope! Lol. Thanks ladies xx

Hope you enjoy your Big Day even if you are only having a small day. It's about you and OH no-one else. x
Fuck em all I say, if they cannot even be civil about it then that's their problem. There's only 2 of you getting married

Have a wonderful day and ignore the morons sweetie xxxxxxxxxx
Oh my god, inlaws are a pain... i know.
just egnore her and as long and u and him are happy things will be ok. and dont stress.
sorry to hear this. - feel free to rant where ever you like though.
I would pose in one of the wedding pictures with a sign that says "wish you were here" frame it and send it to her...just that one picture lol but then I can be a tad harsh .....

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