Midwife letter????


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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2 weeks ago i went to my doctors to let them know i was pregnant. Well that was a mess on its own! Ok so i got up at the crack of dawn to go to the doctors to get assigned my midwife etc.

I get there and i show the doctor my EPU scan info... he looks at it and says whats this.... i explain everything to him and said... "what do you want me to do?" How Rude! I said... I have been told you need to assign me a midwife." "Oh well i don't really know much about this..... take it to reception and they will sort it out for you." so i go to reception and they say... oh you need to make an appointment to see a doctor as we can't refer you. I explain i have just had a doctors appointment and they said to come here....she said " well you need to make another appointment!" I asked if i could speak to someone now as it isnt easy for me to get time of work at late notice. She said they arent any appointments available for another week! (next Fri):wall2:

I just walked out. Was so annoyed i have gotten up really early for no reason at all in the pouring rain to be told i ahve to make another appointment. :mad:

They then called me back that evening and took all the details over the phone and said that i would get a letter through the post about a midwife.

its now 2 weeks on and i have heard nothing. I really don't want them to leave it too long cos i want to be able to have a scan soon! :(

How long were all you girlies waiting for their midwife letter??
Hi I never had to wait I went to the doctors surgery and booked an appointment to see the midwife they just asked if I was at least 8 weeks I said yes and had an appointment the following week then I have had an excellant experiance with my midwife since then xx
I never got any letters from my midwife.
oh.... Its proper stressing me out.... Everytime i finish work i get home and i hope there is something there and there never is ! :mad:
i was told i would get sent a letter in the post with my midwife details on it to arrange my first midwife appointment... I think i might just phone my doctors on Monday and chase em up!
where is the local midwife, do you knwo anyone who has seen them and you can get the details of them xx
I know people who ahve yea. Will ask em!
I got a letter about 3 weeks after my doctor app with the mw appointment date! I'm sure you should've seen a mw by now though cos you have your booking in and bloods around 8 weeks unless it's different in different areas! Maybe phone the docs to chase it up x x
well i was rushed to A&E at 4 weeks and had a scan and bloods done and then a follow up at 6 weeks.took me 2 weeks to get an appointment at docs and now 2 weeks later im still waiting....
I went into my doctors on the friday to do a pregnancy test and they booked my midwife appointment that day for the following wednesday. I have seen a midwife and doctor on the wednesday, signed for the maternity exemption card. Now i have to wait for the scan date to come through from the hospital, but if i have any concerns i can just walk in when midwifes are there on a wednesday. Id ring your doctors there not doing there job properly x
wow! Ok im deffinately calling them on monday! :D
I would ring your doctors and ask when the midwifes clinic is each week at your surgery and get the name of the midwife, as this normally is your named midwife. Normally, but not always, you should be booked in between 8 and 10 weeks. Then they arrange for your 12 week scan. The doctors isnt doing its job properly and as for your GP, they should be ashamed of themselves!
well my docs has always been useless! :mad:going to phone them on monday (only open mon-fri) and give em a rant down the phone!
i never had to go through my doctor at all on wed at my health center that is the usual weekly midwife appoinments and a thursday is only for booking in appointments??
I never saw a doctor,the receptionist gave me the mw number and I phoned them myself,left a MSG and she rang me back same day. Had my bookin in at 9 weeks xxx
my dr's refered me to mine ask the receptionist for her no and ring her yourself i had my booking visit at 8weeks
I saw a doctor they filled out a little pink form think then I got a call from the Midwife to arrange an appointment :)

All done in 2 weeks :)
Hope you get it sorted soon, I'd chased them up, they sound useless, I had booked in at 10 weeks , but since then they have been useless too, booking me next appointment, writing on the bamck of my notes, and then not putting it on the system, along with other ladies and so we all turned up, causing a 2 hour wait etc!!

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