Midwife later today wish my luck ladies I am gonna need it !


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Today is they day I am going to tell my midwife I want a home birth and I am just hoping shes going to be supportive :pray: I have heard so many horror stories about them trying to put you off and not being supportive, if she isnt I am not going to back down I am going to get what I want I just hope she doesnt try and make it any harder.

Keep getting lots of aches and pains in the morning and evening do any of you ladies who are around this mark get it? makes me feel really missrable :(
good luck hun with the midwife and you go with what you want hun dont let them tell you otherwise its your birth :D

cant wait to read yur birth story though, im so jealous i wasnt even allowed a choice with my 2 births :(

:hug: xxxxx
I got alot of pains, its baby expanding :? Good for you doing a home birth! :dance: If I didnt have neighbours upstairs then its something I would seriously think about. Means your OH will get to spend first night with baby aswell and you dont have to cope with stupid hospital food. Think that will be an amazing experience for you. Cant wait to read your birth story to find out how it went. Dont let that midwife of your push you about ...be strong :D :hug:
good luck with midwife appointment girl :hug:

i havent had any major problems or aches..

i felt my first discomfort yesterday tho.. i threw up..

and there i was thinking i had escaped untouched :lol:
Good luck with the midwife today Tasha, don't back down at the end of the day it's your birth, your baby so therefore your choice hun, i'm just too scared to go for the home birth!!

My appointment with my MW got cancelled yesterday for "staff training" only made the appointment on monday so how come they didn't know then! Ah well another week won't kill me i suppose!
good luck with your appointment hunny!

ive got to see mine tomorrow :)
Thanks for your support Ladies :hug: The idea of having a home birth really fills me with so much happyness and I feel even more excited about giving birth which is why I am not going to let her tell me otherwise!

I am sorry you ladies couldnt have home births :hug: and as soon as I can after the birth I will post my birth story for you all :D

I thought the pains were becuase of her growing :D I can't wait to have her here lol

Ebony you were sick :shock: awww hunny thats not nice :hug:
oooooh i just noticed a certain someone with a pink ticker..

what a show-off :shakehead:
lol :cheer: I know I just couldn't resist!!! :cheer: Are you going to find out Ebony? if bubba lets you that is!! :D
oooh i in two minds.. i want to.. but then again i dont..

i dont know... ill probably wait.. oh i dunno...lol

oh i hate waiting :wall:
:D it is difficult decideing especialy when they can see, I have no patience at all so I just had to know
Did you actually ask Tasha or did they say 'we can see would you like to know??'

Go for it with a home birth, I think your very brave and if thats what you want thats where you will be most comfy.

My midwife asked me at my 8 weeks whether I wanted to have my baby at home or in hospital, I think it was lovely they actually asked me and didnt just assume.
Good luck hun,hope the midwife is supportive about the home birth :D xx
Just got back and she was supportive !!!! :cheer: I am so happy !!!

She said just carry on as normal and then she will come to my home at 36 weeks to have a chat with us all about it and I think she brings the pack out with her too then.

Wow I am so happy :cheer: :D shes made my day lol only one thing tho after she said yes and checked her diary of my due date she didnt seem so happy about as its around Christmas lol :lol: :oops:
That's really good Tasha, that'll have put your mind at rest too, bet you went in ready for a debating war!!

Really glad for you hun xxx
lol yes well it didnt help I have really bad trapped wind so Im really not in the mood to be told no! I went in all furious lol but I soon as I sat down and she smilled I felt like I was ok and just said it and she was cool about it :cheer:
That's great news hun,looks like you might have the midwife for christmas dinner then :lol: xx
At least you have a nice midwife that is open to your suggestions and wishes rather than just saying no this is best for you blah blah blah!!
He he that would be FUNNY!

You better do an extra large spread this year Tasha

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