Midwife later today wish my luck ladies I am gonna need it !

briliant news hun i really hope you have a fantastic home birth well done for having such great news and a lil christmas baby on the way :cheer: :cheer: :hug:
Yes I am really glad she wasnt negative I just dont think I could of handled that :( lol I just have this feeling im going to have my show Christmas eve and have her Christmas morning! Ha anyone wanna start taking bets :lol:
JaidyBaby said:
He he that would be FUNNY!

You better do an extra large spread this year Tasha

:rotfl: :rotfl: I just took that completely the wrong way Jaidy :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer:
Thats fantastic news!!!! I would love a home birth with a birthing pool in the living room, but bit nervous with it being our first baby.

I am so pleased for you hun.....a little prezzie under the christmas tree on christmas morning would be fantastic prezzie ever!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance:
Thanks Zoe :cheer: I am so happy to be getting what I want, I am even more excited about the birth now because I know I havnt got to go into hospital and I will have a midwife with me the whole time and I have got to know her so its great!
I am just glad I wont be faced with meeting 3 or 4 different midwifes that wont be as interested in me as they have other women to tend to.

I was abit unsure because it was my first but hey I am only going to be doing it once with my little girl and I want it to be a happy memorable experience for us all :D
Yeah we are all a bunch of rudies that erm, couldnt keep them closed!

Tasha you ought to buy your baby girl a present just in case she is born just before xmas, you would not want to see her on her first xmas without any presents!!!!!!!!!

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