Midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Had my 36 week appointment today.

Midwife FINALLY listened to the heartbeat. Hallelujah lol.

fundal height is 36 and she has written ceph 4/5 so I guess this means baby is head down and a teeny bit engaged?

I'm being tested for OC because of the itching but she doesn't think I'll have that because I had a liver function test a while back and it was normal.

Last day at work tomorrow and fully baked Saturday so life is cushty at the min :yay:
Yeh think 4/5 is slighty engaged, it goes to 1/5 i think doesnt it?? When fully engaged? xx
Yeah 4/5 means the mw can feel 4/5 of little baby's head :) xx
yep your baby is every so slightly engaged! whoop whoop heading in the right direction!

Bet you can't wait to finish work hun. I didn't realise how tired I was getting until I finished last Friday, I have really enjoyed my first week of mat leave.

yeah so pleased for you hun - it's a good week

Has the itching settled down after your trip to the docs last week? x
Coolbeans - I can't wait to finish work no! Lol, I'm so looking forward to a sleep in :)

Beckyboo - the itching has calmed down on my stomach a bit but has spread to my hands and legs now :(

I have little hives all over :(
Rubbish about the itchyness!! Glad someone explained the 4/5 - I would have guessed 4/5 engaged and got over excited too soon!! lol
Rubbish about the itchyness!! Glad someone explained the 4/5 - I would have guessed 4/5 engaged and got over excited too soon!! lol

I'm the same lol, never understood it and probably never will :D
Glad she FINALLY listened to heartbeat for you :) sounds like a good appointment :) xxx

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