Midwife appointment was a diaster!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Sorry ladies need a rant!

I had an appointment with the midwife this morning for blood tests, arrived nice and early for it and went up to reception to let them know I'd arrived and basically got told to go away cause they weren't ready for me.

I had stupidly forgot my pregnancy notes book so I asked her if they could use the information they put on the computer at my last appointment and I would drop my notes off later that day. I'm not kidding but I actually got shouted at in front of everyone in the waiting room! She called through the midwife and another woman and was like "this girls forgot her book, I don't know why she bothered coming!" Then they all stood shouting at me infront of everyone for another 5 mins.

I actually started crying, cause i'm a sensitive flower just now :-( It was horrible. All the midwife had to say after that was "at least you'll remember your book next time" :witch2: I've got a new appoint next week but i'm actually dreading it!

Sorry for the long post but moral of the story is do not forget your pregnancy notes at your appointment! xx
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thats horrible. I would put in a complaint against that, its not on at all for them to shout at you!
I would complain too , they have no right to shout at you like that and to humiliate you in front of other patients . I hope your feeling a bit better now though xxx
Thanks, yeh I'm fine now, I just feel stupid for crying in front of them witches today lol.

I really want to complain about them but the clinic is really handy for me and it's only small so I think they would refer me somewhere else if I ask to change as they only have a couple of midwives :-( Thought they were out of order tho, surely i'm not the first scatter brain to forget their book! xx
Off course your not ! i forgot my chart last time , they were less than impressed but didn't yell at me like that !
Oh my god I would be mortified if that happened to me, I would cry too! How horrible! I know the notes are important, but surely they realise we have baby brain and it's so easy for things to slip your mind. xx
That is well out of order, I had a Dr receptionist make me cry down the phone last week as she refused to let me have an appt or speak to a dr about anti sickness drugs that I needed, I thought who are you to deny me treatment, I put in a complaint and got an apology, they just get off on the power its disgusting. I would defo put in a complaint, to put a pregnant woman through that stress and upset infront of a room full of people is totally uncalled for, hope your feeling better hon xxx
Complain to PALS, it will be investigated fully and you will probably (and quite rightly) get an apology x
Thanks ladies, I think I will put a complaint in to PALS, I just had a look on their website there. I hate causing a scene but I think I need to say something, they shouldn't be stressing pregnant people out like that. Thanks again everyone xx
Oh hun, they definitely shouldnt have shouted at you, its not appropriate at all. Definitely write a complaint to PALS. I just wouldnt have been able to go to the same midwife again if they were rude to me like this.

Note to self - dont forget your notes tomorrow!
Omg that's so not acceptable, I'm shocked to read this.. poor you you did nothing to get this, I would complain and get another midwife. Hope you are ok x
OMG!! Are you serious?! WTF!! That is just horrible. You defo need to make a complaint huni. They're probably so used to getting away it and don't give a toss. They'll crap themselves when a complaint is made, and rightly so. A pack of witches is putting it mildly. I just cannot believe how people think that its acceptable to speak/treat anyone in that manner. Professionals my ass!! Hope you're ok. x
That's terrible treatment! When I was 25 weeks I went to work but started bleeding so rang the hospital and they told me to come in...ended up being admitted for 24 hour monitoring. Needless to say having gone straight from work then being unexpectedly admitted I didn't have my notes with me...I got told off by the midwife who said from 24 weeks I should carry them with me wherever I go 'just in case' something like this ever happened!! WTF?? You know how big those notes are, they don't even fit in my handbag! xx
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Thats totally unacceptable for you to be shouted at like that! :0

I would def put a complaint in too!

I actually BOUGHT a bag cause my notes are too big to fit in any of my handbags, except my big beach style summer ones!
i forgot my notes for my first scan, as silly as it sounds NO FUCKER TOLD ME TO TAKE THEM! and ive not been pregnant before so how the hell would I know?!

I still had my scan, but the woman scanning me was awful to me. 'well i dont know why we are doing this without your notes, we really should send you away'

she was so rude during the scan and everything when i asked for a picture at the end she sighed really loud and goes 'your supposed to ask for that from thebegining, now i dont have any on screen' i went 'well excuse me but this is an ultra sound of a baby, how many people do you get NOT wanting a picture???'

OMG thats is horrible I would definitely complain, I don't understand how some of these people work in the "caring" profession, I know we all have bad days but it is out of order.

I have experience of this since getting pregnant. I had to have my bloods taken after the hospital confirmed I had a M/C last year. They sent me to a different department, I went to the wrong desk the receptionist was really horrible shouting at me in front of the whole waiting room, I had just been told that Id had a m/c 5 mins before so wasn't really thinking straight, i burst into tears and just ran out! I didn't complain but looking back I wish I had. If anything like that happens again I will definitely complain. xx
Hey. OMG... that is unbelieveable; I forgot my notes on many occasion and no one has ever shouted at me, I would be fuming if they did! Put in a complaint chick; I would.. xx
I got told off by the midwife who said from 24 weeks I should carry them with me wherever I go 'just in case' something like this ever happened!! WTF?? You know how big those notes are, they don't even fit in my handbag! xx

That's actually what she said, I should have them in my handbag at all times! What a joke, they're massive! xx
That's awful - I'd change doctors surgeries and get a new midwife! xx


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