Mid September 2ww

Cupcake, my boobs have been the worst thing so far. Constantly sore since I woke up on Saturday morning, and can't even wear a bra because of it. Been wearing a sports bra but they still feel so sore and heavy :(
Glad we're all in this together, cos if I didn't have pf to whine about this, I'd be driving dh up the wall!!
Haha. I moan to DH but I can tell he's only half listening.

PF is definitely a big help!

Mine only started hurting yesterday afternoon but they are so hot too!

I've worn a really soft yet supportive bra today.

I also feel like my nipples are super sensitive which is really unlike me.
Yeah the nipples thing is weird, they could have cut glass yesterday :rofl:

I didn't like it when the sports bra I was wearing shifted, cos it hurt my nipples (feels so strange talking about my nipples online :lol: ) and made them tingle.

Well, either we're all up the duff or we have a major psychic link going here, cos everyone in this 2ww seems to have the same symptoms :p
Oh no :(

I think AF is going to come early :cry:

It's not due for at least 5 days, but I can feel it coming on. It feels like I'm going to start any second. Not had any cramps really, just that 'feeling' that it's coming. It would explain the sore boobs I guess. I just don't get it, I'm never this early. I haven't had a 28 day cycle since the beginning of the year and I wouldn't have thought AF would come at 9/10dpo, that's a hella short luteal phase.

So worried I'm out...
Hope she stays away Leesey!

I did a clearblue one about half an hour ago, and i can see a very faint line.

had to take the test apart, but when i put it over white paper it is defo there, not grey/white, defo blue colour.......

Lets hope it is the satrt of my sept bfp!

It's hubby birthday tomorrow, would love to be able to show him a :bfp:!!!

Aww Kred that'd be amazing! I stupidly bought two digi clear blues the other day and did them both one morning after the other because i was so impatient! Both BFN but I'm convienced this is my month :S So good luck girlies and leesey keep your chin up! FX and baby dust for all! <3 xxxxxxxxxx
Aww that is really good news Kred!!!! It would be a lovely present for your hubby. So glad Leesey and Cupcake are sharing symtoms. I'm just scared it's all in my head beause it feels very much like AF now. The nipple tingling is a very good sign so FX ladies.
Ooo that sounds exciting Kred!! Keep us updated in the morning, baby dust xxx
Awww Kred that's exciting!!

Hopefully with extra extra hours between now and the morning and the fact it'll be fmu means you've got a good chance for an amazing bday for your DH!!!
Wow kred, I can definitely see ur line! Fx it turns out to be ur bfp!

I got really upset earlier and started crying, not sure if it was over my bfn this morning or what but I started crying when I got to work because I didn't want to be there! Maybe my emotions are haywire because of a little bean. I remember crying at the tinniest of things with my last bfp. Also I keep getting twinges in my right lower abdomen, feels rather strange. No sore boobs today either.

Leesey I really hope ur not out yet! We need to keep sharing symptoms! :) xx
I hope so too Kanga.

You'll get yours soon enough hunny :)

I have had really uncomfortable backache today too, as well as loads of cm.....

Good luck testing tomorro, i will be keeping my eye out!!


Thanks kred, I really do hope this is my month too, I had a sore lower back this afternoon! Not sure how I forgot that. I would be poas til after work when I finish at 11.30am. Xx
Leesey I really hope ur not out yet! We need to keep sharing symptoms! :) xx

I still have all the same symptoms, boobs still aching, nips hurt like hell, got back pain too and still sniffly. But I just feel like I'm out. AF shouldn't be anwhere near this early but I keep thinking it's coming.

Any chance that's a symptom and I can keep hoping? I was so sure this month :(

Wow kred, I can definitely see ur line! Fx it turns out to be ur bfp!

I got really upset earlier and started crying, not sure if it was over my bfn this morning or what but I started crying when I got to work because I didn't want to be there! xx

I had a wee sniffle earlier, but I can imagine how much worse it is for you. I've never miscarried, although 2 chemical pregnancies weren't easy I don't count them as miscarriages.

I want to stay positive but I'm really doubting it now.
Kred, looks good, let's hope it's your :bfp: :)
quite a few of the ladies in tri 1 say they feel periody, infact daniph has a post about it in there now!! fx its just another symptom. Sorry to hear about ur chemical pregnancies, must have been rough!! :hugs:

We need to try and stay positive at least til the end of the week. After my cry and rant in the loss section im feeling a bit better this evening!! xxx
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Yeah, we'll need to just keep our chins up and stay positive. I didn't think it was appropriate to comment in the loss section, but glad you're feeling better now xx
Leesey I dont think you feeling like AF is on the way is a bad thing as you're so far from it being due.

If you are pg then there's a lot going on down there so it is going to feel full, achey, crampy. :)

I don't think you're out!

I think you, Kanga, Kred and I are all symptom buddies together. Xxx fx for the next 9 months!!!
Forgot to add a possible symptom that started this evening. I keep getting sharp pains all over my lady parts. The only way I can describe it is like I keep pulling tiny little muscles. It's sharp and sudden, but not like a stabbing pain, but like a small shooting pain. Happens 'down there' (a few different bits of it) and in a couple of places in my abdomen/pelvic area. One happened right in front of my pubic bone and that was the sorest.

I'm not hopeful because I think AF is on the way, but it's certainly bizarre. Don't know if it's a symptom cos when I checked on countdowntopregnancy which I use to track my cycles, it just says 'twinges', 'pulling' and 'stabbing' pains. I wouldn't say it was any of those, although twinges probably suit best.

Weird either way!!
I feel really achey down there. Very periody as kanga put it!

Had a hot water bottle on my lower back and hips all night. Even my pubic bone aches!!!

I'm gonna test first thing (around 7:30am) If i get a decent line, i'll nip an get a cbdigi. Hubby finshes at 1, so if i get a 1-2 wks pg, I'll serve it him with his lunch lol!!!

Good luck for tomorrows testing girls, i want us all in tri 1 by the weekend!


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