Mid September 2ww

Forgot to add a possible symptom that started this evening. I keep getting sharp pains all over my lady parts. The only way I can describe it is like I keep pulling tiny little muscles. It's sharp and sudden, but not like a stabbing pain, but like a small shooting pain. Happens 'down there' (a few different bits of it) and in a couple of places in my abdomen/pelvic area. One happened right in front of my pubic bone and that was the sorest.

Weird either way!!

This is how i'd describe my pubic bone area actually!!!

Looking good......


I would say like pulling a small muscle too leesey a very strange feelings.

I really hope u get to do a digi tomorrow kred that would be amazing. I will be trying to have a sneak peek while at work tomorrow morning for ur bfp!!

What about a breakout in spots is that a sign? I've got a few pop up along my jawline today! Clutching at anything I can :) xx
I can't believe we're all having the same symptoms it's so bizarre!! Of all the symptoms, and all the due dates, we're all the same!! Imagine we all got our bfps tomorrow, how fab would that be??

Aw hang on I just got all excited again!! I was playing it safe by counting myself out. Damn you kred and kanga!! :p

Edit: and cupcake, who's also egging me on :D
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Just got what felt like ov pain on my right side...

Am I just getting carried away now?? I don't want to be disappointed :(
I've been getting those too leesey, both on the right and left! So can't be ov pains, plus opk's are definitely negative!

It is very strange we are sharing symptoms and due the same day, I am really hoping we all get our bfp's this week sometime! We need to cling to hope while we can! Xx
Hey Kanga,

I wouldnt say my skin is breaking out, just fells a bit bumpy under the skin and looks a bit more dull.
I'm gutted, i normally have good skin (Beautician/Skincare!)

Loads of cm today, my boobs are "burning" as i type this and actually feel like i have something lodged in my throat :shock:

Hmmmmm...... Hurry up morning!!!

P.S Kanga - Spots around chin/jawline = hormones!!

I've been getting those too leesey, both on the right and left! So can't be ov pains, plus opk's are definitely negative!

It is very strange we are sharing symptoms and due the same day, I am really hoping we all get our bfp's this week sometime! We need to cling to hope while we can! Xx

And if only one out of all of us is pregnant, we have like, the strongest psychic sympathy symptoms link :lol:
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Kred my boobs are really hot! Noticeably hotter to touch than the rest of my body.

Also I've got a really greasy face today, and a few spots.

Mmm, how classy!! Lol!
Hey Kanga,

I wouldnt say my skin is breaking out, just fells a bit bumpy under the skin and looks a bit more dull.
I'm gutted, i normally have good skin (Beautician/Skincare!)

Loads of cm today, my boobs are "burning" as i type this and actually feel like i have something lodged in my throat :shock:

Hmmmmm...... Hurry up morning!!!


My skin doesn't seem much worse, but my hair is curly today!! :rofl: that's really clutching at straws, I've never heard of that being a symptom!!
I have mega straight hair that is occasionally a bit frizzy when I can't be arsed doing anything with it, but never curly. Weird!! But unrelated I would imagine.
Yeah, i've had sweaty looking skin too. Hmmm.......

when are you testin again cupcake?

Kred my boobs are really hot! Noticeably hotter to touch than the rest of my body.

Also I've got a really greasy face today, and a few spots.

Mmm, how classy!! Lol!

Coundowntopregnancy says 9% of people with spots at 9dpo are pregnant!!

Doesn't seem like much but think of it as nearly 1 in 10 people!!
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I'm testing again Wednesday as bfn today and I've only got a fee ICs left! Lol.
Kred- I am the worst line spotter in the history of all line spotters, but I def saw a very feint line!

How weird that you guts are all having the exact same symptoms.

I'm totally going to stalk this thread!

Someone from the 'mid september 2ww gang' has got to get a BFP!!

Not me though!!! Boooooooo!!

FX for you lovely ladies

Cool, I like those odds! They are more like red bumps. Xx
I now have another symptom - a weird one i might add!!

You know deep heat for muscle aches and stuff?? Well my whole pubic bone area feels like i've put loads of it on!! It's not hot to touch but inside i feel deep heated!!!

Hahaha! I'm soooo random :)

My oh just poked me in my boob and ouch! :( it felt like a stab! They only really hurt if I poke them, but not when I unloose them from my bra which is what I got with my last bfp xx
Don't know if this will work, it's copied and pasted straight from my countdowntopregnancy 2ww tracker:

My Symptoms on 9 Days Past Ovulation Percentage
Abdomen: Cramps (Like PMS/AF) 8.8%
Abdomen: Heaviness/Fullness 8.9%
Abdomen: Mild/Dull Cramps/Pressure 20.4%
Very Common!
Abdomen: Sharp/Stabbing Pains 4.4%
Chest: Sore/Sensitive Nipples 12.1%
Chest: Tender Breasts 15.4%
Very Common!
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