Mid September 2ww

I do have to say that todays symptom on my ticker is correct!!

I cant stop breaking wind :shock: !! (sorry, tmi! lol)

My stomach feels all gurgly.

Maybe something i ate, either that or a bug!

I do have to say that todays symptom on my ticker is correct!!

I cant stop breaking wind :shock: !! (sorry, tmi! lol)

My stomach feels all gurgly.

Maybe something i ate, either that or a bug!


Ha ha, me too, maybe it is a good sign!! :lol:

not sure whats happening with me as had pink ewcm discharge today on 2 toilet trips so far, what does that mean? i was quite disappointed not to get another bd session in last night :( but we did bd 3 nights before ov and the day of ov, hoping its enough if the discharge isnt something to do with mc recovery and affect my chances :( xx
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Ha ha, me too, maybe it is a good sign!! :lol:

not sure whats happening with me as had pink ewcm discharge today on 2 toilet trips so far, what does that mean? i was quite disappointed not to get another bd session in last night :( but we did bd 3 nights before ov and the day of ov, hoping its enough if the discharge isnt something to do with mc recovery and affect my chances :( xx

Hmm not sure what the pink discharge would be, let's just hope it's a sign!!

I've had a couple of twinges today, wouldn't have expected something like that at 2dpo. Uh oh, I think I'm going to end up checking the symptom checker again, I told myself I wouldn't do that!!
Well think I'm definitely out already, the pink discharge stopped by this morning but now getting some red blood :cry: stupid body teasing me like that, making me think I was back to normal. Knew it was too good to be true after the troubles I had with my mc :( xx
Sorry to hear that Kanga, have you had short cycles since mc? Hopefully next month will be a good cycle :hugs:
This will be my first 'cycle' as such since my mc in june i bled constantly for 9 weeks until I had an erpc done on the 26th Aug. I 'ov'ed' on cd16 since the erpc op, a normal ov date i think for my usual 30 day cycles! I am hoping AF still shows up on time. xx
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Kanga- sorry you're out my sweet, fx for next month for you xx

Well, OH gave me a hug last night when I got in from work and I actually jumped and cried out in pain cuz my bbs hurt so much! They do usually get sore prior to AF but not to the extent that a cuddle hurts! I am not 100% sure but wonder whether the veins are a tiny bit more visible too- might just be that I am spending so long staring at them that I am now seeing things! TBH I don't know how early you can show symptoms of pregnancy so I may well be clutching at straws!

So far though, no other signs that I would normally get for AF (no back ache, no brown spotting which I normally get a few days before the real deal- sorry if tmi!) If (and I stress the if), I have a 28 day cycle AF would be due in 3 days. Sometimes I sit here and I think to myself we've done it, I'll get my BFP this month and other times I think, no way have we done it! Feeling really weird at the mo!

I am scared to test though, because I can keep kidding myself that there's a chance! If I don't poas and I don't see BFN then I can fool myself into thinking I'm preggers until witchy shows herself- that make any sense?

Anyways, work is calling (yawn!) so I will see all you lovely ladies later. Have a good day everyone!

Kanga - it's a really good sign you ov when you should of so fingers crossed it's your month next month hun.

Emily - Sore bbs are def a good sign hun, when are you thinking of testing?

I'm not really sure how many dpo I am as I decided on the relaxed approach this month, I think i'm a bit further along than my ticker says but I think we'll bd tonight just in case - can't hurt ay! For the first month since ttc I haven't been symptom spotting, however yesterday I did start feeling a bubbling in my tummy, was like nothing I've ever felt before, I instinctively started rubbing my tummy without even thinking, very odd.

Good luck to everyone xxx
Hey taffy, I am hoping I did ov and the pink discharge was just ovulation bleeding. I was rubbing my belly at work this morning saying come on babies stick for mummy! Crazy thing to do and to think it's twins! :shock:

so I have my fx for a good rest of a 2ww for everyone! :dust: xx
Ah, I was chatting to my tummy as I rubbed it the other day, I did it without even thinking! I would love twins! Good luck hun xxx
Taffy- Not sure when to test. My cycles vary from 26-33 days. If I have a 28 day cycle, AF would be due on 17th so I'll wait and see what happens then. If my body is deciding to have a long cycle this time :wall2: then AF due on the 22nd, so don't wanna test too soon, I get so down when I see a BFN!

Can I join you all here too in the mid september 2ww-ing game?

im hoping il be in the 2ww in a couple of days, though at the moment OPK's are still sayig negative xx
welcome julianne, how many dpo are u?

fx u ov soon bellarina :dust:

Ok ladies, advice needed please (or just a slap to tell me to pull myself together!).

If I have a 28 day cycle AF will be due in 2 days time, but I have gone up to 33 days before which means AF would still be a week away! Do I test tomorrow?

I have got veeeeeeeeeeeeeery sore bb's and was very nauseous this morning- just retching, not actually vomiting though (TMI sorry!) None of the normal signs of imminent AF have appeared.

Should I test?

HI All, Can I join I am new on this site. I am in my 2nd month of TTC and I am 5dpo.

Thanks x
Welcome kathy, there are quite a few of us at 5dpo, including myself, kred and leesey! Going to be an exciting time! Baby dust to all of us :dust:

Emily I'm am taking u don't know when ov happened? If u have ur AF due in 2 days, tomorrow u would be 13dpo so possible for a early hpt to pick it up. But don't be disappointed if it is a bfn cos if on a longer cycle u could only be 8dpo so quite early to pick up hcg. Although ur symptoms sound quite promising, fx for u xx
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Emily-- TEST!!!

Just ignore me, i'm a poas addict lol!!

So, quite a few of us t get :bfp:'s this month eh??

Well, i had really sharp pains, right thru the middle of my uterus today, lasted a few mins, so fx it was implantation :)

I also still have really bad (really bad) gas, and indigestion along with uber sore nipples!

So, i am going to test on sun morning (8dpo) i'd love for it to show up beore tues, as its hubbys birthday and it would be a nice b-day pressie :)

How's everyone else feeling? Any symptoms to report??

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