Mid September 2ww

I have no idea when I OV'd! Had EWCM for a few days and made sure I got some BDing in then, so FX. OH wants me to wait and not test until AF due. I explained that could be anything from Saturday to next Thursday due to varied cycle length, so not necessarily that simple, but I don't know that he quite got it still!

I think I'll wait at least until Saturday and see what's going on then.

I'm the opposite of a POAS addict, I don't like POAS at all- makes me feel all nervous just at the thought. I hate the fact that it will probs come up BFN, then there's the waiting game to see if AF arrives or if it's just a shy BFP and the lo and behold the witch rears her ugly head and then... grrrrrrrrr!! Also, until I pee on a stick I can kid myself that there's a chance still!

Hope everyone else is doing OK. FX for everyone!!


Hi All, I am 6dpo snd woke up to a bleed this morning...quite alot! I guess I am out this month. I am so glum I was so confident after joining this site. Sorry dont want to sound depressed so early on a Friday.. Next Month fx xxxx Good luck to the rest of you xxx
Sorry to hear that Kathy,

I don't wanna get your hopes up, but it may be implantation bleed???

Thanks in the back of my head I did think it could be that but just seems to much going by other peoples implantation bleeds. Lets See theres always a liitle hope x fx to you x
Hey, and welcome Kathy :)

Emily - did you test hun? Maybe you should wait until tomorrow morning? I'm trying to be sensible with testing this month to try and avoid seeing a bfn - i'll need you girls to keep me strong! I have no idea when I ov this month either and although I've enjoyed a chilled out month, it's now a bit frustrating not knowing where I am. Ho hum, fx for us all xxx
No I have not tested . I'm finding it easy to resist the urge the month, in fact I don't have an urge this month. Feeling very weird about it - the thought of POAS is filling me with dread at the moment and I don't know why- not felt like this before!

I also have no clue when I OV'd either so all of it was guesswork tbh! Did have a few days of EWCM and got some BD in then, so fx!

AF could be due any time from tomorrow, so I'll wait and see what happens then!


Hope you don't mind if i come in and join you all?

I am on my 2nd cycle of clomid and am around 4 0r 5dpo now.

Trying desperately hard not to symptom spot and get too excited, but then at the same time completely loving every little twinge i get and indulging in a little day dream that this could be it :good:

Anyway so far since yesterday have been having sharp shooting pains through nipples and an on and off stitch feeling on both sides but not at the same time if that makes sense.?

Good luck to everyone.xxxxx
Hello Luckystar and welcome.

FX for a bfp for you.

I am a self confessed poas addict :poas:

I poas this morning at 6dpo of course it was a bfn but at least I can say there was no lines to start with if I get anything very faint :lol:
I'll probably end up doing the same kanga, and at least I'll know you did it first so I won't feel so mad!! :p

I have 5 ICs that I got with the preseed, so might use them from 8dpo to 13dpo!! I have the excuse that I've started doing opks this month, so it's all part of the experiment :lol:
Haha, glad to be of some use :lol: I have around 20 I think, I bought a pack of 25 ages ago while I was waiting for my hcg to reach zero and get a negative test! Knowing me I will do one everyday now! :)

Very curious today as I have done my temp the last few days and it was rising but this morning it dropped from 36.64 to 36.27! and tonight Ive had a small bit of spotting again! Maybe an implantation dip followed by implantation spotting! Now I am really clutching at straws! Lol I will see what my temp does tomorrow morning. Xx
Kanga, I thought you were out for this month...so glad to see I was mistaken!

FX for you hun.

Nothing new to report here, apart from I apparantly have lost the ability to count from 1-28! Everything is a day later than I said, so AF would be due 18th not the 17th!! OMG I'm such a dense cheese!!!

OH said to do a test on Monday, so I will resist my (non)urges to POAS and do one then if no signs of AF.

Hope all is well for all you other ladies.

Emily I thought I was out due to the spotting after ov, just trying to remain hopeful that my body is doing something normal. After all ur not out til the witch arrives :)

My temp went up again this morning, so looking good for an implantation dip. But after reading up on it I'm not sure as it's not a sure sign of pregnancy as non pregnant people get it too. I have also had dizzy spells yesterday and I am sleeping really well, not waking up in the night like I normally do. I said I wouldn't symptom spot but just can't help myself! Probably letting myself in for a huge fall! Xx
This morning I woke up with v sore boobs, which does normally happen right before a f or during but ndver over a week in advance! I'm actually wearing a sports bra today they are that sore.
Just checked my ticker there and it says 7d p o symptoms - tender breasts!
Looking good for all you girls- I predict at least one bfp next week!! Exciting!! Xxx
Hello, thanks for starting a new thread!! I would like some advice - I was on the pill and had the seven day break, my period arrived on 30th August. I was suppose to start a new pack on 4th September but didn’t. Me and my partner had sex on that night (4th Sept) and then on 9th, 10th, 11th, 15th and 17th September. He is aware I stopped taking the pill (wasn’t agreeing with me) and he has been withdrawing but ejaculated on 4th Sept – I know this is not a safe method but we have been together for a couple of years and are happy in our relationship – a child would be welcomed and loved as we would both like one eventually.
I have been experiencing cramps in my stomach (and legs), feeling very tired and started having headaches when I never usually suffer from them. From the dates, when do you think I should take a pregnancy test ? I have another week and half until my period and wanted advice in the mean time. Thanks! Sorry if I've given too much info - first time posting arrggghh xx
Fx for u leesey :dust: I had extremely painful boobs when I got pregnant earlier this year, so far I got no signs of them yet!

Sorry the witch came Emily :(

Today I have been extremely tired, my nap after work this morning turned into a 4 1/2 hour kip! I only woke up because my oh woke me, so who knows how long I would have slept for. Xx

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