Mid September 2ww

So excited yet scared of getting up hopes up, this symptom spotting is a crazy business! I took my bra off this evening getting ready for bed and they felt a little tender and heavy, not had that since before my mc :) xx
Kanga I think we're symptom sharing!! I nearly fell asleep in the cinema, out of tiredness not boredom!! Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy was actually really good, was totally hooked, but kept feeling the urge to curl up in a ball and fall fast asleep. Had plenty sleep last night and a lie in this morning so no need for me to be tired!!

Boobs and tiredness, 7dpo, Leesey - check, Kanga - check! Bring on the bfps!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hello, thanks for starting a new thread!! I would like some advice - I was on the pill and had the seven day break, my period arrived on 30th August. I was suppose to start a new pack on 4th September but didn’t. Me and my partner had sex on that night (4th Sept) and then on 9th, 10th, 11th, 15th and 17th September. He is aware I stopped taking the pill (wasn’t agreeing with me) and he has been withdrawing but ejaculated on 4th Sept – I know this is not a safe method but we have been together for a couple of years and are happy in our relationship – a child would be welcomed and loved as we would both like one eventually.
I have been experiencing cramps in my stomach (and legs), feeling very tired and started having headaches when I never usually suffer from them. From the dates, when do you think I should take a pregnancy test ? I have another week and half until my period and wanted advice in the mean time. Thanks! Sorry if I've given too much info - first time posting arrggghh xx

Sorry I missed this post! If u have a 28 day cycle testing should be around 27th Sept, so currently around 5-6dpo. But I do know some ladies have had rather long cycles after stopping the pill. Do u know when u ov'ed as this would make knowing when to test easier. Xx
I did another hpt this morning at 8dpo and thought it was a bfn, then I checked it later and there was a second line. Thinking it's an evap though as greyish colour! Stupid cheapie tests. Boobs aren't hurting yet today though!

How is everyone else doing today? Xx
Thanks Kanga :)

I really really don't know when I could have ov. If I base my cycle on 28 days then I would/should have ovulated on 10th September. I think it is my wishful thinking that some people release an egg immediately after stopping the pill and that is my reason for joining the 2ww. Although I have had some systems (might be because I'm no longer on the pill) My gums bleed when I brush my teeth, some cramping and the occasional headache. What made me come on the site was my mums comments about my breast. The last few days they have been busting out the bra but not hurting. x
Fx for u Hun, there is quite a few of us due next weekend! So loads of testing going on :dust: to everyone xx
I did another hpt this morning at 8dpo and thought it was a bfn, then I checked it later and there was a second line. Thinking it's an evap though as greyish colour! Stupid cheapie tests. Boobs aren't hurting yet today though!

How is everyone else doing today? Xx

Did my first one today, no line spotters required it's a definite bfn. I'm gonna take pictures of all my tests so that if I do get a second line I'll know I'm not imagining it!!


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Thanks Kanga :)

I really really don't know when I could have ov. If I base my cycle on 28 days then I would/should have ovulated on 10th September. I think it is my wishful thinking that some people release an egg immediately after stopping the pill and that is my reason for joining the 2ww. Although I have had some systems (might be because I'm no longer on the pill) My gums bleed when I brush my teeth, some cramping and the occasional headache. What made me come on the site was my mums comments about my breast. The last few days they have been busting out the bra but not hurting. x

If you ovd on the 10th then you're with me and kanga!!
Your symptoms sound about right, but as you say you don't know if that's just from coming off the pill.
Stick with us in the week of testing!!
Looking forward to seeing your updates Leesey. FX for you and everyone else on this thread :) x
ok mega confused.com? im not just seeing things am I? the top test is from 6dpo, and the bottom today at 8dpo?! evap? xx


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I see a very very faint line but I'n not a pro line spotter. Hopefully some of the other ladies will chip in :) Very exciting though!!
Thank u tara!

I started a new thread for it too, sat here feeling rather sick and nervous now! :shock: xx
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Hi ladies.

Only just saw this thread. :)

I'm 7dpo today.

Had some cramping yesterday and now sore boobs and kind of tingly nipples tonight.

Probably imagining things!
helo I`m new here
I got a ?
I done a pregnancy test yesterday (sainsbury)looks positive (+-)but I very two lines of this with the latter quite so pale
I am pregnant??
poziomka why don't you take a picture and post it here for people to look at?
Here's today's. I actually had a little heart flutter because two lines did appear, but the second one faded so must've been evap :(
I thought I did see something so I did the invert too, but it's really just wishful thinking at 9dpo!!


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I'm not sure if I see anything, but we are still very early days! Xx
It's definitely negative, I think what I saw was the dye just working its way up, nothing actually appeared after that.
I'm actually so obsessed with this just now it's terrible, I can't wait til this week is over, one way or another, it's driving me mad!
I know it's crazy, I know I shouldN't test early but I can't help myself poas! The 2ww is like torture! Xx
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Don't worry leesey. 9dpo is very early.

In 8dpo today and no hint of a line!

My boobs are so sore though (only time I've had them this sore before was with a pregnancy that resulted in very early mc) and today I've been getting (tmi - sorry) quite a lot of very thick White CM.

Not sure if the cm is a sign or not.

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