Mid September 2ww

Hmmmm..... Doesn't say anything about "Deep Heat" feeling....lol

Maybe I should add it as a new symptom....pmsl!!!

Hmmmm..... Doesn't say anything about "Deep Heat" feeling....lol

Maybe I should add it as a new symptom....pmsl!!!


Nah that's just my symptoms, if you go to the website there's over 70 symptoms to check!!

I add my new symptoms every day, so that was just today's I added.
Patiently awaiting kred's testing this morning! Been at work for 2 and half hours, will check back later :) xx
Morning ladies.

I got impatient.

BFN lol. I'm going to have to get shares in ICs!!!

Now I really am going to try an wait 2 days!!!!!!
It still early days yet cupcake. I'm going to test when I finish work at 11.30, hopefully with smu of I don't pee until I go home!! Xx

Well, nothing too exciting to report. Just another very faint line.

Tbh i think i'm gonna get frer today. I was reading about alot of false pos and evaps on clearblue last night.

Will pop to boots after the school run and report back!!!

Good luck Kanga and Cupcake!


At least u still have a line! Good luck with the frer later xx

Frer :bfn:

Did a Tesco digi too..... "not pregnant"

Oh well, still only 10 dpo.. another 4 days yet!

Sorry about the bfns Kred - still plenty of time. Xx

Not sure if any of you symptom twins are having this one:

I'm sooooo thirsty!!! Was the same last night and now today.

Doesn't matter what or how much I drink I'm still super thirsty. My mouth and throat just feel so dry!!

I'm always thirsty! Nothing new there for me lol!

However i can say with my lo i used to drink loads.... couldnt go anywhere without a bottle of juice!!

I reckon i used to drink around 6-8 pints of juice a day :shock:

I need a slap!!!!

Bought another few tests.....Superdug x2, Tesco x2 and cheapie strip x3.

Did one of each and guess what??

Bugger alll!!!!! Argghhhhh.

I told myself i wouldnt do this this month! Slap me please!

Oh no kred, I can't believe they are all negative! :( but u do still have 4 days left yet.

Still bfn for me too! Xx
BFN for me too, will upload after work.

Gutted for us!!

Cupcake, so thirsty!!! Parched in the mornings.

New symptom today, bloated and constipated, eugh :(
Omg leesey!!!!!!

I was just coming on here to complain about constipation (& gas.....)

Where has my shame gone?!?!? Lmao.
Omg leesey!!!!!!

I was just coming on here to complain about constipation (& gas.....)

Where has my shame gone?!?!? Lmao.

I've just been complaining to my mum about how uncomfortable I am with it, its horrible! On the plus side I don't have the periody feeling anymore :)
I can't seem to get comfy at all today!! Making me want to scream :( xxx
my back has been giving me loads of kip today along with some cramps/twinges going on! Did another hpt and i think i am imagining lines!! Hoping tomorrow sheds some light on it!! xx
Me and you both Kanga.

I reckon the clearblue must've both been evaps.

Oh well.... stocked up on hpts for tomorrow anyways!

Thinking back, i recall testing with my first pregnancy (mc'd) a few days before af and it was bfn, don't think it showed up till af was a day late.

And with my LO it showed up 2 days before, even though i tested the day before with a bfn too.

With the one in march that was 3 days before af due. So judging by that = CD 27, CD28 and CD31.

FX i'm not getting too giddy and getting my hopes up too much!

I think I am already too late in getting my hopes up, just can't help myself! It does seem so promising for us all, but I know that the witch could still show by the end of the weekend! :(

I've gone from needing loads of sleep to next to nothing today, only got 3 hours last night before work! Tried to get a sleep earlier but had my phone go off twice so gave up, getting a headache now though! Hoping I sleep ok tonight as got work at 5.30am! :( xx

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