

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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Just wondering if anyone's been on microgynon, how did it affect your cycles? Did you find it hard to TTC after? Any other info would be helpful too!

Last time I was on it, I took it for 3 wks, then bled for 7 days then took it again for 3weeks and so on.....is this right? GP kinda just fobbed me off at 6 week check :roll:
I didn't put on weight while I was on it, my moods were a hell of a lot better, I sweated less for some wierd reason and (this is the best part...) got pregnant :shock: :roll: So, I don't rate it as a contraceptive :rotfl:

Anyway, I always bled 2 days after I stopped taking it for my break (didn't bother with the week's break as I didn't have sex while I was "on", just stopped taking the pill for 7 days a month). 2 days after taking the pill again after the break, I would come off.

i got pregnant whilst on that pill too.not to scare you!!
I have been on it since i was 16 and always found it easy to get on with..no weight gain or moods or breakthough bleeds and always have my period at the same time 4 days into 7 fay break and lasts for 3/4days pretty light and pain free. The only thing was i got pregnant but the doctor couldnt explain properly why, its possible it was because i was ill that the pill wasn't absorbed properly and i ovulated..not sure! Anyway i'm on it again now and no problems to report!
I was taking Mycrogynon ED (every day pill, where you get dummy pills)...on the dummy pill days I bled for about 7 days too. Stopped taking it because it made me think I was pregnant...Weight gain, Loads of spots, Craving to eat melon scented liquid hand soap, Felt sick and had head ache all the time. Hated it. Femodine or summat is what I last had and that was brill or femogen I can't remember.
I took it for about 8 months and usually bled for about 5 out of the 7 pill-free days. The only problem with it was the bad headaches I got every week or so. The last pill I was on was Loestrin 20 which gave me no side effects at all but has lower levels of oestrogen so may not be effective for some women.
I was on Microgynon 30 for about 11 years. It worked really well for me as a contraceptive and I didn't put on weight or have bad mood swings or anything like that. It also made my periods lighter and shorter. However it did take us 11 months TTC after coming off it, perhaps it worked too well for me :D
thanks girls, think I'll stick with it for now, and combine it with good 'ol condoms just to be safe!! :lol:
:shock: i got preg on it too and i've got to go back on it as i've got to have implant removed! :?
I'm actually starting to wonder if i should change this pill now! my mum got pregnant with my sister on it too!
helsekia said:
i got pregnant on microgynon too :shock:

And me! But I had been ill so that may have been the cause in my case.

Otherwise, no real side effects. :)
I was on Microgynon 30 for about 9 years and it worked great for me, no real side affects and did it's job perfectly (as not using anything else with OH) until i got pregnant while on it a few months ago.

However i don't know if i can completely blame it as i was bound to mess up one day as have missed a pill now and again over the years and not used other protection! This time the timing must have been right and it was a great surprise! Just make sure you follow the strict pill rules if you don't wanna concieve while on it!!
.. i wouldnt rate it at all as a contraceptive...

My unexpected bundle came whilst i was on it lol.
I got pregnant whilst on this pill with Harrison, and it made my bleeding unpredictable.
I would watch it with that one...I had all the bad side effects, headaches, weight gain, you name it! I didnt get preg while on it, but that was with my first partner and I was later to find out he couldnt have kids (he was very ill) I changed after a few years, coz it was murder for me...

I've taken it on and off for years, whenever I was in a relationship, never had any side effects or problems and never any pregnancies while taking it (and I often forgot to take a pill or two but would usually use condoms instead for two weeks after).
mamichuli said:
I would watch it with that one...I had all the bad side effects, headaches, weight gain, you name it! I didnt get preg while on it.
I was on microgynon 30 for a year, had the above same as lisa, it put me off pills for life now i just use condoms.
:shock: I got pregnant on it too! And I was so good at taking it, i'd set an alarm and take it at exactly the same time every day etc etc and yet somehow Faith happened! Lol.
Suzie and Faith said:
:shock: I got pregnant on it too! And I was so good at taking it, i'd set an alarm and take it at exactly the same time every day etc etc and yet somehow Faith happened! Lol.

Me too.i had an alarom on my phone with a picture of my pill packet :)

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