Metformin is here


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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As above really

My consultant has written to my GP who has now prescribed it for me and I have them sat here....... :shock:

You aren't supposed to take them if you are pregnant, so I'm wondering if I should wait til after the 20th when I take an HPT. :eh:

Also, it says you shouldn't drink on them :wall2:, I doubt if this means that it is forbidden as it is normally written on the box if you really can't drink with them. By the way I don't drink much, but am partial to a pint or wine now and then :whistle:

What do you girls think I should do? I have read that they reduce the risk of miscarriage and gestational diabetes so I presume from this that people do actually take them whilst pregnant, confused!!!
my sil was on them she got told to stop taking them when she got pregnant but later went on to have a mc so she didnt take them after that there is mixed messages some say to continue taking them some say to stop i think it all depends on what your drs opinion is of what to do she is now 16 weeks pregnant without using metformin at all as her cycles got better after her mc, she use to avoid drinking when on them though
Oooh i have no idea about this but if you are not suposed to take while preg i would wait till you know.

I am going to read about this...just because i'm a geek

No drinking, what a bummer :(

I'm taking antibiotics that make you sick if you drink with them and cant drink for 48 hours after finish them :( finished today:clock:

Cant wait to have a lovely glass of wine this weekend, although i will prob have one glass and be out for the count:party:
mmmh. Well I've been prescribed them purely for my cycles, not for diabetes. Was your sis on them for diabetes or another condition?
Mine is because of pcos and now I'm just mega confused about it all :eh:
Metformin is also known as Glucophage, just for research purposes.

There are many examples of women who have taken it for Tri1 and some who have taken it throughout pregnancy - and really feel it helped them.

There are also some cases of miscarriage, but PCOS has a 25-50% increased chance of miscarriage anyway...

Check with your doctor, but my personal opinion is that if one person can take a medication for an entire pregnancy that if someone else takes it and loses the baby that it can't be blamed on that same medication.

You just have to work out if you'd feel worse if you took it and lost your baby, or if you'd feel worse if you didn't take it and lost your baby.

Would you blame yourself for trying something new, or not trying something new?

I DEFINATELY wouldn't drink Princess :shakehead: - i'm like the alcohol/cigerette police. I will guilt you into submission :oooo:

It's only 3 month before you can safely have a tot of wine, surely you can wait that long :whistle:
I can do my bestest not to drink louise :lol: I have done quite a lot of research now online and it seems that the ones on metformin who stay on it seem to not have a miscarriage :eh: :eh: I had one miscarriage already whilst not on metformin so maybe i need to be on it to stay pregnant in the first place, oh I dunno!!!!!!
I think I'm going to start it tomorrow. Online it seems most people under consultant care for pcos have been advised to stay on metformin for either the first 12 weeks or for the entire duration of the pregnancy. Still bloody confused tho!!! :lol:
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my sil was on it for her cycles but it also helped her loose weight :) there is no sayin because she stopped taking it cause the mc so she just decided she didnt want to take it this time when i looked into it some carried on some didnt but there is no telling what is th ebest way to go really is there i wouldnt start taking it until after your due af because my sil caught without it and is 16 weeks so she didnt need the metformin to keep the pregnancy going if that makes any sense x
I dont know much about Metformin. My dad takes them for his diabetes and will have the odd drink - it makes him bad if he has too much.

You could always hold off taking the tablets for a few days and give the consultant/your doctor a call to clear up confusion over what to do.

Also, just wanted to say Good luck. x
Oh and being in the police (of whatever variety) - guilting people into stuff doesn't work, believe me ;-) :rofl:

LOL! :rotfl:

It's the only tool i have! I suppose i could issue people with fines, help pay for my IVF - £500 a glass :lol:

I didn't know you are in the police! I hope you're not one of those poor sods that have to go and peel people out of their own vomit on a Saturday night :oooo:
my sil was on it for her cycles but it also helped her loose weight :) there is no sayin because she stopped taking it cause the mc so she just decided she didnt want to take it this time when i looked into it some carried on some didnt but there is no telling what is th ebest way to go really is there i wouldnt start taking it until after your due af because my sil caught without it and is 16 weeks so she didnt need the metformin to keep the pregnancy going if that makes any sense x

Yeh I see your point hun. However, the last time I was pregnant I miscarried and I'm wondering if it was because of my hormone levels because of the pcos. I know I had very low hcg levels, they were only 125 at 6 weeks :-(

I'm only 8 dpo (I think) so it's too early to test :brat: but I'm not sure if it was ovulation that I had 8 days ago or a new cyst forming which produces dodgy hormones cos I had a really really strong opk 10 days ago (test line darker than control line) and lots of cramping on my right hand side. I'm getting severely ticked off with my body grrr. xx
Oh gosh Princess :hug:

Very stressful occupation - i definately couldn't hack it. I'd love to drive the cars with the sirens on, speeding through the streets.

I'm a speed demon by nature, which is why i bought a 1.2 so i can't go over 70 without my engine blowing up. I need a mile of road to overtake a tractor lol
that is PRECISELY what I was doing on saturday night actually :sick:

Lol poor you!! I think id have just let them lay in it! I am not a sympathetic person to drunken sods lol. I have a tendency to laugh at people who fall over or puke ... I'm evil .... :D

I'm a speed demon by nature, which is why i bought a 1.2 so i can't go over 70 without my engine blowing up. I need a mile of road to overtake a tractor lol

LMAO!!!!!! Louise I have done the exact same thing!!! However my car just now makes me an angry driver for being so slow!! I can't win lol

LMAO!!!!!! Louise I have done the exact same thing!!! However my car just now makes me an angry driver for being so slow!! I can't win lol


I didn't really get annoyed about it until the other week. I pulled up at a traffic light and i knew that at the other end of the junction the lanes merged. Some guy pulled into the lane that would merge and i was determine to stop him over taking me, so i watched the light and as soon as they flickered i set off hard in a low gear but before i'd got into third he blown past me from behind and i felt so embarrassed and angry i think i literally turned red :blush:

I've wanted a faster car since :whistle:
LouiseB said:

I didn't really get annoyed about it until the other week. I pulled up at a traffic light and i knew that at the other end of the junction the lanes merged. Some guy pulled into the lane that would merge and i was determine to stop him over taking me, so i watched the light and as soon as they flickered i set off hard in a low gear but before i'd got into third he blown past me from behind and i felt so embarrassed and angry i think i literally turned red :blush:

I've wanted a faster car since :whistle:

Keep an eye out on Auto Trader for a Porsche 911 selling for dirt cheap .... That'll have you leaving everyone for dust ! ( you may just have my OH chasing you down the street if you did buy it though ) muhahaha ( if you havnt a clue what I'm talking About - you will if you see my reply on my thread I posted today)

Yes yes or a bugatti veyron would go down a treat. We did used to have an Audi S4 until o/h killed it :brat:

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