Metal gig 5 weeks before due date.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2012
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I have a dilemma, I bought 2 tickets to see Iron Maidon at the 02 on the 3rd August, ill be nearly 35 weeks by then and I'm unsure if I should go? I've got seated tickets but it's the highest tiers, I'm worried about the heat, and the noise? Any opinions? X
I went to a gig at about 18 weeks and I have to be honest I struggled, it was really warm and although we were seated we were quite high up and people kept standing to dance which is fine but I felt really unbalanced. My other issue is I have suffered with water retention so had some full on cankles going on!! I ended up leaving early.

I don't want to put you off if you feel up to it just wanted to share my experience xx
I was supposed to go & see beyonce at about 18 weeks, high tier seats but not the highest. I decided against it, it's steep even when not pregnant! I personally wouldn't risk it, especially if you need to squeeze past others to get to your seats x
I was supposed to go & see beyonce at about 18 weeks, high tier seats but not the highest. I decided against it, it's steep even when not pregnant! I personally wouldn't risk it, especially if you need to squeeze past others to get to your seats x

I agree I'm afraid. It is really steep in the high tiers at the O2. I went to a gig there before I was pregnant and was crapping myself! The seats on the row in front were really low which means to have a great view but means its really easy to fall forwards which a few people did.... Sorry to be so pessimistic but personally I'd give it a miss x
I'm going against the grain here. If metallica were playing I'd be there at 40 weeks pregnant!

Yes the upper ties is sit down the whole time. No big deal. I'd rather sit and enjoy the concert than miss it. Get there early, and let the rush go before you before leaving. I don't really see a problem. If you had standing tickets then that'd be a different matter.

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
Hi Katie. I'd go too. Agree with giz. Go early and sit down. If you don't like it you can always leave :)
I went to see a gig at 17 weeks and it was ok. Usually though I'd get up and dance, but didn't feel comfortable so I sat and watched. My gig was at the LG arena though and it's quite a lot smaller and the seats aren't anywhere near as steep. Luckily I'd ended up with an aisle seat (in case of toilet trips!). Other gigs I've been to have been at MEN and there is no way I'd feel comfortable there as the seats are really steep.
i went to a few pub gigs, standing only and a metal festival in tri 1 and 2 last preg and was perfectly fine, if you feel up to it hun theres no reason not too just take plently to drink and a pillow for your butt lol
I went to stone roses at Heaton park at 16 weeks preg and it was no bother standing up all day and night but I was due to see the killers at 35 weeks (seated) and I was just too big to go and doubt I'd have enjoyed it.

But if you feel up to it, go for it! Everybody is different, you know what your body can take.

I went to stone roses at Heaton park at 16 weeks preg and it was no bother standing up all day and night but I was due to see the killers at 35 weeks (seated) and I was just too big to go and doubt I'd have enjoyed it.

But if you feel up to it, go for it! Everybody is different, you know what your body can take.

Totally agree, you know what your limits are and like others have said if you don't like it just leave. x
I went to see Madonna when I was heavily pregnant. It was outdoor so wasnt too bad noise wise. We were seated too and it was a right pain in the arse with people having to squeeze past us all the time. Quite a few banged into bump. It was difficult to leave enough room for people to get past! The folk in front of me were drunk and arms were flailing everywhere so I couldnt really relax.

we also stayed at our seats until most folk had gone as trying to get up and down those steps in a crowd would have been dangerous
I saw madonna at Wembley at 37 weeks pg with my son in 2006. I was up in the heavens too and just stayed firmly seated! My friend held my arm when we went up and down the steps but it was fine and I loved the show :) xxx
I think my friend also went to see iron maiden (or it could have been metallica) when she was quite far gone, a few yrs ago.
She said because its a much older crowd, they are very respectful, and were lovely to her, she even got right to the front!
If your sitting I really don't think you will have any issue.

I think its fab, your baby will be a heavy metal fan before he's even born yay!

I've got tickets to see my favourite goth metal band less than 4 weeks after my due date. Here's hoping I don't have a section! I think you should be fine, especially if seated. How far is it away from home/hospital? xxx
The 02 is local to me, only a bus ride away x
metal music crowds, especially for things like maiden do tend to be more respectful of others and chilled out, at Bloodstock 2011 when i went ppl had their little babies and small kids with them and there were no horrible drunken idiots or obnoxious ppl like i saw at download festival in 2007. was so cute seeing small babies (im talking months old) in little ear defenders and baby carriers gettign carried around, and the young kids too. made it a lovely family atmosphere that most ppl wouldnt expect from a heavy metal festival
Go for it, if it's unsuitable when you're there or you hate it you can always leave. Going to the toilet a lot would be my biggest worry! X
I'm worried I won't fit in my seat haha x

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