measuring big???

bagpuss i had the diabetes test last week and your right it was awful :cry: the wait went on forever i was starving hungry and dying for a cuppa :( by the time they did the second blood test i felt dreadful sick dizzy headache and just completely out of sorts then got a migraine which lasted 2 days :( after all that i expected to get a bad result thinking thats why i was so rough when i had the test got the results on tuesday this week and all completely fine omg what a cruel test :evil:
as for the measuring i got midwife today so will let you know what happens xxx
i was measuring big and had to have another scan. then eva came 3weeks early and weighed 7lb5. don't think my body could have taken it if she got any bigger :? must have kicked her out x
well just got back from midwife and am measuring right this time :? 30 weeks so dont know what last time was all about cos im measuring 2cm less than last time i went which was 4 weeks ago everything else fine heard the heart beat all good and they are now refering me for physio for my sciatica xxxxx
:) So now Rach you must be thinking the same as I did - why did I have to starve myself for nothing!! :lol:
It is good to hear that everything is going okay though - glad they are trying to sort your sciatica out.
I also suffer with sciatica,have done so for about three years on and off,I must admit physio did f all for me- a friend at work who also suffers from sciatica(all us posties are falling apart!!) recommended the Mctimoney chiropractors,but I couldn't afford it.He swore by them.
Keep us all informed :)
Bagpuss xx
bagpuss my mum had physio for her sciatica and it never worked for her either but with only 3 hours sleep a night because of the pain in my back and hips im at the stage where i will give anything a go now :(
there is a chiropractor near where i live who is supposed to be brilliant but i dont know if he does pregnant ladies ooh that sounds a bit wrong sorry lol think if physio is no good might give him a go lol
hope your well also hun xxx
hi rach, i have been trying to get online for ages but wrk have blocked me from getting on this forum as i never do any wrk :( but im chuft now as i just got broadband today (about time seems i have been working for bt broadband for 2 yrs lol)

i have been dying to get some advise well here is goes

i went to the docs 2 weeks ago at 28 weeks and was measuring 31 weeks... went back 2 weeks later at 30weeks and im now measuring 36weeks. im very woried i look totaly huge i was wearing a pair of trousers 4days a go woke up this morning they dont fit!!!! its gettin bigger by the mineat iv got a scan on tues.... did u ava scan?
the midwife is now saying that im further gone then i fort?? and trying to say i am 35weeks but i no fora fact this aint poss i no wen my last period was and my 12weeks scan was acurate with period and 20week scan was too, an i no wen i was avin sex, so she sed i will more then likely b induced im not happy atall as no one is listening wen isay i defo aint further gone... yh the baby might b fat but like a 36weeker but dont mean the lungs r goin to b developed like a 36weeker!!!!!! :? :x

im so big i want to scream i want this baby out now i feel so depressed and in pure agony but i want my baby to b born healthy and not need special care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awww dionne hun thats not good please try not to worry scan might just show everything is as it should be and you are just carrying high they only send you for a scan if your measuring big more than once which i wasnt the second time i went so no further scans for me midwife seems to think im one of those ppl who will measure different depending on how the baby is lying and she said my measurements might go up and down and told me not to worry you know when you conceived and the 12 week dating scan is the most accurate and if that was correct then id try not to worry too much when is your scan? xxxxxxx
hi rach my scan is this tuesday, im just worried as she said they will induce me and that will mean my baby will be in specail care. when i was preg last yr with Dior i was big but i could feel alot of it was water not all baby but this time my bump is solid i feel the head right down low on my bladder and feet up in my ribs! ok i might just be paraniod but im started to realy fear the birth Dior was 5lb and i found it sooooo difficult pushing her out :(

well iv just got to think possitive untill the scan tues.

but if they try telling me that im further gone and are inducing me i wont be happy as like i sed before i no the baby will still be underdevelopt might be big but still got prem lungs....

its been great having u to moan to lol. seems we are both due around the same time and both look huge :D
hun i bet you are worried i would be too its easy for everyone to tell you not to :( when they scan you on tuesday they will be able to get an approx weight of baby and will take it from there they wont induce you yet and remember no matter what they say the final decision about everything will be down to you if they do want to induce you and you are adamant that you are not as far gone as they say insist on having steroid injections a few days before so that the babys lungs will be developed.
my midwife told me they wont induce for heavy babies and that they assess you and baby and if theres not enough room for baby to get out they will do a c section apparently they can take an approx measurement of your cervix and pelvis and be able to tell if theres any risk in delivering vaginal if theres a risk then c section at 39 weeks they will only induce before 37 weeks if there is a risk to baby or mother eg. pre eclampsia or placenta not working properly keep your chin up hun and try not to worry until youve had your scan and see what they say.

ive looked huge all the way through this pregnancy but now baby has moved down a bit and lying differently i now look like when i was about 20 weeks lol my belly was rock hard now a lot of it has gone squishy again feel like i look fat rather than pregnant if it wasnt for baby moving i wouldnt be convinced i was pg lol

will be thinking of you on tuesday let us know how you get on xxxx
really????? oh good u have made me feel alot better.. ild hate a c-section thou, because my partner only gets 2days of wrk and il have a newborn and a 1 yr old :shock: no rest for the wkd lol

my daughter is in to every thing she dont let me rest!

il defo let u no wot happens fri.. thanks for your support
Hi girls scan is tomorrrow at 2.30 im nervous, but il let u no what the outcome is and if this lil buga is growing to fast!

or if its just me and all my cakes and pies :roll: lol
good luck hunny will be thinking of you xxxx
hun i found this about amniotic fluid have a look it tells about too little and too much hope this helps
try not to worry if they were worried they would have sent you to see a consultant straight away not made you wait to see your own midwife
cheers hun i will read it in a min just gettin dior bathed and bed :D
rach, thanks for that u are a star it has mad eit much more clear now x x x x x

where would i be with out u?
a nervous reck somewhere
lol you would be fine hunny :D
try not to worry now and ask your midwife about it when you see her and make sure they are going to keep an eye on it xxxxxx

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