Measuring at MW appointments


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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After someone comes back from their mw appointment, they always say ''im measuring 33weeks'' or something similar.. ive never been measured!! Is that bad?? I thought everyone was supposed to be measured regularly. I havent even been weighed! Getting pissed off with the lack of attention im getting from my mw's! :x Everyone seems to be so close to theirs but i have to wait 2 weeks to see mine for my leg problem today! Its ridiculous!! Im in agony and she's fully booked til next tuesday!! :x
Plus LOADS of people have said my bump looks smaller now than at 26weeks!! My mum mentioned it to me the other day. I do remember being so much bigger by now with jaycee, and your 2nd is supposed to be bigger! I wish i could find my old bump pics i took to compare :evil:
Maybe thats why im kinda in denial about 7 weeks left!!
I was getting measured from about 30 weeks, but apparantly it is not really that reliable as the baby could be in a curled up position and give a false measurement, that is what someone told me anyway. I also know that a lot pf places won't weigh you as seemingly a lot of girls were getting really worried about how much they were putting on and were not eating sensibly.

If you are worried about it and not happy with your care though, you can always change midwife it is your right.

Your bump may not be smaller, maybe she has just changed position recently and is giving you the illusion of being smaller!

I hope I haven't waffled!!!!

Hugs to you and baby girl :hug:
Thanks hun :hug: She said shes head down at the mo, and i can feel where her back and bum are all the time lol! Maybe i just havent got much fluid as it seems to be all baby in there!! :shock: I can feel her so close to the surface it worrys me! cant even pinch the skin on my belly its that tight!
they should measure you from about 24/26 weeks onwards hun as this is usually the first indication of any growth problems xxxxxxxxx
Thanks rach, i did think this as alot of you girls have needed growth scans etc. All they've done is feel her thru my tummy lying on the bed.. is that enough??
When I see the midwife she usually just feels for the top of my uterus and tells me its fine then on my notes she writes 'dates' which I assume means it matches my dates :?

Mines not much help to be honest, I told her Im worried that my bumps too big and she just said they dont take much notice til 36 weeks.

I wish I felt like I could talk to her more, theres loads of stuff I wanna ask about or confide in her about but I dont feel I can :(

The last thing I asked was whether I can use hair removal cream and her reply was simply to read the instructions on the box :oops:
Jo ..i've read by someone on the forum they say they don't measure you in some areas as it is unreliable....I am not measured regulary. A lot of the time they just write in cm's how many weeks I am without measuring.

As for weight my m/w weighs me but the hosp don't when I asked the doc at the hosp about my weight as i hadn't put any on , he said they don't weigh you in the hosp as my weight has nothing to do with the size or weight of the baby...Even when I was admitted for dehydration I wasn't weighed.

Dylan pushes himself out aswell.. you can see his bum sticking out from one side of the lounge to the other and my amnio fluid is fine

my midwife though i baby was big so she sent me for a scan and to see the consultant, the consultant measured me and said baby is normal size but when i looked back through my notes baby has been measuring big all the way through.

i think if there was any concern about your babys size they would send you for a growth scan.

plus you might be all baby and not much fluid, but again if there was any cause for concern im sure they would have sent you for a scan.
I heard they don't weigh you anymore for the reasons mentioned in an earlier post, and because it is not an accurate indication of a healthy/ unhealthy pg....I thought they did the measurements instead :think: I always get measured.....have done since 26/27 weeks :think:

My bump is like yours though.....can't even pinch the skin its soooo tight, I am 'all baby' apparently, from behind I don't even look pg, and if I'm wearing black you can't always tell.....its just when I turn to the side and knock everyone over that you know I'm pg :rotfl:

I was measuring small 2 weeks ago, and have had a growth spurt to take me (4.5cm in 2 weeks:D ) back up to correct measurements for my dates now........MW just said sometimes you have a slow month, then 'bam' baby has a growth spurt.

I think you should mention it to mw at next app - if you're still not happy, then you should change Missac says...its your right.

I wouldn't worry my midwife is pretty pointless!
I can only get hold of one of the two midwifes at my surgery by phoning reception and leaving a message. Then i have to wait for them to get back to me. And they are only there wednesdays and friday afternoons!

I was weighed at my initail appointment but that is it. And my midwife will listen to the heartbeat but not tell me what it is. And my bump measurements are written on my notes but she didn;t tell me them.

Pretty cack really!


We get measured at every visit here and weighed ect but sounds like alot of you in the UK are different , and it must depend on the MW you get?
I wouldnt worry about your bump being smaller i noticed mine has too and i think its because LO maybe switched positions.
Hope you start to feel better and maybe talk to your MW about how you feel your being treated?
Katrina :hug:
x-kirsty-x said:
I wish I felt like I could talk to her more, theres loads of stuff I wanna ask about or confide in her about but I dont feel I can :(

The last thing I asked was whether I can use hair removal cream and her reply was simply to read the instructions on the box :oops:
its horrible feeling like that isn't it! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thank you all for your replies, they've put my mind at ease now! Ill definitly mention it to mw at next appointment tho.. just to be sure.
Jo my MW is the same.

Well I say My MW but Ive seen 3 different ones

First 2 visits were MW 1, 3rd visit was MW 2, 4th and 5th visit was MW 3 and 6th visit was MW1 again - apparantly because there so understaffed round my way so I don't have a ''reletionship' with the MW at all TBH

I also never get measured, they just lay me on the bed and push on my tummy to feel the position and say its all ok. Then they check the HB but usually cause they say ''do you want to hear the HB'' and I say yeah or they wouldnt do that either.

At visit 5 they didnt check my wee as I didnt have a tub, but I waited for the loo and once in I said if you give me a tub ill go do a quick one now, she said ''nah its ok, were used to people forgetting the odd one or two'' which I didnt think was good considering its a pretty high up there thing for checking for PE. Then last 2 visits I have not had bloods taken, just quite litteraly in there for 5 mins, 10 mins at most checking BP, asking if all ok, laying on bed then waiting for them to write up notes and thats it! Plus I thought after 32 weeks you say MW more but my last appointment at 34 weeks she just put for me to come back again in 3 weeks which I was supprised about!

:hug: Jayceesmumma :hug:
Don't worry yourself about not being weighed or measured, it is not practised by all MW's and it is not 100% accurate to all LO's sizes anyway so it's really not a bad thing you haven't had it done to you :hug:
What is a bad thing is you feeling you're not getting the care you want from your MW. I too expected a lot from my MW and have since been very surprised at what care I have received, allbeit good and professional, but I am quite surprised at the lack of a more personal approach, a less medical approach.

I appreciate the bloods being taken and all the checks etc but MW seem to be far too busy to do that and let you go, I too think many need more time to let us mumstobe talk, about us and our feelings, it's such a shame there doesn't seem to be that for everyone :( I do hope you find that missing part here though Jayceesmumma, and with your OH or friends and family :hug:

Hope you're feeling well today
Best Wishes

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