Maybe's symptoms cycle 9,11 & 12 dpo test pics..

Really sorry hunny, could you speak to your gp or a specialist to see if they can find out why it keeps happening?? xxxxxxx
Thanks Girls,:hugs:

I've spoken to the hospital and I'm complaining, the care manager is calling me back, I don't want Clomid any more I want answers!

Will update in a bit...

Im sorry the line isn't stronger this morning Maybe. Ive had exactly the same, a line that is SO faint and only now obvious now its dried(evap).

Ive still got my fingers crossed for you though, hope you get some answers. X
Hey maybe,

Are you using same test hun?

so sorry to read this, your right to be angry with that silly consultant. You can go to another consultant on the NHS hun, I will try find the link for you on NHS website but under "patient choice" you have the right to be refered to ANY consultant you want. obviously there will be a waiting list but best to get someone good who knows what they are talking about. I have had 2 consultant in the past 8 months and put a written complaint in about 1 and could do about the other but dont have the energy. I tracked down the private Dr i am going to though another forum, ladies on there highly recomended him and he writes in peer reviewed journals and books about fertility and specific problems with the uterus.

Sorry for the long ranty msg but make sure you push whatever consultant you get into doing some investigations for you hun.


Sending you a huge hug. x x x
hey hun really sorry about that! i did wonder when you said it was after the 10 minutes that the line came up?! it was a strong line though, so strange! really hope you get some answers hunny!!

also, was the test taken at the same time today? can you put a pic up for us to see how much lighter? i only ask coz i think the FR i done the day after my BFP was a little lighter. was it after 10 minutes again? xxx
So sorry Maybe! But I'm keeping my fingers crossed, just in case!
Ahh Maybe Im so sorry - I just caught up with this thread and was sooo excited. I hope you get some answers soon. x
Sorry hun :hug: I hope you're ok. xxx Have you tried testing in the evening to see if it's any different?

Hey Girls, :)

Thanks for all your nice messages, I have the faintest of faint lines on the cheapies still, my Mum thought they were just crappy tests teasing me and I said they weren't so she peed on one for me and there was absolutely no line (she had a hysterectomy a while back).

I know I'm not out yet but I'm pretty sure I will be AF is due Sun/Mon.

On a positive I'm at the docs for bloods tomorrow, for HCG and antibodies and then I'm seeing the fertility specialist on Monday to get some questions answered.(Had to complain to get that sorted but hey ho)

Thanks for that advice nurse, I'll see how Monday goes and make a decision, my MIL is a nurse and my friend is a GP so I'll ask their advice, I'm near to Manchester so there's St Marys Hospital where the Doc who first did IVF (I think..) Dr Liberman is so I may transfer.

I said to the Nurse today that I'm grateful to be given Clomid soon, which can solve a number of issues but what if the reason implantation isn't happening isn't going to be solved by Clomid and Clomid doesn't work, the next step is IVF, which will be a bit drastic if I don't even need it.

I have asked them to rule out other causes before I have Clomid at the end of August, I think they will.

Any sign of the witch yet?

Glad uve got them appointments sorted... and at least when ur mum poas there is no line!! so something is happening?

What is a chemical if you dont mind me asking?

any other symptoms? xx

extra dust for ya :dust:
Applecider a chemical pregnancy is where the egg is fertilised but doesn't implant in the womb so is lost. It's a very very early miscarriage.

Maybe, good luck with your bloods tomorrow.
Thanks hun :( sorry maybe hope its not xx
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