Hi all
sorry for another question about possibly being pregnant but I'm sure like you all I keep hoping! I'm feeling so low about all this, every month it's taking over my life!
I'm on cd 27 of a usual 28-30 day cycle. I think I ovulated on day 16 (had severe pain in right ovary). Because I'm a complete addict to poas I tested on cycle day 22 (6dpo) with a cheapie morrisons and got what I thought was a smudgy faint pink line (I couldn't upload it at the time but kept seeing advice on here that a pink line is a bfp!) - however, I did the 2nd test (was a 2 pack) the next day and it was clearly bfn. I did a first response early test at 9dpo and 11dpo (today) and both clearly negative..
totally confused! I'm either due my af tomorrow or Thursday. What I mean to ask is .. given my ovulation date (cd 16) was cd 22 too early for that poss bfp i thought i seen?? And when did you all get a bfp after ovulation and with what test??
I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms (well apart from my ever expanding waist line
but I have had the strangest, scary and very real nightmares.. I started taking folic acid about a week ago do you think this is the cause? I seen on a google search that some pregnant women note this in early pregnancy.
Again I apologise for my ramble!
Sending you all baby dust! X and thanks for any replies.
sorry for another question about possibly being pregnant but I'm sure like you all I keep hoping! I'm feeling so low about all this, every month it's taking over my life!
I'm on cd 27 of a usual 28-30 day cycle. I think I ovulated on day 16 (had severe pain in right ovary). Because I'm a complete addict to poas I tested on cycle day 22 (6dpo) with a cheapie morrisons and got what I thought was a smudgy faint pink line (I couldn't upload it at the time but kept seeing advice on here that a pink line is a bfp!) - however, I did the 2nd test (was a 2 pack) the next day and it was clearly bfn. I did a first response early test at 9dpo and 11dpo (today) and both clearly negative..

I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms (well apart from my ever expanding waist line

Again I apologise for my ramble!
Sending you all baby dust! X and thanks for any replies.