Bfp advice .. How many dpo and with what test / Nightmares


Active Member
Jun 6, 2012
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Hi all

sorry for another question about possibly being pregnant but I'm sure like you all I keep hoping! I'm feeling so low about all this, every month it's taking over my life!

I'm on cd 27 of a usual 28-30 day cycle. I think I ovulated on day 16 (had severe pain in right ovary). Because I'm a complete addict to poas I tested on cycle day 22 (6dpo) with a cheapie morrisons and got what I thought was a smudgy faint pink line (I couldn't upload it at the time but kept seeing advice on here that a pink line is a bfp!) - however, I did the 2nd test (was a 2 pack) the next day and it was clearly bfn. I did a first response early test at 9dpo and 11dpo (today) and both clearly negative.. :( totally confused! I'm either due my af tomorrow or Thursday. What I mean to ask is .. given my ovulation date (cd 16) was cd 22 too early for that poss bfp i thought i seen?? And when did you all get a bfp after ovulation and with what test??

I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms (well apart from my ever expanding waist line ;) but I have had the strangest, scary and very real nightmares.. I started taking folic acid about a week ago do you think this is the cause? I seen on a google search that some pregnant women note this in early pregnancy.

Again I apologise for my ramble!

Sending you all baby dust! X and thanks for any replies.
Good luck hope you still get your bfp

I got mine 16/17 dpo, but hadn't tested any earlier. It was with a clearblue
Oh right I thought the latest you could test was 14dpo. Unless you got your period. Well I'm new to all this so am still learning. Its so frustrating with all this waiting! Thank you Frankie247 for your response :)
I got my bfp with my son at 13dpo (hadn't tested before that) with a morrisons own brand test

I got my bfp at 11dpo with my daughter on an internet cheapy strip test.

I really hope you get your bfp - 6dpo does sound rather too early to get a + test, as implantation only occurs 6-12dpo and then it takes 2-3 days for the hormone to enter your urine to show in a test.
I've had 6 bfp's in total, once I got a line on a FRER at 9dpo, once at 12 dpo but nearly always a clear BFP by 10 dpo.

My opinion on tests-

Cheapies- Crap, not much use til about 12 dpo, very faint lines before that.

Superdrug- do give early lines but give convincing evaps.

Clearblue + or the boots own cross sign ones- Never use, they give cruel evaps every time.

First response, the best by far, will show at 10 dpo.

Clear blue diggi- Usually turns positive at 12dpo, sometimes 11dpo.

Here's a pic of my 10 dpo BFPs...

Good luck everyone :)



  • C 18 10 dpo BFPS!! .jpg
    C 18 10 dpo BFPS!! .jpg
    65.1 KB · Views: 63
My opinion on tests-

Clearblue + or the boots own cross sign ones- Never use, they give cruel evaps every time.


I used the clear blue test and although some people have issues with Evaps, mine was a clear and strong BFP - I think it depends on a number of factors - but they do work.
I want to second Maybe on comments above, particularly about the Cruel evaps with the blue dye tests and also re cheapies being totally useless until after AF due.

To be honest I wouldn't have thought that a cheapie test would be anywhere near a realiable BFP to cling on hope to at 6dpo. You'd be lucky with a First Response at that early and you'd probably even be lucky to have implanted by then, or if you were implanting to have any sort of HCG in your urine.

Stick to testing at least past 9dpo. and if you can hold out until AF due (I know, who am I kidding!) then try and do that for your own sanity.

Sadly, when we want this sooooo much, our early testing and evap spotting, makes this process really confusing when it doesn't need to be.

I always try and tell my self - if its a negative its a negative, for now anyway, until proven wrong by a later positive x x x

Good luck and remember you are not out yet!!! x
its very unlikely that the 6dpo was a true possitive its just way to early tbh,i should have got a possitive with a frer when u tested tho i think given u knew wen u ovulated frers are realy gd n hardly ever leave room for faukse possitves,i got a bfp with a ic at 9dpo only i could see it tho then dpo 11 got a stronger line on a asda £1 test and on 13 dpo i got a 2-3 pregnant on a digi, best of luck xxx
I used cheapies (ultra sensitive ones though) to first test... with my ds I got a faint positive at 11dpo and didnt do a digitial until at least 15 dpo.

TTC #2 and determined not to test until at least 14 dpo this time, the longer you can wait the better imo

good luck x
Ah thanks everyone for your advice. Yeah thought it was too early damn morrisons test had my hopes up! Have tested neg since then so am just gonna give up now. Like you say wait till AF arrives! I think i just like the feeling of hope i get just before i test. Baby dust to you all xx
Hi there-Just spotted this thread which is funny because I posted a similar question this afternoon. This thread answers my question! I think from the responses I have received and the replies to this some ladies are lucky enough to get bfp's at 11 dpo with a sensitive brand. This is probably the earliest I would test personally. I intend to test (my second go this month!) using a first response at 12 dpo on the 30th. Good luck hun! Fingers crossed for you :-)xx
Ah thanks rednursie! And good luck to you too! If you don't mind me asking when did you ovulate? I'm guessing it was only recently if you're testing on 30th. I think I'm prob out now as 12dpo (if I ovulated on 16th- can only assume this as had quite a bit of pain in right ovary on 31st may) guessing my AF is due tomo or friday depending on my cycle (if only we knew when it was due to come would be v helpful!) - lets keep this post updated hopefully with positive news!
Ah thanks rednursie! And good luck to you too! If you don't mind me asking when did you ovulate? I'm guessing it was only recently if you're testing on 30th. I think I'm prob out now as 12dpo (if I ovulated on 16th- can only assume this as had quite a bit of pain in right ovary on 31st may) guessing my AF is due tomo or friday depending on my cycle (if only we knew when it was due to come would be v helpful!) - lets keep this post updated hopefully with positive news!

No probs! I am due to ovulate on Monday the 18th which means on the 30th JUne I will be 12 dpo. Still very early to test I know but I'm going to give it a go. Have a cupboard full of first responses I got on special offer in super drug! Though im hoping I will ovulate a day earlier (could happen) as the oh is going away that monday morning that I'm due to ovulate. We've agreed there'll be an earlier than usual alarm that morning haha. It's a long shot I know but I'm hopeful there's still a chance we'll catch. (My other option is to hide in his suitcase when he goes away but that might be going a bit far haha-Imagine explaining to his work colleages why im tagging along!) Fingers crossed for both of us!! Good luck :) xx
I got mine 15dpo with a digi (2-3 weeks) and a very strong + on a cheapie

I have a 30/31 day cycle and Ov CD14/15, so I tested day AF was due.

Best of luck!

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Rednursie, good luck on the 30th! I'm still trying to work out when I ovulate! So update ... I came on :( in a way I think it taught me a valuable lesson not to be testing so early! I'm on cd 3 now (so annoying being back at the beginning!) - so it's going to be like 10th July before I can test again!

Ladies thanks for all your responses- it means so much to have advice and support on here my family don't know I'm trying do you're all I can talk to!

Rednursie, Keep us posted around the 30th sending you lots of baby dust!!

Thank you! I will definitely keep you posted Hun. It's funny I'm due to ovulate on Monday (which annoyed me as OH goes away that day) but I have all the symptoms of ovulation today. Can't wait to pee on my clear blue digi when I get home and see if I get a smily face. Either way I've rang the oh and warned him! We're now going to meet at home for some BD'ing before we go out for dinner lol! Will need every bit of that baby dust Hun-Thanks and lots of baby dust back to you :-) xxx
Rednursie, good luck on the 30th! I'm still trying to work out when I ovulate! So update ... I came on :( in a way I think it taught me a valuable lesson not to be testing so early! I'm on cd 3 now (so annoying being back at the beginning!) - so it's going to be like 10th July before I can test again!

Ladies thanks for all your responses- it means so much to have advice and support on here my family don't know I'm trying do you're all I can talk to!

Rednursie, Keep us posted around the 30th sending you lots of baby dust!!


Just checking in to see how you are? How are you getting on with this cycle Hun? Have you worked out when you might ovulate? Sorry, so many questions! I'm really glad I used my digi opk's this month, I think I would have missed without xx

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