Did a cheapie with a tonight's pee and I have got what I can only describe as a faint pink evap, you can only see it near the light, I don't think it will photo, but I'd rather see that than nothing even if it's another chemical, I like the idea of nearly getting there...
I'll update in the morning as I'm trying to keep it a secret from Hubby with fathers day coming on Sunday
Ok so just before everyone gets really excited I've had lines like this and they have been chemicals and with me fannying around trying to get a good shot they're after the time limit, that doesn't mean I don't trust them, I know from past experience that conception will have occurred I just need a sticky!
I think i just peed a little omg its looking sooo good hun if i were you i would be whipping my sticks out all day long lol i have EVERYTHING crossed for you xxxxxxx
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