*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Thrown up again nearly made oh sick too bless him :-( went to town and got the PS4 game omg it was rammed usually I will play with oh on PS4 but I'm guna let him play tonight while I die and feel sorry for myself you are very lucky Nat wouldn't wish it on any one but I'm a very mardy person when I don't feel well lovely photo too :)
I think you just start a new thread gynbabeliz not entirely sure? Xxx

well i've done it, come and join me on tri 2 anyone who is there yet!
It amazes me how different health services are when it comes to pregnancy. I'm 34 and went for my scan on Wednesday. They put my due date as 2 days earlier. While they were measuring they took a measurement apof the amount of fluid on baby's neck and dete,knee mole risk for downs from that and sent me for a blood test straight after to confirm it if I wanted to. Of course, me being me I'll do whatever they say is a good idea so I went. The lovely nurse read the notes and reiterated that they were also confident from the sonogram measurements that this is just a double check but if there was anything different I would be informed within 3 working days other wise the results would be back in a week to 10'days and if I didn't hear earlier then all was low risk. I have to say i seem to have been really lucky with my experience so far and it breaks my heart to hear some of you are being treated so coldly and harshly. I wish we could all have comforting experiences in such a a stressful time.... Little bean is quite naughty, took ages to get measurements as he/she wouldn't keep still, dancing and waving arms all over the place, had us all giggling. Xx


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Thankyou all for your lovely responses, I really do appreciate it. I am feeling better about it all. I’m taking comfort in the fact that everything else looks fine particularly the fluid behind the neck. I thought I didn’t feel pregnant earlier so I sniffed the coffee and poked my boobs and knew I was still ok hahahaha xx will keep you updated xx
Sazza, I'm sorry you have all this worry and stress to deal with. Hopefully everything will be fine.
I had my 12 week scan on Friday. Everything was fine apart from baby not cooperating! The lady finally got measurements but told me she wasn't happy with them.
She gave me a due date of 19th but I'm going to stick with the 16th in my head as I know my dates are right. We've got a gender scan booked for the 28th so that should confirm dates then too.
All our family and friends know now so we announced to the world tonight. I don't mind sharing how we did it.


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Hi girls just been having a catch up on here! Sorry to hear about your sickness Holli! What a nightmare for you! I still wretch when hungry but food always sorts me out so can't imagine how u feel! Kitty had a loook at your scan and had a look at this nub theory explanation and judging by that I would guess a boy? But I've only just read up on it so I am in no means an expert on it! �� My scan is 4pm today will update with a picture later! I can't wait! I am nervous but so so excited at the same time! Xx
I was no nervous before mine I think everyone is!! You just can't help it. I'm thinking boy too lol good luck for today can't wait to see your pics !


My due date has changed a couple of times now but as it stands from my latest scan (12+4) it is the 13th of May :)

My due date has changed a couple of times now but as it stands from my latest scan (12+4) it is the 13th of May :)

Welcome! I’ve added your due date to the first post.

Ladies, don’t forget when you move over to the second trimester to give your confirmed due date to gymbabeliz so she can update that thread xx
Congratulations on the scan beca, glad you had a positive experience too!

Stargirl that's a lovely announcement, bet little one can't wait to be a big brother!

Looking forward to us all moving over to tri 2 and hearing how we're all planning for our babies arrivals!
I cant belive tri 2 is on the horizon!! Phoned my GP today to get booked in at 16 weeks and they told me they dont have a midwife?! I thought all GPs had midwives!! What am i gona do lol
Just checking in on you all from tri 2, it's too quiet over there so looking forward for you all joining us, my bump is popping (photo on tri 2) no idea where that come from haha, my tummy hurts today though from been sick a lot this morning!
Lovely scan pic becca :)
Love the announcement star girl :)
Kaypee I thought they all booked you in with a midwife, the day I phoned my docotors to tell them I had positive tests they booked me straight in with midwife for when I was 8 weeks pregnant so not sure why yours is any different? Did they not offer you any advice on what to do? Surely they will have loads of women saying they are pregnant at your doctors xxx
When I told my doctors they just gave me a number to ring to log in with the hospital midwives and they contacted me later to get information.. At about 7 weeks I got a text confirming my first midwife appointment. My gp surgery doesn't have a midwife in house either
They just said go to hospital! To see who i have no idea. I phoned my friend whose wife works there and instead of seeing a midwife you see the gp to get blood pressure, measured etc! I have not had good experiences with my practice with pregnancy so really reluctant. On the plus side cause of my job my consultant said shed see me more often so think i will take her up on that!
Also got my date for 20 week scan today eeeek!! Anddd im on night shift so will have to work that one out!!
Book it offwork kaypee, your employer has to let you have scan days and antenatal classes off - my mw told me that st 8 weeks xx
As Holli said book it off, I think by law they have to pay you if it's during your scheduled hours.
I know but i can rearrange- no one is able to cover half a night its just too much hassle and we are so short. Im not technically at work cause its at 11am...our work unfortunately just doesnt work like regular work 😕
They just said go to hospital! To see who i have no idea. I phoned my friend whose wife works there and instead of seeing a midwife you see the gp to get blood pressure, measured etc! I have not had good experiences with my practice with pregnancy so really reluctant. On the plus side cause of my job my consultant said shed see me more often so think i will take her up on that!

Hi Kaypee,

The same for my sister who's also pregnant (lives in Glasgow) - she goes to one hospital for her midwife appointments and will go to another for her scans and to give birth. Not all GPs have a midwife department or association it seems. So youshould be fine :)
Hey all. Just checking in to see how you all are. We are all hurtling towards 2nd trimester! I’m 12 weeks on Sunday, but will wait until my scan on Thursday before hopping over.

Did anyone else’s sickness get worse over the last couple of weeks? Mine eased but is back with a vengeance! X

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