Thanks for setting up this thread. I can't believe we are out of the pregnancy forum. Seems like only yesterday we were all worried and eager to get through that first trimester. Looking forward to the next part of this journey.
I'm finding the nights quite difficult. My dw is still doing those feeds, but by 9pm I'm exhausted and between the iron supplements and the heat, I've had some killer headaches by then. He just gets so fussy and demanding. He wants to feed but then he doesn't stay latched, gets all *******, gums my nipple and sucks as he pulls off, then scratches my sore nipple with his nails as he tries to grab it or flails his arms about . . . So we have to give him formula for that feed and even then it doesn't always calm him and get him to sleep, but at least he's calmer and my dw can manage him so I can sleep. I may have to try and top up his early feed with formula and see if that helps. He feeds and sleeps in the morning with some time awake, feeds and is awake in the early afternoon and then stays attached most of the afternoon until dinner time. So, I'm not sure how he can be super hungry come 9-10pm. I seem to be producing more than enough milk. He's pooing okay, but I do think he's having difficulties at times, but during the day, he's calmer about it. I'm wondering if that is the issue at night- although he does root and look for the boob more with the issues at night than when he's having issues in the day time. I'm hoping he calms a bit soon in the evenings as I'll be on my own soon and my dw won't be able to do nights as she'll have to sleep with going back to work. Nervous about her going back. It's been so great to have the support.
My incision seems to be healing fine, but I'm still in pain. I'm taking pain meds, but they don't seem to be doing too much to help. I do think part of the pain is digestion and wind. I can't seem to find the right balance of things to keep me from getting wind trapped all around.
So glad the temp broke today. It's so much cooler in my flat now. It's been hard with the heat.