May 2017 Mummies


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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So we've done it ladies!!

Our May babies and Rainbows have arrived - well nearly all of them!

Thought it might be time to move on from Tri 3 and start chatting in here now, so...

Congratulations May mummies!! I'm so thankful to have gone through pregnancy with you all, especially my fellow Rainbow mummies! I look forward to sharing the next part of this amazing journey with you.

Thanks for setting up the thread. Good idea.
It's strange but feel a bit emotional about moving on from that thread...must be hormones. We just all went through such a journey and to see the long awaited rainbows arrive has been amazing.
Looking forward to sharing the next chapter with the amazing may mummies xx
Same it's sad to be leaving the pregnancy side but what an amazing journey!
You've all been amazing so supportive and fantastic friends gah I'm going all mushy lo

I think we probably hold the record for the chatiest bunch of ladies o here!

I'm still getting pelvic pain but it's dialed down a lot in intensity. Has anyone got any idea how long the line on your belly lasts for?

I just got the most evil look from any. She fell asleep at the boob so I wrestled my nipper back then car door outside woke her enough to realise I'd stolen it from her.... she got her mother's evil glare down already!
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Gah can't sleep dunno why Ibe now been awake 23 hours. I feel like I've gone beyond and I wanna cry! Also annoyed at hubby he doesn't know... he's stolen one of my pillows by accident and he's now fast agleyl and looks well comfy where I'm fighting to get comfy on mine. Grr. It's got to the point in don't want to sleep cgz she will wake/want a feed soon and if I've only had 1hr I'll be more tired than if I kust stay awake. Plus if I do sleep what if I don't hear her wake up. Hubby won't hear her and I'm. Sure hubby won't. Gah keverythings a bit blurry lol.
Wow the next step for all of us, it still seems surreal.

My little man slept for 5 hours last night! I would say I had a lovely sleep but I kept waking up to check he was ok! I bet he makes up for it tonight and wants to feed every hour....!
Thanks for setting up this thread. I can't believe we are out of the pregnancy forum. Seems like only yesterday we were all worried and eager to get through that first trimester. Looking forward to the next part of this journey.

I'm finding the nights quite difficult. My dw is still doing those feeds, but by 9pm I'm exhausted and between the iron supplements and the heat, I've had some killer headaches by then. He just gets so fussy and demanding. He wants to feed but then he doesn't stay latched, gets all *******, gums my nipple and sucks as he pulls off, then scratches my sore nipple with his nails as he tries to grab it or flails his arms about . . . So we have to give him formula for that feed and even then it doesn't always calm him and get him to sleep, but at least he's calmer and my dw can manage him so I can sleep. I may have to try and top up his early feed with formula and see if that helps. He feeds and sleeps in the morning with some time awake, feeds and is awake in the early afternoon and then stays attached most of the afternoon until dinner time. So, I'm not sure how he can be super hungry come 9-10pm. I seem to be producing more than enough milk. He's pooing okay, but I do think he's having difficulties at times, but during the day, he's calmer about it. I'm wondering if that is the issue at night- although he does root and look for the boob more with the issues at night than when he's having issues in the day time. I'm hoping he calms a bit soon in the evenings as I'll be on my own soon and my dw won't be able to do nights as she'll have to sleep with going back to work. Nervous about her going back. It's been so great to have the support.

My incision seems to be healing fine, but I'm still in pain. I'm taking pain meds, but they don't seem to be doing too much to help. I do think part of the pain is digestion and wind. I can't seem to find the right balance of things to keep me from getting wind trapped all around.

So glad the temp broke today. It's so much cooler in my flat now. It's been hard with the heat.
Lol the gumming flailing and scratching ia a familiar story here at around tea time! We got a baby emery board and I'm going to file her nails next time she's asleep and I have the file with me!

Anya also wants more at nights too I have to stop her from taking too much or else it comes straight back up in fountains and all 3 if us panic! (And the bed gets changed again lol)

I'm lucky she will sleep for 6 hours at a time If I let her but I got told not to let her do that yet. I've been letting her go 4 hours (ooo I'm naughty mw said only let her go 3 lol) but I'm like you snowbee I spend most of that time staring at her. Especially in the heat every half hour I've been checking her temp etc she's fussy and will only sleep will it a blanket I managed to swap it for a muslin square during the major heat but that was a challenge lol

I managed some good sleep in the end last night but I dreamt I dropped her on the floor by accident woke up thinking id broke her lol
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Once he's asleep, he does sleep well. At night he'll sleep 3 hours and then 4 hours. In the morning/early afternoon he'll also sleep 3-4 hours in between 2 of his feeds. Then he starts to gradually get fussier and fussier. Really hoping this is less of an issue when my dw goes back to work. Might have to move the formula feeds forward so she can do them before she goes to bed, maybe one a 6/7pm and the next at about 10pm. Then I'll bf when he wakes in the night.
aw im sad to be leaving the pregnancy bit! lol youve all been so supportive the last 9 months!

aria sleeps from 11pm till 5am now i dont wake her up just feed on demand lol she has a bottle every 2-3 hours during the day though.

my incision is fine now still red but im not in any pain. took me a while to risk having a bath but ive had 2 now and its been fine lol
Eleanor has gained weight again :)

She's still not back to birth weight but being weighed again on Friday and hopefully we'll be there then and can be officially discharged from MW care.

I'm feeding every 2-3 hours during the day and going to demand feed overnight. She woke herself for feeds last night but went five hours between feeds. Obviously if it affects her weight gain then I'll set an alarm and feed her three hourly over night too.

My blood pressure is stable so hopefully once we're discharged on Friday (see my positive thinking there!) I can see my gp and look to stop my meds all together.

Hubby is back to work today so we're going it alone. Managed to get the dog to the vets, Eleanor to the hospital, tidied up a bit, done a load if washing and just having lunch. Then it's off to do a food shop and then chill out for the rest of the afternoon!

i took aria this morning shes back over her birth weight at 7lb 15. oh is back to work today and im feeling a bit down about it :( got all 3 kids aswell as its half term lol. my blood pressure is still high. ive got a cardiology appointment at the hospital next week so i assume ill be put back on blood pressure tablets for the foreseeable future
Wow congrats on the weight gain girls.

Anya has learnt a new game today. She'll root and winge. So I think OK feeding time.... I get myself sorted ready for her she opens her mouth wide gets in position but doesn't latch she just stays there with noon in her open mouth then she'll throw her head back five what looks like a cheeky smile and then is quiet content for a while lol. What's with that?! Lol
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Sophie will wake every 3 hours in night for feed but straight back to sleep so not too bad.
Health visitor called and came today. Baby weights 9lb 7 now. She was 8lb 1 at birth so she is doing well. I had a feeling she had gained weight well as she feels heavier and some clothes don't fit already xx
That is a good weight lisey! G is being weighed next at 6 weeks, he is heavier and longer so I wonder how much he will have put on. He has now just about outgrown his newborn clothes and has gone in to up to 1 month today, they are a bit big but at least they aren't tight over his toes when he stretches out.

Sounds like every little one is now piling on the weight!
Thanks Emily for setting up the group xx
Great everyone is gaining weight now :)
I can't believe how well some babies are sleeping! I am so jealous! Leora is up every 2 hours for a feed like clockwork! Sometimes hourly! I am shattered and now getting a cold which I never get unless I am run down!
Can you mix two different days of BM together? My HV said keep only the first 24 hour milk together don't mix them? Also does anyone mix BM and formula together? I am going to try this because I am hardly getting anything when I express! And I need to see if I can get longer between feeds because what with how long she sometimes feeds for and with keeping her upright afterwards I am shattered.
I am not sure but I think she smiled at me yesterday! I just can't wait for this! When she is awake and content it's just magical watching her! I am wishing the time away because of the reflux though which is sad. Thinking of cutting out dairy too because read so many stories of cows milk allergy and if it is that and we wait until 3 months and then start cutting it out what damage will have already been done ? It's so hard to know if it's allergy or not!
I'm thinking of adding "trouble" as a middle name for LO! She kept us awake last night and then slept from 7.30 till 11, had a feed and is zonked out again! It's OH's bday today so we're gonna venture out for some lunch.
aria keeps being sick after her bottles really hope she hasnt got reflux :( my son used to be sick after every bottle projectile vomit
My son was a very Sicky baby. If anyone wanted to cuddle him it was a case of give them 2464324 muslins and then hand over the baby! Lol!

Lol my son was sicky too he had gastric reflux he didn't seem to mind being sick but it was projectile.... a lot!
Nikki, maybe change the formula. My son was very lucky but was worse on certain milks, in the end aptimil was the best for him xx

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