May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Cramps are normal. Said so on my app lol. Things are moving and stretching now xx
I am having loads of cramps and my abdomen is sore and uncomfortable and I have backache and shooting pains and a sore pelvis at times, i don't feel Human! However so far today is the first day of no bleeding!!! Not sure it will last but nice to have a break..

Ery why do they spring things on us when we are already a bag of nerves! But like Lisey said it will be worth it to see baby again x it's just the build up :(

Nikkki I agree with the others, he is being so selfish and you really don't need this in your condition it's not fair on you at all. You deserve better x easy for me to say I know!

I had brown spotting up until 16 weeks with harrison and I have bled from 5 weeks with this one so it can be normal and it's super common too! If worried def phone EPU it's not worth you worrying xx
Just has a massive spider run out at me. Don't know how ivr kept my stomach contents with the morning sickness the fear of the phone call and the shock of the spider geez my tummy deserves a medal!
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I hate spiders. I had a dream last night that a huge one ran across the floor and climbed into bed with me.

I had a letter this morning from our fertility clinic saying they are discharging us and cancelling our next appointment. I haven't said anything to them yet just in case, so I hope this hasn't jinxed things! Not that I believe in that but hey ho.
Thanks lisey, Ery and Lou. I just might give them a ring once I get off of work. I haven't had anything spotting today. I think it's the change in the sensations in my lower abdomen, but I guess with a growing uterus, I should expect that to change from time to time.
Spotting/bleeding in pregnancy, although common, should never be considered normal so def call for advice hun. It's more than likely nothing to worry about, especially if it's brown, old blood but I'd give your mw a buzz for some advice.

I saw my gp today to arrange a referral to the MWs but came home to a letter from them so the EPU must have already referred me!

Booking in is on 14th October at 5pm. Let's hope it's good news at my scan on Wednesday and that I make it to my booking in appointment!!

Fx hun. I hae my scan and booking in on the 13th so we are close Emily. Such a scary time!
It really is!

I've got the fear back big time now. Just got to keep thinking that it's only a few more weeks and we're out of Tri one.

Can't come quick enough if you ask me!!

I can't wait for tri 2. I am hoping the sickness will ease by then.
Had to call boss today and tell him I'm signed off for another 2 weeks. I was dreading it but he was so lovely about it xx
I just found babies hb on doppler!!

Recorded it and a MW friend has confirmed it was babies heart beat!!!


That's fab Emily. I am debating getting one too xx
I've not stopped smiling since I heard it and when my friend said it was def baby I burst into tears!

It was quite faint and behind my hb and other whooshing type sounds and if I moved the probe even a fraction I lost it! I recorded about 3 seconds of it before I lost it again but I've listened to those 3 seconds over and over again!!

I'll play it to hubby later but I bet he won't be able to hear it!Lol!


Congrats bet you feel much better about the scan now too x x x
Hubby could hear it!!

He said it was really obvious until I got in the way with my whoosh whoosh whooshing!! Lol!!

Lol awww bless bet your made up x x x so pleased for you x x x
I really am! I can't stop listening to it over and over again.

I've been so worried that it'll be bad news at scan and they will tell me that bubs has no hb but I'm so reassured hearing it today. It's just the most amazing sound!!

Congratulations and welcome Nikki!


I think you're right about having them in April.

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Oh Emily that's fantastic Hun! So glad u feel better now, it will be so much easier for you to get to the scan so pleased for u xx

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