May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Vegas I miss eating! lol I usually love my food but the last week I've gone off everything! it's a chore to eat at the moment lol
Hope everything is ok Lou!

I go from feeling sick to starving too, then regret eating!

Had some enchiladas for lunch. I remember liking them with my first actually!

I have been keeping up to date with you all on here but don't post often, just want to say to all who are suffering or struggling that you're all troopers, and that I'm hoping all goes well for all of us.

I've not been able to eat dinners due to bloating, not really felt that sick but I was very sick during my last pregnancy, and I found that drinking strawberry milk helps! I can't remember what its called right now but it's a powder you mix into milk, it's amazing!

Yesterday morning and this morning I've been having strong period like cramps (I had a mmc earlier this year) so I booked a private early scan for Monday when I'll be 7w. Eek!

Betty xx
i go from sick to starving just had my sarnie out the fridge took one bite and then binned it!! i feel sick now x
that's how I feel leigh. I used to enjoy eating and now I don't lol. can hardly keep my eyes open aswell
i used to have anorexia which stemmed from my phobia of being sick so im trying to power through it to try and keep this little one safe and sound :) xxx
I have been keeping up to date with you all on here but don't post often, just want to say to all who are suffering or struggling that you're all troopers, and that I'm hoping all goes well for all of us.

I've not been able to eat dinners due to bloating, not really felt that sick but I was very sick during my last pregnancy, and I found that drinking strawberry milk helps! I can't remember what its called right now but it's a powder you mix into milk, it's amazing!

Yesterday morning and this morning I've been having strong period like cramps (I had a mmc earlier this year) so I booked a private early scan for Monday when I'll be 7w. Eek!

Betty xx

I've been drinking banana milkshake - the Nesquik powder. That's definitely helped me.
Hey ladies. I had an early scan last week at 7wk all was ok but since then I've been cramping and now spotting so my mw is booming me another scan just to check all still ok. Have lower back pain with an urge to poo but constipated. I lost my first at 8wks but that was mmc so no spotting or cramps just lost the heartbeat. So worried now xx
Hello.... I'm 5 weeks and 1 day, today. I'm not sure when my due date is actually. I've had three different dates from online sources! - 25th, 29th and 30th of May!

This was an unexpected pregnancy for me and it is my first, so I am feeling quite worried and uncertain at the moment!
can someone tell me if this is normal, i have slight light pink blood inside but not when i wipe, is this normal, could it be implantation?
Hi ladies
Had the scan this morning. They found a tiny 3mm baby with a little flicker for a heart beat. Will have to go back in two weeks for a scan to be properly measured and heartbeat checked. The scan also found that I had a heart shaped uterus which they reckon is the reason for my spotting. They say there's increased risks of various things. A little worried but keep reminding myself that my body has done it before with my girl.
Breathing a sigh of relief this afternoon!
Hope all you other ladies are having good news xxx
Hey ladies. I had an early scan last week at 7wk all was ok but since then I've been cramping and now spotting so my mw is booming me another scan just to check all still ok. Have lower back pain with an urge to poo but constipated. I lost my first at 8wks but that was mmc so no spotting or cramps just lost the heartbeat. So worried now xx

Hope everything is ok Hun. Thinking of you xx when will your next scan be? X
Anne I'm glad your scan went well and you saw a heartbeat! how many weeks are you?
Good luck ladies. My husband is fining my sickness extremely hard to cope with at the moment he's really struggling and I want to do something special for him but I don't know what.
You're the one suffering eryinera. Don't worry about doing anything special until you feel better xx
He's been so so good though he's been both parents cleaner chef maid and nurse. When I'm better he's gonna get so much sex lol
Lol. You are too kind. I am a proper cow, I am not planning on giving him any sex at all lol xx
Lol. Before I got pregnant we were very active but since nausea kicked in my drive has been non existent. But I've had a few naughty dreams recently lol.

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