May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

I've had a couple of naughty dreams and climaxed in my sleep (that used to happen before so not pregnancy related) and we've dtd once since my bfp.

Thinking back to my son's pregnancy, we had a good time during the second trimester especially!! Just need to get out of the uber terrifying, icky feeling Tri one and then hopefully things will return to normal!

My sex drive is non existent. Neither of us want to have sex whilst I am pregnant anyway so he will be waiting a while. I have had enough of sex if I am honest, after 5 years ttc, it gets pretty tiresome xx
Good luck ladies. My husband is fining my sickness extremely hard to cope with at the moment he's really struggling and I want to do something special for him but I don't know what.

Anything him and your son would enjoy together?
Like booking tickets for a day at a theme park? Something they'd both enjoy maybe...and you'd still have chance to rest for the day ;)

We haven't dtd since getting my bfp. More because I've had spotting...or I'm asleep lol.
We had plenty from tri 2 with my first, so hoping for the same this time round.
I feel a bit bad for him. He was away a lot in my first pregnancy, but he's changed jobs this time round, so he'll hopefully be round more when that stage hits haha xx
I've climaxed in dream state before now too lol.we also have only dtd once after becoming pregnant really early on before this sickness. Tri 2 was very fun when I was carrying my son too. Can't wait to be out of tri 1!!! Have we not find our time yet lol.

Getting something for both son and hubby. I've actually got a good idea I have part their joined Xmas pressie already so maybe I can give them that! It's for a tabletop game they play together. I've just made my son's bed for him which I think he'll appreciate more right now. I only heaved once! Knackered now though! I need a nap lol.
Sounds like a lovely idea.
Well done on making the bed too! I think that's one of the worst house jobs making up beds!

Me and my little boy just got into bed to watch the bedtime hour. So glad I did early dinner. I feel so sick!
Hubby's on afternoon/lates so I won't see him till Thursday now lol.

Hi ladies had my scan and all fine... So relieved I was so anxious after the last week. Baby measuring 7 weeks and 4 days so grown quite a bit too :) - Friday he said I was 6 weeks 3 days! Feeling better and they have let me keep my appt next Tuesday just for my reassurance :) so at least for tonight I will sleep well. Finished ab's too so hopefully I will feel a bit more human too :) and if I don't its fine because that just means it's baby growing :)

Lou x
feeling so down today wanted to be in bed all day :( so exhausted and I feel sick and I can't eat. oh is making dinner and I'm gonna go in the bath once the boys are in bed
aw lou I'm so glad it's OK! naughty baby making you worry! lol
So glad all is ok Lou.

This bleeding must be so worrying for you!

Sounds as though bubba is doing great though.

Lou fantastic news!

Eryinera I love Brightys idea for something they can do together, plus you would get a bit of alone time if you are still feeling crap.

We are still dtd whenever we fancy, nowhere near as much as we usually do I suspect mainly as I'm too tired and I've gone to bed before oh and been asleep by the time he has come upstairs. He did ask if we could tonight ;) I don't feel as rough as alot of you guys though.
My goodness, I am a horrid girlfriend. You are all still considering or having sex. I am flat out no on that front and don't even feel bad about it lol. My OH has said he wouldn't feel comfortable anyway though so at least it takes the pressure off!!
My goodness, I am a horrid girlfriend. You are all still considering or having sex. I am flat out no on that front and don't even feel bad about it lol. My OH has said he wouldn't feel comfortable anyway though so at least it takes the pressure off!!

I'm the same! It's only for conception in this house!! xx
My goodness, I am a horrid girlfriend. You are all still considering or having sex. I am flat out no on that front and don't even feel bad about it lol. My OH has said he wouldn't feel comfortable anyway though so at least it takes the pressure off!!

I'm the same! It's only for conception in this house!! xx

That's what it got like for us. It was five years of trying. It's bound to have an affect.

Nikki, hope you're feeling better xx
Glad you're all good Lou!

I'm so symptomless.

Only a mini bump and tiredness.

I think I'm 6 weeks today off my scans and I OV'd 48hours after + opk.

There's still time I guess!

Hi girls. Popped onto this group as I'm due roughly 7th May. Had some spotting and had a scan last week which confirmed heartbeat and all ok!! But I've had a much heavier bleed today (no clots or anything, just heavier than it has been) so I'm back in tomorrow morning for another scan. Fingers crossed bubba is still growing. Read all your good news on this thread so feeling the positive vibes xxx
Scan day for me too.

I'm absolutely shitting myself.

Terrified it'll be another mmc.

Anne I'm glad your scan went well and you saw a heartbeat! how many weeks are you?

Sorry for the late replay nikki. Thank you x I reckon I'm 6+3 and the scan baby was measuring 6. They said baby is still too small to measure accurately. The heartbeat they recorded as a pulse rather than at a rate. Really hoping I get no more bleeding. Hopefully the rescan in two weeks will reassure me further xx

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