May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Congrats to you ladies!!
Lots of lovely news today!!! 😍😍
Yeah it's my dog.

He's due to go back for repeat bloods and another scan next week and they said depending on that he might need an absorption study and possibly and endoscopy.

Just a lot to be worrying about him and worrying about me and baby and just trying to keep on top of everything.

I'm rooting for you and your dog Emily!

Good luck nikki and Emily for Wednesday x x x
I'm shitting myself, I really am.

I feel like we can't all be that lucky to be finally getting our rainbows after RMC. Everyone has had such good news at their scans, it almost feels like by process of elimination it'll be me that the luck runs out on and I'll get the bad news.

I hope not hun I really hope that we all get through this horrid trimester together and can start to relax!
Yeah it's my dog.

He's due to go back for repeat bloods and another scan next week and they said depending on that he might need an absorption study and possibly and endoscopy.

Just a lot to be worrying about him and worrying about me and baby and just trying to keep on top of everything.


With my parents dog it turned out to specific foods she reacted to. She reacted very badly to anything with beef in it. As she got older she also became sensitive to more foods. They used to cook food for her themselves as it was actually cheaper than specialist dog food and seemed to be the best for her. They would cook up a big pan of rice and chicken for her and freeze it in tubs. It solved her digestive issues 90% and she lived to be 17. The moment she tasted anything with beef in it though she would be back to having diarrhoea with blood in it.
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He's just on cooked chicken at the moment and it's not helping him at all. Just got to wait and see what the vet says I guess.

Chicken makes pancreatitus worse as high in protein. Obv don't know if it's that though. Do the vets sell a very bland food likes hills Id or hills wd that they feed dogs that are recuperating xx
Apparently his bloods didn't indicate pancreatitis so they don't think it's that. I did ask about giving him ID but the vet said chicken should be fine. It's all just been a bit of a nightmare and I just hope we can get to the bottom of it soon.

Then some good news on Wednesday too and we'll be set!

Oh I see. Hopefully he will be on the mend soon xx
Lots of luck for the scan. Hope these couple of days go quickly xx
Just got to get through tomorrow and then it'll be scan day.

I hope I can give you all good news!

got my fx for both of us Emily good news is I'm still feeling sick which I hate but at least it's a symptom lol
I found out I am expecting with my 1st. Actually really excited but not getting my hopes up too soon. I am roughly 5wks and 1 day making me due around 28th May! My sickness has started up especially at night - its like sickly heartburn :sick: but in the day I feel constantly hungry.

Foods that put me off are the smell of chocolate(!) and greasy food.

I don't see the midwife for first appointment until 19th October!

Any tips on combating sickness and getting enough food in my system?!
congrats! I don't have much advice on the sickness I eat little and often to keep the sickness at bay lol don't really fancy much tho!
there's a June mummies now, glad were heading in the right direction lol
I'm feeling less corpse like since finding a drink I can hold down. I can drink tea through a straw as long as I have a mint afterwards to get rid of the after taste. I'm feeling a bit less sick which is good but worrying I'm sure it's just a calm before the storm though. Hope everyone else is doing OK. Emily and nikki I don't envy you and your weight. The bubble is so nice to live inside but I'm hoping you both get good news soon. X X X X
I so so hope it's good news.

I'm so struggling to imagine it.

This really sucks. Just want Tri one to be over and done with and to graduate the right way!!

I wish we could all fast forward out of tri 1. It's such a worrying time esp after what alot of us have been through xx

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