May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

No I know maybe baby :) it's been worrying me since my other episode of bleeding and pains so never shaken that worry! X
Aww I was meaning tell a white lie! Not that I think you're ectopic.

I'm sure you'll be fine.

I'm scared to go to the loo incase i have more spotting.
In A&E now in lots of pain and vomiting. It's very busy but they have taken blood, can't see this ending well, feel so unwell. Feel so down.
I hope you and bubs are find lou it must be so worrying for you x x x
On pain relief and a drip, bleeding slowed but pains still bad, hcg over 60,000 having scan first thing, praying baby is ok! Really don't like these pains though and felt really unwell :( so worried can't sleep :(
Hope everything is OK hun :hug:

Hubby and I DTD for the first time since bfp last night. I was in the mood and he was gentle. Can't help but worry now though! Hope baby is OK still.

oh no lou I hope you and baby are OK!

Emily I dtd with oh first time since my bleed the other night and no more bleeding since I'm sure you will be fine :)
I know that unless advised by a medical professional, sex is safe in pregnancy. We've not been advised against DTD at all, it was me who put a sex ban in place! Lol! But having had three losses I'm obviously expecting the worst with this one too and now I'm worried because we've has sex and what if we've caused a problem?

I doubt it will make any difference I had a doctor poke my cervix to see if it was sore the other day.

My body is its own instrument at the moment there is gas moving all around me groaning as it does.

I think I need more nutrients inside me!
Sex won't cause any problems Emily. We are both too scared to dtd just in case it causes some bleeding and I feel too sick anyway.

Lou, I really hope all is ok with bubs xx
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Hi ladies
Haven't been on the thread for a while. Just catching up with some of your stories.
Lou I hope everything goes ok today. Thinking of you, What a frightening time bless you!

Stay strong all of you. This first trimester is horrible! Roll on for your scans I say! The waiting around is the worst.

I'm too afraid to dtd atm due to spotting in my last pregnancy early on. I can see me holding out until the 12 week scan if I'm honest.

I'm worried as I've had very little symptoms since the start, maybe a little bit of tiredness and weeing in the early morning but nothing else. I've been having ewcm everyday not sure if that's normal as with my dd I had bleeding/spotting from week 4-7. I'm now 5:6 not sure how I should be feeling. I wish there was something more that a pregnancy test that would tell me I'm still pregnant!
Anyone else feel really really lightheaded?

First thing in the morning eryinera yes!! Once my breakfast has settled I do feel a little better but it improves as the day goes on xxx
Aww I'm stuck in the worst traffic think I'm gonna be late! Pulling some sneaky weaves round queues!! 🙈

Big hugs Lou I hope everything is ok when they scan you.

I've been a bit lightheaded before eating if I'm getting a bit hungry. I seem hungrier than usual just what I need lol. Luckily I only seem to need to eat a little then I feel super full, which is a bit odd. I don't really have any other symptoms though so I suppose this is something!

Hope you aren't too late maybe!

Lisey 8 weeks already wow!
Thank you. I'm not alone then! I've scared myself with Dr Google lol. I need to stop obsessing.... can't we just have personal us machines at home?????
All ok thank god! Measuring 6 weeks and 5 days with a heartbeat, can't see a reason for bleeding, apparently I have a heart shaped uterus now so that might be why!! Giving me ab's as they suspect I might have a UTI which might account for me feeling so unwell. Home to bed soon hopefully! Xx

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